# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function Copy-GitRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Clones a Git repository. .DESCRIPTION The `Copy-GitRepository` function clones a Git repository from the URL specified by `Uri` to the path specified by `DestinationPath` and checks out the `master` branch. If the repository requires authentication, pass the username/password via the `Credential` parameter. To clone a local repository, pass a file system path to the `Uri` parameter. .EXAMPLE Copy-GitRepository -Uri '' -DestinationPath PowerGit #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] # The URI or path to the source repository to clone. $Source, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] # The directory where the repository should be cloned to. Must not exist or be empty. $DestinationPath, [pscredential] # The credentials to use to connect to the source repository. $Credential, [Switch] # Returns a `System.IO.DirectoryInfo` object for the new copy's `.git` directory. $PassThru ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState $Source = ConvertTo-GitFullPath -Uri $Source $DestinationPath = ConvertTo-GitFullPath -Path $DestinationPath $options = [libgit2sharp.CloneOptions]::new() if ( $Credential ) { $gitCredential = [LibGit2Sharp.SecureUsernamePasswordCredentials]::new() $gitCredential.Username = $Credential.UserName $gitCredential.Password = $Credential.Password $options.CredentialsProvider = { return $gitCredential } } $cancelClone = $false $options.OnProgress = { param( $Output ) Write-Verbose -Message $Output return -not $cancelClone } $lastUpdated = Get-Date $options.OnTransferProgress = { param( [LibGit2Sharp.TransferProgress] $TransferProgress ) # Only update progress every 1/10th of a second, otherwise updating the progress takes longer than the clone if ( ((Get-Date) - $lastUpdated).TotalMilliseconds -lt 100 ) { return $true } if ($ProgressPreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') { $numBytes = $TransferProgress.ReceivedBytes if ( $numBytes -lt 1kb ) { $unit = 'B' } elseif ( $numBytes -lt 1mb ) { $unit = 'KB' $numBytes = $numBytes / 1kb } elseif ( $numBytes -lt 1gb ) { $unit = 'MB' $numBytes = $numBytes / 1mb } elseif ( $numBytes -lt 1tb ) { $unit = 'GB' $numBytes = $numBytes / 1gb } elseif ( $numBytes -lt 1pb ) { $unit = 'TB' $numBytes = $numBytes / 1tb } else { $unit = 'PB' $numBytes = $numBytes / 1pb } Write-Progress -Activity ('Cloning {0} -> {1}' -f $Source, $DestinationPath) ` -Status ('{0}/{1} objects, {2:n0} {3}' -f $TransferProgress.ReceivedObjects, $TransferProgress.TotalObjects, $numBytes, $unit) ` -PercentComplete (($TransferProgress.ReceivedObjects / $TransferProgress.TotalObjects) * 100) Set-Variable -Name 'lastUpdated' -Value (Get-Date) -Scope 1 } return (-not $cancelClone) } try { $cloneCompleted = $false $gitPath = [LibGit2Sharp.Repository]::Clone($Source, $DestinationPath, $options) if ( $PassThru -and $gitPath ) { Get-Item -Path $gitPath -Force } $cloneCompleted = $true } finally { if ( -not $cloneCompleted ) { $cancelClone = $true } } } |