Samples/Event Consumers/Windows/Command Line - System Resumed - Restart Windows Service.ps1
# EXAMPLE for PowerEvents PowerShell module available on # # Author: Trevor Sullivan # Date: 11/28/10 # Brief: This example shows how to use PowerEvents to create a WMI event consumer that runs a command line in response to a user profile being loaded. # Note that there are double-quotes explicitly being added around the script path and script arguments (that might have a space in them) # Note: This is not a complete working sample of the PowerEvents module. This only shows how to create an event consumer. # A fully functioning sample requires an event filter, to define the events, as well as a binding between the filter and consumer. $RestartScript = @' $ServiceName = $args[0] Add-Content -Path 'c:\Restart Service.log' -Value "Service name is: $ServiceName" $Service = @(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name = '$ServiceName'") Add-Content -Path 'C:\Restart Service.log' -Value "Found $($Service.Count) instances of '$ServiceName' service" $Result = $Service[0].StopService() Add-Content -Path 'c:\Restart Service.log' -Value "Stopped service with result: $($Result.ReturnValue)" Start-Sleep 4 $Result = $Service[0].StartService() Add-Content -Path 'c:\Restart Service.log' -Value "Started service with result: $($Result.ReturnValue)" Add-Content -Path 'c:\Restart Service.log' -Value "Exiting restart service script" '@ Remove-Item -Force -Path "$($env:WinDir)\temp\Restart Windows Service.ps1" Add-Content -Path "$($env:WinDir)\temp\Restart Windows Service.ps1" -Value $RestartScript $ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path New-WmiEventConsumer -Verbose -Name SystemResumedRestartService -ConsumerType CommandLine -CommandLineTemplate "powershell.exe -command `". '$($env:WinDir)\temp\Restart Windows Service.ps1' 'PS3 Media Server'`"" <# MOF of a working command line consumer example: instance of CommandLineEventConsumer { CommandLineTemplate = "cscript.exe \"C:\\Users\\Phragcyte\\Documents\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules\\PowerEvents\\Samples\\Event Consumers\\VBscripts\\User Profile Loaded.vbs\""; CreateNewConsole = TRUE; CreateNewProcessGroup = TRUE; CreatorSID = {1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 21, 0, 0, 0, 7, 96, 247, 25, 179, 246, 87, 123, 169, 67, 178, 173, 232, 3, 0, 0}; ExecutablePath = "cscript.exe"; MachineName = NULL; Name = "UserProfileLoaded"; WorkingDirectory = NULL; }; #> |