# # Copyright 2019, Alexis La Goutte <alexis dot lagoutte at gmail dot com> # # Contribution by Brett Pound <brett underscore pound at hotmail dot com>, March 2020 # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # function Add-FGTFirewallVipGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a FortiGate VIP Group .DESCRIPTION Add a FortiGate VIP Group .EXAMPLE Add-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyVipGroup -member MyVip1 -interface wan1 Add VIP Group with member MyVip1, associated to interface wan1 .EXAMPLE Add-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyVipGroup -member MyVip1, MyVip2 -interface wan1 Add VIP Group with members MyVip1 and MyVip2, associated to interface wan1 .EXAMPLE Add-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyVipGroup -member MyVip1 -comments "My VIP Group" -interface wan1 Add VIP Group with member MyVip1 and a comments, associated to interface wan1 #> Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$name, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$member, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [string]$interface = "any", [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateLength(0, 255)] [string]$comments, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$vdom, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject]$connection = $DefaultFGTConnection ) Begin { } Process { $invokeParams = @{ } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vdom') ) { $invokeParams.add( 'vdom', $vdom ) } if ( Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup @invokeParams -name $name -connection $connection) { Throw "Already a VipGroup object using the same name" } $uri = "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/vipgrp" $vipgrp = new-Object -TypeName PSObject $vipgrp | add-member -name "name" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $name #Add member to Member Array $members = @( ) foreach ( $m in $member ) { $member_name = @{ } $member_name.add( 'name', $m) $members += $member_name } $vipgrp | add-member -name "member" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $members #TODO: check if interface is valid (and also if members use the same interface...) $vipgrp | add-member -name "interface" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $interface if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('comments') ) { $vipgrp | add-member -name "comments" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $comments } Invoke-FGTRestMethod -method "POST" -body $vipgrp -uri $uri -connection $connection @invokeParams | Out-Null Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -connection $connection @invokeParams -name $name } End { } } function Add-FGTFirewallVipGroupMember { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a FortiGate VIP Group Member .DESCRIPTION Add a FortiGate VIP Group Member .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Add-FGTFirewallVipGroupMember -member MyVip1 Add MyVip1 member to MyFGTVipGroup .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Add-FGTFirewallVipGroupMember -member MyVip1, MyVip2 Add MyVip1 and MyVip2 member to MyFGTVipGroup #> Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateScript( { Confirm-FGTVipGroup $_ })] [psobject]$vipgrp, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$member, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$vdom, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject]$connection = $DefaultFGTConnection ) Begin { } Process { $invokeParams = @{ } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vdom') ) { $invokeParams.add( 'vdom', $vdom ) } $uri = "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/vipgrp" $_vipgrp = new-Object -TypeName PSObject if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('member') ) { #Add member to existing vipgrp member $members = $vipgrp.member foreach ( $m in $member ) { $member_name = @{ } $member_name.add( 'name', $m) $members += $member_name } $_vipgrp | add-member -name "member" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $members } Invoke-FGTRestMethod -method "PUT" -body $_vipgrp -uri $uri -uri_escape $ -connection $connection @invokeParams | out-Null Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -connection $connection @invokeParams -name $ } End { } } function Copy-FGTFirewallVipGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Copy/Clone a FortiGate VIP Group .DESCRIPTION Copy/Clone a FortiGate VIP Group (name, member...) .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Copy-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup_copy Copy / Clone MyFGTVipGroup and name MyFGTVipGroup_copy #> Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateScript( { Confirm-FGTVipGroup $_ })] [psobject]$vipgrp, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$vdom, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject]$connection = $DefaultFGTConnection ) Begin { } Process { $invokeParams = @{ } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vdom') ) { $invokeParams.add( 'vdom', $vdom ) } if ( Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup @invokeParams -name $name -connection $connection) { Throw "Already a VIP Group object using the same name" } $uri = "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/vipgrp" $extra = "action=clone&nkey=$($name)" Invoke-FGTRestMethod -method "POST" -uri $uri -uri_escape $ -extra $extra -connection $connection @invokeParams | Out-Null Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -connection $connection @invokeParams -name $name } End { } } function Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Get VIP group(s) configured .DESCRIPTION Show VIP group(s) configured (Name, Member...) .EXAMPLE Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup Display all VIP groups. .EXAMPLE Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name myFGTVipGroup Get VIP Group named myFGTVipGroup .EXAMPLE Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name FGT -filter_type contains Get VIP Group(s) containing *FGT* .EXAMPLE Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -uuid 9e73a10e-1772-51ea-a8d7-297686fd7702 Get VIP Group with uuid 9e73a10e-1772-51ea-a8d7-297686fd7702 .EXAMPLE Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -skip Display all VIP groups (but only relevant attributes) .EXAMPLE Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -vdom vdomX Display all VIP groups on vdomX #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "default")] Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "name")] [string]$name, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "uuid")] [string]$uuid, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [Parameter (ParameterSetName = "filter")] [string]$filter_attribute, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [Parameter (ParameterSetName = "name")] [Parameter (ParameterSetName = "uuid")] [Parameter (ParameterSetName = "filter")] [ValidateSet('equal', 'contains')] [string]$filter_type = "equal", [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [Parameter (ParameterSetName = "filter")] [psobject]$filter_value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$skip, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$vdom, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject]$connection = $DefaultFGTConnection ) Begin { } Process { $invokeParams = @{ } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('skip') ) { $invokeParams.add( 'skip', $skip ) } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vdom') ) { $invokeParams.add( 'vdom', $vdom ) } #Filtering switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) { "name" { $filter_value = $name $filter_attribute = "name" } "uuid" { $filter_value = $uuid $filter_attribute = "uuid" } default { } } #if filter value and filter_attribute, add filter (by default filter_type is equal) if ( $filter_value -and $filter_attribute ) { $invokeParams.add( 'filter_value', $filter_value ) $invokeParams.add( 'filter_attribute', $filter_attribute ) $invokeParams.add( 'filter_type', $filter_type ) } $uri = "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/vipgrp" $response = Invoke-FGTRestMethod -uri $uri -method 'GET' -connection $connection @invokeParams $response.results } End { } } function Set-FGTFirewallVipGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Configure a FortiGate VIP Group .DESCRIPTION Change a FortiGate VIP Group (name, member, comments...) .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Set-FGTFirewallVipGroup -member MyVip1 Change MyFGTVipGroup member to MyVip1 .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Set-FGTFirewallVipGroup -member MyVip1, MyVip2 Change MyFGTVipGroup member to MyVip1 and MyVip2 .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Set-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup2 Rename MyFGTVipGroup member to MyFGTVipGroup2 .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Set-FGTFirewallVipGroup -comments "Modified by PowerFGT" Change MyFGTVipGroup to set a new comments #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'medium')] Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateScript( { Confirm-FGTVipGroup $_ })] [psobject]$vipgrp, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [string]$name, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$member, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateLength(0, 255)] [string]$comments, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$vdom, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject]$connection = $DefaultFGTConnection ) Begin { } Process { $invokeParams = @{ } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vdom') ) { $invokeParams.add( 'vdom', $vdom ) } $uri = "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/vipgrp" $old_name = $ $_vipgrp = new-Object -TypeName PSObject if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('name') ) { #TODO check if there is no already a object with this name ? $_vipgrp | add-member -name "name" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $name $ = $name } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('member') ) { #Add member to Member Array $members = @( ) foreach ( $m in $member ) { $member_name = @{ } $member_name.add( 'name', $m) $members += $member_name } $_vipgrp | add-member -name "member" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $members } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('comments') ) { $_vipgrp | add-member -name "comments" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $comments } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($, 'Configure Firewall VIP Group')) { Invoke-FGTRestMethod -method "PUT" -body $_vipgrp -uri $uri -uri_escape $old_name -connection $connection @invokeParams | out-Null Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -connection $connection @invokeParams -name $ } } End { } } function Remove-FGTFirewallVipGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a FortiGate VIP Group .DESCRIPTION Remove a VIP Group object on the FortiGate .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Remove-FGTFirewallVipGroup Remove VIP Group object MyFGTVipGroup .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Remove-FGTFirewallVipGroup -confirm:$false Remove VIP Group object MyFGTVipGroup with no confirmation #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'high')] Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateScript( { Confirm-FGTVipGroup $_ })] [psobject]$vipgrp, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$vdom, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject]$connection = $DefaultFGTConnection ) Begin { } Process { $invokeParams = @{ } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vdom') ) { $invokeParams.add( 'vdom', $vdom ) } $uri = "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/vipgrp" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($, 'Remove Firewall VIP Group')) { $null = Invoke-FGTRestMethod -method "DELETE" -uri $uri -uri_escape $ -connection $connection @invokeParams } } End { } } function Remove-FGTFirewallVipGroupMember { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a FortiGate VIP Group Member .DESCRIPTION Remove a FortiGate VIP Group Member .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Remove-FGTFirewallVipGroupMember -member MyVip1 Remove MyVip1 member from MyFGTVipGroup .EXAMPLE $MyFGTVipGroup = Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -name MyFGTVipGroup PS C:\>$MyFGTVipGroup | Remove-FGTFirewallVipGroupMember -member MyVip1, MyVip2 Remove MyVip1 and MyVip2 member from MyFGTVipGroup #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'medium')] Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateScript( { Confirm-FGTVipGroup $_ })] [psobject]$Vipgrp, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$member, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$vdom, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject]$connection = $DefaultFGTConnection ) Begin { } Process { $invokeParams = @{ } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vdom') ) { $invokeParams.add( 'vdom', $vdom ) } $uri = "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/vipgrp" $_vipgrp = new-Object -TypeName PSObject if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('member') ) { #Create a new array $members = @() foreach ($m in $vipgrp.member) { $member_name = @{ } $member_name.add( 'name', $ $members += $member_name } #Remove member foreach ($remove_member in $member) { #May be a better (and faster) solution... $members = $members | Where-Object { $ -ne $remove_member } } #check if there is always a member... (it is not possible to have an empty member list on VIP Group) if ( $members.count -eq 0 ) { Throw "You can't remove all members. Use Remove-FGTFirewallVipGroup to remove VIP Group" } #if there is only One member force to be an array if ( $members.count -eq 1 ) { $members = @($members) } $_vipgrp | add-member -name "member" -membertype NoteProperty -Value $members } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($, 'Remove Firewall VIP Group Member')) { Invoke-FGTRestMethod -method "PUT" -body $_vipgrp -uri $uri -uri_escape $ -connection $connection @invokeParams | Out-Null Get-FGTFirewallVipGroup -connection $connection @invokeParams -name $ } } End { } } |