
Function Sync-DuoUser{
    Syncs a user from Duo to from directory within Duo
     Syncs a user from Duo to from directory
    Sync user by their Duo username
    Sync user by their Duo UserID
.PARAMETER Directory
    The intended directory you wish to sync from
.Parameter Email
    Switch to change username search to email if normalization is on
    Sync-DuoUser -Username DuoUser1 -Directory "DuoDirectory"
    Sync-Duouser -Username -Directory "DuoDirectory"

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            If($_ -In (Get-DuoDirectoryNames)){$true}
            Else{Throw "$($_) is an invalid directory"}
    $dKey = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR((Get-DuoDirectoryKey -DirectoryName $Directory)))
    #Base Claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/directorysync/$($dKey)/syncuser"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    #$User = Get-DuoUser -Username $Username
    If($Email){$VerifiedUsername = (Get-Duouser -Username $Username).email}
    Else{$VerifiedUsername = $Username}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 


Function Get-DuoUser {
    Utilizing Duo REST API to return user(s)
    Returns a list of Duo users or an individual user
    Returns all users from Duo. Initiates a call for each 300
    Get-UserUser -Username TestUser
    Get-UserUser -UserID ABCDEF12G34567HIJKLM

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $true,
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $false,

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

        $Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)"
    $Offset = 0

    #Duo has a 300 user limit in their api. Loop to return all users
        $DuoParams.Offset = $Offset
        $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
        If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
            Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
            Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
            Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
            $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 
            #Increment offset to return the next 300 users
            $Offset += 300
    }Until($Output.Count -lt 300)

Function New-DuoUser{
    Creates a new user within Duo with Duo as the source
     Creates a new user within Duo
    New user's username
    First alias for the new user
    Second alias for the new user
    Third alias for the new user
    Fourth alias for the new user
    The user's realname
.PARAMETER Firstname
    User's first name
    User's last name
.Parameter Email
    User's email address
.Parameter Status
    Status for the account to be created with either Active, Bypass, or Disabled
.Parameter Notes
    Any notes to be included on the Duo account
    New-DuoUser -Username DuoUser1
    New-DuoUser -Username DuoUser1 -email
    New-DuoUser -UserName DuoUser1 -email -alias1 DuoDemo -Status Disabled -Notes "Demo purposes"

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){Throw "User: $($_) already exist in Duo"}

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    #Add Username

    #Add Optional Parameters

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Set-DuoUser{
    Sets fields on a Duo user account.
    Sets fields on a Duo user account.
    Sync user by their Duo username
    Sync user by their Duo UserID
.PARAMETER Directory
    The intended directory you wish to sync from
.Parameter Email
    Switch to change username search to email if normalization is on
    Set-DuoUser -Username DuoUser1 -Directory "DuoDirectory"
    Set-Duouser -Username -Directory "DuoDirectory"

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "Invalid User ID"}







    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    #Create claim with selected attributes to be modified

    #Creates the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    #Error Handling
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
    #Returning request
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Remove-DuoUser{
    Removes a Duo user.
    This function removes a specified Duo user by UserID. It includes an optional confirmation prompt unless the Force switch is used.
    The user ID of the Duo user to be removed. This parameter is mandatory.
    If specified, the user will be removed without a confirmation prompt.

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "Invalid User ID"}

    $Username = (Get-DuoUser -UserID $UserID).username
    If($Force -eq $false){
        $Confirm = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Please Confirm","Are you sure you want to delete $($Username) from Duo?",@("Yes","No"),1)

    If(($Force -eq $true) -or ($Confirm -eq 0)){
        #Base claim
        [String]$Method = "POST"
        [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)"

        #Creates the request
        $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
        #Error Handling
        If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
            Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
            Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
            Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        #Returning request
            $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function New-DuoUserEnrollment{
    Enrolls a new Duo user.
    This function enrolls a new Duo user by specifying the username and email. It also allows setting an expiration time for the enrollment.
    The Duo username to be enrolled. This parameter is mandatory.
    The email address to be enrolled. This parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER ExpirationDate
    The date and time when the enrollment expires. This parameter is optional and is part of the DateTime parameter set.
    The number of seconds until the enrollment expires. This parameter is optional and is part of the Seconds parameter set.

            HelpMessage="Duo username to be enrolled",
            If(Test-DuoUser -Username $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "Invalid User ID"}

            HelpMessage="Email to be enrolled",

            HelpMessage="DateTime for when enrollment expires",

            HelpMessage="How many seconds until enrollment expires",

        $Time = ($ExpirationDate - (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds
        $Time = $TimeToExpire

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/enroll"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

        $Time = [Math]::Round($Time)

    #Creates the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    #Error Handling
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
    #Returning request
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function New-DuoUserBypassCode{
    Creates new bypass codes for a Duo user.
    This function creates new bypass codes for a specified Duo user. It allows for defining the number of codes, specific codes, number of uses, and expiration time.
    The username of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory.
    The number of bypass codes to create. The maximum is 10. This parameter is optional.
    Specific bypass codes to be used. The maximum is 10. This parameter is optional.
    The number of times the bypass codes can be used. The default is 1. This parameter is optional.
.PARAMETER ExpirationDate
    The expiration date and time for the bypass codes. This parameter is optional and is part of the DateTime parameter set.
    The number of seconds until the bypass codes expire. This parameter is optional and is part of the Seconds parameter set.

            If(Test-DuoUser -Username $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "Invalid User ID"}

            HelpMessage="Define bypass codes to be used. Maximum of 10",
            HelpMessage="Define bypass codes to be used. Maximum of 10",

            HelpMessage="Number of times the bypass codes can be used. Default of 1",

            HelpMessage="DateTime for when bypass codes expire",

            HelpMessage="How many seconds until bypass code expires",
    $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

        $Time = [Math]::Round(($ExpirationDate - (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds)
        $Time = $TimeToExpire
        $Time = 3600

    If($Count -eq $null){
        $Count = 1

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/bypass_codes"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}
        $Codes = $Codes | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation

    #Creates the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    #Error Handling
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
    #Returning request
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Get-DuoUserBypassCode{
    Retrieves bypass codes associated with a Duo user.
    This function retrieves bypass codes associated with a Duo user based on the provided parameters. It can fetch bypass codes by Username or UserID.
    The username of the Duo user. This parameter is optional and can be piped.
    The user ID of the Duo user. This parameter is optional.

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $true,
            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $false,
            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/bypass_codes"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    #Creates the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    #Call private function to validate and format the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Offset = 0

    #Duo has a 500 bypass code limit in their api. Loop to return all bypass codes
        $DuoParams.Offset = $Offset
        $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
        If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
            Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
            Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
            Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
            $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 
            #Increment offset to return the next 300 users
            $Offset += 500
    }Until($Output.Count -lt 500)

Function Get-DuoUserGroup{
    Retrieves groups associated with a Duo user.
    This function retrieves groups associated with a Duo user based on the provided parameters. It can fetch groups by Username or UserID.
    The username of the Duo user. This parameter is optional and can be piped.
    The user ID of the Duo user. This parameter is optional.

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $true,
            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $false,
            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/groups"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    #Creates the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    #Call private function to validate and format the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Offset = 0

    #Duo has a 500 bypass code limit in their api. Loop to return all bypass codes
        $DuoParams.Offset = $Offset
        $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
        If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
            Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
            Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
            Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
            $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 
            #Increment offset to return the next 300 users
            $Offset += 500
    }Until($Output.Count -lt 500)

Function Add-DuoGroupMember{
    Adds a user to a Duo group.
    This function adds a user to a specified Duo group based on the provided parameters. It can add users by Username or UserID.
    The username of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the Uname parameter set.
    The user ID of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the UID parameter set.
    The ID of the Duo group to which the user will be added. This parameter is mandatory.

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            If(Test-DuoGroup -GroupID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "GroupID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/groups"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    #Creates the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    #Error Handling
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
    #Returning request
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Remove-DuoGroupMember{
    Removes a user from a Duo group.
    This function removes a user from a specified Duo group based on the provided parameters. It can remove users by Username or UserID.
    The username of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the Uname parameter set.
    The user ID of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the UID parameter set.
    The ID of the Duo group from which the user will be removed. This parameter is mandatory.

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoGroup -GroupID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "GroupID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "DELETE"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/groups/$($GroupID)"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    #Creates the request
    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    #Error Handling
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
    #Returning request
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Get-DuoUserPhone{
    Retrieves phones associated with a Duo user.
    This function retrieves phones associated with a Duo user based on the provided parameters. It can fetch phones by Username or UserID.
    The username of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the Uname parameter set.
    The user ID of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the UID parameter set.

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/phones"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}
    $Offset = 0

    #Duo has a 500 phone limit in their api. Loop to return all phones
        $DuoParams.Offset = $Offset
        $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
        If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
            Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
            Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
            Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
            $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 
            #Increment offset to return the next 500 phones
            $Offset += 500
    }Until($Output.Count -lt 500)

Function Add-DuoPhoneMember{
    Adds a phone to a Duo user.
    This function adds a phone to a Duo user based on the provided parameters. It can add phones by Username or UserID and PhoneNumber or PhoneID.
    The username of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the Uname parameter set.
    The user ID of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the UID parameter set.
.PARAMETER PhoneNumber
    The phone number to add. This parameter is mandatory when using the Pnumber parameter set. The phone number must be in E.164 format.
    The phone ID to add. This parameter is mandatory when using the PID parameter set.

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Validate-PhoneNumber -PhoneNumber $_){
                If(Test-DuoPhone -Number $_){$true}
                Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            Else{Throw "Invalid phone number. Please use E. 164 format."}

            If(Test-DuoPhone -PhoneID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id
        $PhoneID = (Get-DuoPhone -Number $PhoneNumber).phone_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/phones"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 


Function Remove-DuoPhoneMember{
    Removes a phone from a Duo user.
    This function removes a phone associated with a Duo user based on the provided parameters. It can remove phones by Username or UserID and PhoneNumber or PhoneID.
    The username of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the Uname parameter set.
    The user ID of the Duo user. This parameter is mandatory when using the UID parameter set.
.PARAMETER PhoneNumber
    The phone number to remove. This parameter is mandatory when using the Pnumber parameter set. The phone number must be in E.164 format.
    The phone ID to remove. This parameter is mandatory when using the PID parameter set.

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Validate-PhoneNumber -PhoneNumber $_){
                If(Test-DuoPhone -Number $_){$true}
                Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            Else{Throw "Invalid phone number. Please use E. 164 format."}

            If(Test-DuoPhone -PhoneID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id
        $PhoneID = (Get-DuoPhone -Number $PhoneNumber).phone_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "DELETE"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/phones"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Get-DuoUserToken{
    Returns all tokens assocaited with a particular user.
    Get all tokens associated with a user.
    Duo user's username
    Dou user's ID
    Duo token's ID
.Parameter Serial
    Token's serial number. Requires -Type
.Parameter Type
    Token type, HOTP-6,HOTP-8,YubiKey, or Duo-D100. Requires -Serial
    Get-DuoUserToken -UserID 123ABCDE456FGH -TokenID 12356879456DFD
    Get-DuoUserToken -Username duouser -Serial DDF2341DFBKL5457 -Type YubiKey

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/tokens"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Add-DuoTokenMember{
    Associates a token token from a user.
    Adds a token from a Duo user.
    Duo user's username
    Dou user's ID
    Duo token's ID
.Parameter Serial
    Token's serial number. Requires -Type
.Parameter Type
    Token type, HOTP-6,HOTP-8,YubiKey, or Duo-D100. Requires -Serial
    Add-DuoTokenMember -UserID 123ABCDE456FGH -TokenID 12356879456DFD
    Add-DuoTokenMember -Username duouser -Serial DDF2341DFBKL5457 -Type YubiKey
            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoToken -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $false,

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $false,

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id
        $TokenID = (Get-DuoTokens -Serial $Serial -Type $Type).token_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/tokens"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Remove-DuoTokenMember{
    Disassociates a token token from a user.
    Removes a token from a Duo user.
    Duo user's username
    Dou user's ID
    Duo token's ID
.Parameter Serial
    Token's serial number. Requires -Type
.Parameter Type
    Token type, HOTP-6,HOTP-8,YubiKey, or Duo-D100. Requires -Serial
    Remove-DuoTokenMember -UserID 123ABCDE456FGH -TokenID 12356879456DFD
    Remove-DuoTokenMember -Username duouser -Serial DDF2341DFBKL5457 -Type YubiKey

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoToken -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $false,
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $false,

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id
        $TokenID = (Get-DuoTokens -Serial $Serial -Type $Type).token_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "DELETE"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/tokens"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Get-DuoUserWebAuthN{
    Get all WebAuthN keys associated with a particular user
    Returns all WebAuthN keys assocaited with an individual user
    Duo User's username
    Duo User's User DI
    Get-DuoUseWebAuthN -UserID 123ABCDE456FGH
  Get-DuoUserWebAuthN -Username duouser

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/webauthncredentials"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Get-DuoUserDesktop {
    Return Desktops associated with a particular user
    Returns all desktops associated with an individual user
    Duo user's username
    Duo user's ID
    Get-DuoUserDesktop -Username
    Get-DuoUserDesktop -UserID 123ABDE456FGH

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/desktopauthenticators"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Send-DuoPush {
    Send a Duo Push Verification to identified user.
    Can send a Dup Push Verification to a specific user and returns the PushID for use with Get-DuoVerificationResponse
    Duo user's Username
    Duo user's Duo user ID
.PARAMETER PhoneNumber
    Phone number of the phone associated with the user.
.Parameter PhoneID
    Duo's phone ID
    Send-DuoPush -UserID 123ABCDE456FGHI -PhoneID 9875645ADFD
    Send-DuoPush -Username -PhoneNumber +15555555555

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoPhone -PhoneID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "PhoneID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}
            If(Test-DuoPhone -Number $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "Phone Number: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id
        $PhoneID = (Get-DuoPhone -Number $PhoneNumber).phone_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/send_verification_push"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}


    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Get-DuoVerificationResponse {
    Check the response to a identified verification request.
    Returns the user's response to the verifictaion request.
    The user's username within Duo
    The user's Duo ID
    The ID of the Push request that was sent to the user.
    Get-DuoVerificationResponse -UID 123ABCD456EFGH -PushID 987654ZYX
    Get-DuoVerificationResponse -Username -PushID 987654ZYX

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserName $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "User: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}

            If(Test-DuoUser -UserID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "UserID: $($_) doesn't exist in Duo"}


        $UserID = (Get-DuoUser -Username $Username).user_id
        $PhoneID = (Get-DuoPhone -Number $PhoneNumber).phone_id

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/users/$($UserID)/verification_push_response"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}


    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 