
function Update-JiraProjectActors {
    param (
        # The list of project keys for which to retrieve details

        # The ID value of the refresh underway

        # The sql instance to update data in

        # The sql database to update data in

        # The schema to use when updating data
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Updating Project Roles and Actors"

        $actorTableName = "tbl_stg_Jira_Project_Actor"
        $actors = @()
        $roleTableName = "tbl_stg_Jira_Project_Role"
        $roles = @()
    process {
        #first get a list of all project roles
        Write-Verbose "Getting Project Roles"
        $roles += Invoke-JiraGetAllProjectRoles | Read-JiraProjectRole -RefreshId $RefreshId

        #then loop through projects, loop through roles, and retrieve all the actors
        foreach($key in $ProjectKeys) {
            Write-Verbose "Getting Project Actors for Project Key $key"
            $projectRoles = Invoke-JiraGetProjectRolesForProject $key
            foreach($role in $ {
                $roleUrl = [string]$role.value.ToString()
                $roleId = [int]$roleUrl.Substring($roleUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
                $actors += Invoke-JiraGetProjectRoleForProject $key $roleId | Where-Object { $_ } | Read-JiraProjectActor -ProjectKey $key -RefreshId $RefreshId
    end {
        $roleCount = $roles.Count
        Write-Verbose "Writing $roleCount Project Role record(s) to staging table"
        $roles | Write-SqlTableData -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $SqlDatabase -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $roleTableName

        $actorCount = $actors.Count
        Write-Verbose "Writing $actorCount Project Actor record(s) to staging table"
        $actors | Write-SqlTableData -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $SqlDatabase -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $actorTableName