# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function Send-GitBranch { <# .SYNOPSIS Pushes the current branch to a remote repository, merging in changes from the remote branch, if necessary. .DESCRIPTION The `Send-GitBranch` function sends the changes in the current branch to a remote repository. If there are any new changes for that branch on the remote repository, they are pulled in and merged with the local branch using the `Sync-GitBranch` function. Use the `MergeStrategy` argument to control how new changes are merged into your branch. The default is to use the `merge.ff` Git setting, which is to fast-forward when possible, merge otherwise. The `Retry` parameter controls how many pull/merge/push attempts to make. The default is "5". Returns a `PowerGit.SendBranchResult`. To see if the push succeeded, check the `LastPushResult` property, which is a `PowerGit.PushResult` enumeration. A value of `Ok` means the push succeeded. Other values are `Failed` or `Rejected`. The result object contains lists for every merge and push operation this function attempts. Merge results are in a `MergeResult` object, from first attempt to most recent attempt. Push results are in a `PushResult` property, from first attempt to most recent attempt. The most recent merge result is available as the `LastMergeResult` property. The most recent push result is available as the `LastPushResult` property. This command implements the `git push` command, and, if there are new changes in the remote repository, the `git pull` command. .LINK Sync-GitBranch .LINK Send-GitCommit .EXAMPLE Send-GitBranch Demonstrates how to push changes to a remote repository. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')] [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PowerGit.SendBranchResult])] param( [string] $RepoRoot = (Get-Location).ProviderPath, [ValidateSet('FastForward', 'Merge')] [string] # What to do when merging remote changes into your local branch. By default, will use your configured `merge.ff` configuration options. Set to `Merge` to always create a merge commit. Use `FastForward` to only allow fast-forward "merges" (i.e. move the remote branch to point to your local branch head if there are no new changes on the remote branch). When automating, the safest option is `Merge`. If you choose `FastForward` and the remote branch has new changes on it, this function will fail. $MergeStrategy, [int] # The number of times to retry the push. Default is 5. $Retry = 5 ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState $mergeStrategyParam = @{ } if ( $MergeStrategy ) { $mergeStrategyParam['MergeStrategy'] = $MergeStrategy } $result = [PowerGit.SendBranchResult]::new() try { $tryNum = 0 do { $syncResult = Sync-GitBranch -RepoRoot $RepoRoot @mergeStrategyParam if ( -not $syncResult ) { return } $result.MergeResult.Add($syncResult) if ( $syncResult.Status -eq [LibGit2Sharp.MergeStatus]::Conflicts ) { Write-Error -Message ('There are merge conflicts pulling remote changes into local branch.') return } $pushResult = Send-GitCommit -RepoRoot $RepoRoot $result.PushResult.Add($pushResult) } while ( $tryNum++ -lt $Retry -and $pushResult -ne [PowerGit.PushResult]::Ok ) } finally { # use `,` to prevent enumeration , $result } } |