<# .SYNOPSIS Replaces a Panel in a Dashboard. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet can be used to replace an existing Panel in a Dashboard with a new provided Panel. .PARAMETER Panel A PowerGrafana.Panel that is the Panel we want to update, this can be retrieved with "Get-GrafanaPanel", then updated and then provided to this cmdlet to be reflected in Grafana. .PARAMETER Dashboard A PowerGrafana.Dashboard object where we will be replacing the panel. .EXAMPLE .NOTES .LINK Get-GrafanaPanel #> function Update-GrafanaDashboardPanel { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [PSTypeName('PowerGrafana.Panel')] $Panel, [parameter(mandatory = $true)]$Dashboard ) $URI = Get-GrafanaURI $Header = New-GrafanaHeader try { $RetrievedDashboard = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $Header -Uri $("$URI/api/dashboards/uid/" + $Dashboard.uid) if ($RetrievedDashboard) { try { if ($null -ne $RetrievedDashboard.dashboard.panels) { $LookupPanel = $RetrievedDashboard.dashboard.panels | Where-Object -Property id -eq $ $UpdatedPanelList = @() $UpdatedPanelList = $RetrievedDashboard.dashboard.panels $UpdatedPanelList[$RetrievedDashboard.dashboard.panels.indexof($LookupPanel)] = $Panel $body = @{ dashboard = @{ id = $ uid = $RetrievedDashboard.meta.uid title = $RetrievedDashboard.meta.slug tags = $Tags timezone = "browser" schemaVersion = 26 version = $RetrievedDashboard.meta.version refresh = "25s" panels = @($UpdatedPanelList) } folderId = 0 overwrite = $true } Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers $Header -Body $($body | convertto-json -Depth 10) -Uri "$URI/api/dashboards/db" } } catch { throw $_ #$("Panel not found in dashboard with uid {0}." -f $Dashboard.uid) } } } catch { throw $_ #$("Dashboard with uid {0} does not exist." -f $Dashboard.uid) } } |