Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot/New-LibGit2SharpRebaseOptions.psm1" -Scope Local function Start-GitRebase { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The commit to begin rebasing from, defaults to rebase all reachable commits # This is the current base of $Branch [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Upstream, # The terminal commit to rebase, defaults to rebase the current branch # This is the branch that will be "moved" [Parameter(Position = 1)] [Alias('FriendlyName')] [Alias('HeadRef')] # PSGitHub.PullRequest [string] $Branch, # The branch to rebase onto, defaults to rebase onto the given upstream [string] $Onto, [Parameter()] [LibGit2Sharp.CheckoutFileConflictStrategy] $ConflictStrategy, [Parameter()] [string] $RepoRoot ) process { $cancel = $false $repo = Find-GitRepository -Path $RepoRoot -Verify if (-not $repo) { return } $RepoRoot = $repo.Info.Path $branchObject = if ($Branch) { Get-GitBranch -Name $Branch } else { $null } $upstreamObject = if ($Upstream) { Get-GitBranch -Name $Upstream } else { $null } $ontoObject = if ($Onto) { Get-GitBranch -Name $Onto } else { $null } $signature = New-GitSignature -RepoRoot $RepoRoot $committer = [LibGit2Sharp.Identity]::new($signature.Name, $signature.Email) $options = New-LibGit2SharpRebaseOptions $options.OnCheckoutNotify = { param([string]$Path, [LibGit2Sharp.CheckoutNotifyFlags]$NotifyFlags) Write-Information "$($NotifyFlags): $Path" return -not $cancel -and -not $PSCmdlet.Stopping } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ConflictStrategy')) { $options.FileConflictStrategy = $ConflictStrategy } try { $repo.Rebase.Start($branchObject, $upstreamObject, $ontoObject, $committer, $options) } finally { $cancel = $true } } } |