# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function Update-GitRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the working directory of a Git repository to a specific commit. .DESCRIPTION The `Update-GitRepository` function updates a Git repository to a specific commit, i.e. it checks out a specific commit. The default target is "HEAD". Use the `Revision` parameter to specifiy a different branch, tag, commit, etc. If you specify a branch name, and there isn't a local branch by that name, but there is a remote branch, this function creates a new local branch that tracks the remote branch. It defaults to the current repository. Use the `RepoRoot` parameter to specify an explicit path to another repo. Use the `Force` switch to remove any uncommitted/unstaged changes during the checkout. Otherwise, the update will fail. This function implements the `git checkout <target>` command. .EXAMPLE Update-GitRepository -RepoRoot 'C:\Projects\PowerGit' -Revision 'feature/ticket' Demonstrates how to checkout the 'feature/ticket' branch of the given repository. .EXAMPLE Update-GitRepository -RepoRoot 'C:\Projects\PowerGit' -Revision 'refs/tags/tag1' Demonstrates how to create a detached head at the tag 'tag1'. .EXAMPLE Update-GitRepository -RepoRoot 'C:\Projects\PowerGit' -Revision 'develop' -Force Demonstrates how to remove any uncommitted changes during the checkout by using the `Force` switch. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([LibGit2Sharp.Branch])] param( [string] # Specifies which git repository to update. Defaults to the current directory. $RepoRoot = (Get-Location).ProviderPath, [string] # The revision checkout, i.e. update the repository to. A revision can be a specific commit ID/sha (short or long), branch name, tag name, etc. Run git help gitrevisions or go to for full documentation on Git's revision syntax. $Revision = "HEAD", [Switch] # Remove any uncommitted changes when checking out/updating to `Revision`. $Force ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' $repo = Find-GitRepository -Path $RepoRoot -Verify if ( -not $repo ) { return } try { $checkoutOptions = New-Object -TypeName 'LibGit2Sharp.CheckoutOptions' if ( $Force ) { $checkoutOptions.CheckoutModifiers = [LibGit2Sharp.CheckoutModifiers]::Force } $branch = $repo.Branches[$Revision] if ( -not $branch ) { [LibGit2Sharp.Branch]$remoteBranch = $repo.Branches | Where-Object { $_.UpstreamBranchCanonicalName -eq ('refs/heads/{0}' -f $Revision) } if ( $remoteBranch ) { $branch = $repo.Branches.Add($Revision, $remoteBranch.Tip.Sha) $repo.Branches.Update($branch, { param( [LibGit2Sharp.BranchUpdater] $Updater ) $Updater.TrackedBranch = $remoteBranch.CanonicalName }) } } [LibGit2Sharp.Commands]::Checkout($repo, $Revision, $checkoutOptions) } finally { $repo.Dispose() } } |