using namespace LibGit2Sharp function Get-GitStatusPrompt { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a git prompt. .DESCRIPTION Returns a string colored with ANSI escape sequences that contains a git status summary. To be used in a custom prompt() function. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param () $repo = Find-GitRepository if ($repo) { $promptText += "`e[33m[`e[0m" if ($null -eq $repo.Info.WorkingDirectory) { $promptText += "`e[2mbare`e[0m" } else { # current branch $branch = $repo.Head $branchText = $branch.FriendlyName # tracking status if ($branch.IsTracking) { if ($branch.TrackedBranch.IsGone) { $branchText += " ×" } else { if ($branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy) { $branchText += " ↑" + $branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy } if ($branch.TrackingDetails.BehindBy) { $branchText += " ↓" + $branch.TrackingDetails.BehindBy } if (-not $branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy -and -not $branch.TrackingDetails.BehindBy) { $branchText += " ≡" } } } $color = if ($branch.IsTracking -and $branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy -and $branch.TrackingDetails.BehindBy) { "`e[33m" } elseif ($branch.IsTracking -and $branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy) { "`e[32m" } elseif ($branch.IsTracking -and $branch.TrackingDetails.BehindBy) { "`e[31m" } else { "`e[36m" } $promptText += "$color$branchText`e[0m" # workdir and index status $status = Get-GitStatus 6>$null if ($status) { $counts = @{ } $indexIsDirty = $false $workDirIsDirty = $false foreach ($flag in [Enum]::GetValues([FileStatus])) { $counts[$flag] = 0 } foreach ($file in $status) { foreach ($flag in [Enum]::GetValues([FileStatus])) { if ($file.State.HasFlag($flag)) { $counts[$flag]++ } } if ($null -ne $file.IndexChange) { $indexIsDirty = $true } elseif ($null -ne $file.WorkDirChange) { $workDirIsDirty = $true } } if ($workDirIsDirty) { $promptText += " `e[31m+$($counts[[FileStatus]::NewInWorkdir]) ~$($counts[[FileStatus]::ModifiedInWorkdir]) -$($counts[[FileStatus]::DeletedFromWorkdir])`e[0m" if ($counts[[FileStatus]::Conflicted]) { $promptText += " !$($counts[[FileStatus]::Conflicted])" } } if ($indexIsDirty) { if ($workDirIsDirty) { $promptText += " `e[33m|`e[0m" } $promptText += " `e[32m+$($counts[[FileStatus]::NewInIndex]) ~$($counts[[FileStatus]::ModifiedInIndex]) -$($counts[[FileStatus]::DeletedFromIndex])`e[0m" } } } $repo.Dispose() $promptText += "`e[33m]`e[0m" $promptText } } |