function Update-JiraProjects { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The list of project keys for projects to update [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [AllowNull()] [string[]] $ProjectKeys, # The ID value of the refresh underway [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [int] $RefreshId, # The sql instance to update data in [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=2)] [string] $SqlInstance, # The sql database to update data in [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=3)] [string] $SqlDatabase, # The schema to use when updating data [Parameter(Position=4)] [string] $SchemaName="dbo" ) begin { Write-Verbose "Begin Jira Project Update" $tableName = "tbl_stg_Jira_Project" $projects = @() #if no keys were supplied, then get all projects if (($null -eq $ProjectKeys) -or ($ProjectKeys.Count -eq 0)) { $startAt = 0 $lastPageReached = $false do { Write-Verbose "Getting All Jira Projects" #get a set of results $result = Invoke-JiraGetProjects -MaxResults 50 -StartAt $startAt -Expand @("description","lead") #process the results, if there were more than zero if ($result.values.Count -ne 0) { #transform the projects into objects and keep them, if we don't have them already $projects += $result.values | Where-Object { ($projects | ForEach-Object {$_.Project_Key}) -notcontains $_.key } | Read-JiraProject -RefreshId $RefreshId } #set the startAt for the potential next call $startAt += $result.values.Count #check if we've reached the last page if ($result.isLast) { $lastPageReached = $true } #keep going unless we've reached the end of the results } while (!$lastPageReached) } } process { #if keys were supplied, then we loop through them and get projects if ($_) { Write-Verbose "Getting Jira Project for Project Key $_" $projects += Invoke-JiraGetProject $_ | Read-JiraProject -RefreshId $RefreshId } } end { Write-Verbose "Writing Jira Projects to staging table" $projects | Write-SqlTableData -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $SqlDatabase -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $tableName Write-Verbose "End Jira Project Update" # this function is unique - need to return the objects in order to make sure the project key list for future requests is accurate $projects } } |