<# .SYNOPSIS Creates an Azure datasource in Grafana .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will create an Azure datasource in Grafana using the provided configuration. .PARAMETER name The name of the datasource to create .PARAMETER appInsightsAppId The application id of our Application Insights instance in Azure. .PARAMETER azureLogAnalyticsSameAs This is a flag to determine if the Log Analytics configuration is the same as the one used for Azure Monitor, setting this to True will allow to not provide a configuration for Log Analytics items. .PARAMETER clientId The client id of the Service Principal used in Azure to manage the resources. .PARAMETER cloudName .PARAMETER logAnalyticsClientId The client id of our log analytics workspace instance in Azure. .PARAMETER logAnalyticsClientSecret The secret of our log analytics workspace instance .PARAMETER logAnalyticsTenantId The tenant id of the Azure Active Directory where our log analytics workspace instance is deployed. .PARAMETER tenantId The tenant id where the Azure resources are deployed. .PARAMETER appInsightsApiKey The applications insights instrumentation key. .PARAMETER clientSecret The secret key of the Service Principal used to manage our resources in Azure. .EXAMPLE .NOTES .LINK #> function New-GrafanaAzureDataSource { param( [string]$name, [string]$appInsightsAppId, [bool]$azureLogAnalyticsSameAs, [string]$clientId, [string]$cloudName, [string]$logAnalyticsClientId, [string]$logAnalyticsClientSecret, [string]$logAnalyticsTenantId, [string]$tenantId, [string]$appInsightsApiKey, [string]$clientSecret ) $URI = Get-GrafanaURI $Header = New-GrafanaHeader $body = @{ name = $name type = "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource" typeLogoUrl = "public/app/plugins/datasource/grafana-azure-monitor-datasource/img/logo.jpg" access = "proxy" url = "/api/datasources/proxy/1" jsonData = @{ azureLogAnalyticsSameAs = $azureLogAnalyticsSameAs clientId = $clientId tenantId = $tenantId cloudName = "azuremonitor" logAnalyticsClientId = $logAnalyticsClientId logAnalyticsTenantId = $logAnalyticsTenantId logAnalyticsClientSecret = $logAnalyticsClientSecret appInsightsAppId = $appInsightsAppId appInsightsApiKey = $appInsightsApiKey } secureJsonData = @{ clientSecret = $clientSecret } } $Datasources = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers $Header -Uri $("$URI/api/datasources") -Body ($body | convertto-json ) return $Datasources } |