function Update-JiraDeletedIssues { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The JQL to use when retrieving issues [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string] $Jql, # The sql instance to update data in [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [string] $SqlInstance, # The sql database to update data in [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=2)] [string] $SqlDatabase, # The schema to use when updating data [Parameter(Position=3)] [string] $SchemaName="dbo" ) begin { Write-Verbose "Begin Jira Deleted Issue Update" $table = "tbl_stg_Jira_Issue_All_Id" #results arrays $allIssueIds = @() #looping variables $startAt = 0 $lastPageReached = $false } process { Write-Verbose "Getting All Jira Issue Ids using JQL $Jql" do { #get results Write-Verbose ("Requesting results $startAt to " + [string]($startAt + 100)) $result = Invoke-JiraSearchIssues -Jql $jql -GET -MaxResults 100 -StartAt $startAt -Fields "id" #if there were results, process them if ($result.issues.Count -ne 0) { $allIssueIds += $result.issues | Where-Object { $allIssueIds -notcontains $ } | ForEach-Object { [int]$ } } #iterate the start counter $startAt += $result.issues.Count #check to see if we're at the end if ($allIssueIds.Count -eq $ { $lastPageReached = $true } #keep going unless we've hit the last page of results } while (!$lastPageReached) } end { Write-Verbose "Writing All Jira Issue Ids to staging table" $allIssueIds | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Issue_Id = [int]$_ } } | Write-SqlTableData -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $SqlDatabase -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $table -Force Write-Verbose "End Jira Deleted Issue Update" } } |