function Find-NetsCertificate { param ( [string]$Email, [switch]$CheckRevocation, [switch]$SkipRevoked ) $searchDN="c=dk" $subjectAlternateNameUid = "" #import .net assembly if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop") { $ldapconnection = New-Object -TypeName Novell.Directory.LDAP.LdapConnection } else { $ldapconnection = New-Object -TypeName Novell.Directory.LDAP.VQ.LdapConnection } if($CheckRevocation) { #invoke webrequest is slow with progressbar for some reason $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #get crl lists $ica02 = Invoke-Webrequest http://crl.ica02.trust2408.com/ica02.crl $ica03 = Invoke-Webrequest http://crl.ica03.trust2408.com/ica03.crl $ica04 = Invoke-Webrequest http://crl.ica04.trust2408.com/ica04.crl $ica05 = Invoke-Webrequest http://crl.ica05.trust2408.com/ica05.crl $x509crlparserobj = New-Object Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509CrlParser $x509certbc = New-Object Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509CertificateParser $ica02crl = $x509crlparserobj.ReadCrl($ica02.Content) $ica03crl = $x509crlparserobj.ReadCrl($ica03.Content) $ica04crl = $x509crlparserobj.ReadCrl($ica04.Content) $ica05crl = $x509crlparserobj.ReadCrl($ica05.Content) } $ldapconnection.Connect("crtdir.certifikat.dk",389) $ldapscope = 2 #scope_sub #sanitize user input $certificatestring = $Email.Trim() try { #make connection to crtdir with ldap $cn = $ldapconnection.Search($searchDN,$ldapscope,"(mail=$certificatestring)",$null,$false) #this method has to be called before using count on object to check if any results are returned because it is blocking $cn.hasMore() | Out-Null #check if any results if ($cn.Count -eq 0) { throw "No certificate found" } $customobject = @() do { $dn = $cn.next() #get attribute from ldap entry in dn $ldapcert = $dn.getAttribute("userCertificate;binary") #put sbyte array into var $certificatebinary = $ldapcert.ByteValue #put binary data into .net certficate object. $Certobject = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 ` -ArgumentList @(,$certificatebinary) if($CheckRevocation){ $certobjectBC = $x509certbc.ReadCertificate($certificatebinary) } $decimalserial = [convert]::ToInt64($certobject.SerialNumber,16) $Isrevoked = "" if($CheckRevocation) { if($certobjectBC.IssuerDN -eq "C=DK,O=TRUST2408,CN=TRUST2408 OCES CA II") { $Isrevoked = $ica02crl.IsRevoked($certobjectBC) } if ($certobjectBC.IssuerDN -eq "C=DK,O=TRUST2408,CN=TRUST2408 OCES CA III") { $Isrevoked = $ica03crl.IsRevoked($certobjectBC) } if ($certobjectBC.IssuerDN -eq "C=DK,O=TRUST2408,CN=TRUST2408 OCES CA IV") { $Isrevoked = $ica04crl.IsRevoked($certobjectBC) } if ($certobjectBC.IssuerDN -eq "C=DK,O=TRUST2408,CN=TRUST2408 OCES CA V") { $Isrevoked = $ica05crl.IsRevoked($certobjectBC) } } if($CheckRevocation -and $SkipRevoked -and $Isrevoked -eq $true) { continue } #put extesions into asn objects $extensions = $Certobject.Extensions $asnarray = @{} foreach ($e in $extensions) { $asn = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData($e.oid, $e.rawdata) $asnformatted= $asn.Format($true) $asnarray.add($asn.Oid, $asnformatted) } #get mail from rfc822 name inside certificate $mail = ((($asnarray[($asnarray.Keys | Where-Object Value -eq $subjectAlternateNameUid)]) -replace "`r`n","").Split('='))[1] #check to see if certifcate has expired $expired = "" if($Certobject.NotAfter -lt (Get-Date)) { $expired = $true } else { $expired = $false } #make psobject with information $customobject += New-Object psobject -Property @{RawCertificate=$certificatebinary;Mail=$mail;Name=$Certobject.Subject;Created=$Certobject.NotBefore;Expires=$Certobject.NotAfter;SerialNumberDecimal=$decimalserial;SerialNumberHex=$Certobject.SerialNumber;Expired=$expired;Extensions=$extensions;Thumbprint=$Certobject.Thumbprint;Revoked=$Isrevoked} } while ($cn.hasMore()) return $customobject } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Exception calling `"SendRequest`" with `"2`" argument(s): `"Den tilladte*`"") { throw "More than five certificates found for this email" } else { throw $_ } } } if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop") { Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Novell.Directory.LDAP.dll" #mono compatible assembly } else { Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Novell.Directory.LDAP.VQ.dll" #.core assembly } Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll" #responsible for crl parsing should be compatible with both versions |