
function Write-Introduction()
    Write-Host "Thank you for installing the $($PowerEvents.ModuleName) module!"
    Write-Host "".PadLeft(40, "=")

# TODO: Build a Windows Installer (MSI) package for PowerEvents

# Define the name of the module
# Build a hashtable with basic properties for use elsewhere in the module

$Global:PowerEvents = @{
    ModuleName = "PowerEvents"

Write-Host "Loading PowerShell module: $($PowerEvents.ModuleName)"

#region Check admin rights
# Check if user token is an administrator
${Identity} = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
${Principal} = new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal(${Identity})
${IsAdmin} = $Principal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
if (-not ${IsAdmin})
    Write-Error -Message "User is not an administrator. Module installation cannot continue." -RecommendedAction "Please install this module as an administrator."
# Remove-Module $PowerEvents.ModuleName
#endregion Check admin rights

#region Get script path
${ScriptPath} = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
#Write-Host "Script path is: ${ScriptPath}"

#region Dot-source cmdlet scripts
# Dot-source supporting scripts
    . ${ScriptPath}\Functions\New-WmiEventFilter.ps1
    . ${ScriptPath}\Functions\New-WmiEventConsumer.ps1
    . ${ScriptPath}\Functions\New-WmiFilterToConsumerBinding.ps1
# . ${ScriptPath}\Functions\Get-WmiEventConsumer.ps1
# . ${ScriptPath}\Functions\Get-WmiEventFilter.ps1
# . ${ScriptPath}\Functions\Get-WmiFilterToConsumerBinding.ps1
    throw "$($PowerEvents.ModuleName): Error occurred while loading module functions."


# Call the function to write some help to the screen
# TODO: Implement this function. Commenting out for initial release
# Write-Introduction

Write-Host "Finished loading PowerShell module: $($PowerEvents.ModuleName)"

# TODO: Create a module manifest
New-ModuleManifest `
    -Author 'Trevor Sullivan' `
    -CmdletsToExport * `
    -FileList $(Get-ChildItem *) `
    -Copyright 'Trevor Sullivan' `
    -CompanyName 'Trevor Sullivan'