<# .SYNOPSIS Creates an alert in a panel. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will create an alert in a panel, take into consideration you can only have one alert per grafana panel. This alert can have multiple conditions that you can create using the cmdlet 'New-PanelAlertCondition' but the id for each condition can go only from 'A' to .PARAMETER alertRuleTags An array of strings that will be used to tag the alert. .PARAMETER conditions An array of PowerGrafana.PanelAlertCondition .PARAMETER executionErrorState A string that tells grafana how to handle errors in query or timeouts, this can be either "Alerting" or "Keep Last State", defaults to "Alerting" .PARAMETER for The amount of time this alert will be evaluated. .PARAMETER frequency How ofther this alert will be executed/evaluated. .PARAMETER handler .PARAMETER name The name of the alert .PARAMETER noDataState The definition of what to do in case the metrics are returning no data, this can be: no_data: Will set the alert to no_data Alerting: Will send an alert Keep Last State: Will retain the last status of the alert Ok: This will send an status "OK" in case of no data returned from the query in the metric .PARAMETER notifications An array of notification channels ids to notify in case the alert is fired. .EXAMPLE .NOTES .LINK #> function New-GrafanaPanelAlert { param( [hashtable]$alertRuleTags = @{}, [PSTypeName('PowerGrafana.PanelAlertCondition')] [hashtable[]]$conditions = (New-PanelAlertCondition), [string]$executionErrorState = "alerting", [string]$for = "5m", [string]$frequency = "1m", [string]$handler = 1, [string]$name = "Default alert title", [string]$noDataState = "no_data", [hashtable[]]$notifications = @(@{uid = "XXX-XXXXX" }) ) begin { $Alert = @{ alertRuleTags = $alertRuleTags conditions = $conditions executionErrorState = $executionErrorState for = $for frequency = $frequency handler = $handler name = $name noDataState = $noDataState notifications = $notifications } } process { $Alert.PSOBject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'PowerGrafana.PanelAlert') return $Alert } } |