
Function Get-DuoPhone{
    Retrieves phone details from Duo.
    This function retrieves phone details from Duo based on the provided parameters. It can fetch phones by Name, PhoneID, Number, or Extension.
    The name of the Duo phone. This parameter is optional.
    The ID of the Duo phone. This parameter is optional.
    The phone number of the Duo phone. This parameter is optional.
.PARAMETER Extension
    The extension number of the Duo phone. This parameter is optional.


    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "GET"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/phones"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}
    $Offset = 0

    #Duo has a 500 phone limit in their api. Loop to return all phones
    $AllPhones = Do{
        $DuoParams.Offset = $Offset
        $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
        If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
            Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
            Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
            Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
            $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 
            #Increment offset to return the next 500 phones
            $Offset += 500
    }Until($Output.Count -lt 500)

        $AllPhones | Where-Object Name -EQ $Name
        $AllPhones | Where-Object Phone_ID -EQ $PhoneID
    ElseIF($Number -and $Extension){
        $AllPhones | Where-Object ($_.Number -eq $Number -and $_.Extension -eq $Extension)
        $AllPhones | Where-Object Number -EQ $Number
        $AllPhones | Where-Object Extension -EQ $Extension

Function New-DuoPhone{
    Creates a new phone entry in Duo.
    This function creates a new phone entry in Duo with the specified details. It allows setting the phone's name, number, extension, type, platform, and delay settings.
    The name of the Duo phone. This parameter is optional.
    The phone number for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional. The number must be unique.
.PARAMETER Extension
    The extension number for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional and part of the Ext parameter set.
    The type of the Duo phone. Valid values are "Mobile", "Landline", and "Unknown". This parameter is optional.
    The platform of the Duo phone. Valid values are "Google Android", "Apple ios", "Windows Mobile", "Palm WebOS", "Java j2me", "Generic SmartPhone", "Rim Blackberry", and "Symbian OS". This parameter is optional.
    The pre-delay time for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional and part of the Ext parameter set.
    The post-delay time for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional and part of the Ext parameter set.

            If(Test-DuoPhone -Number $_){Throw "Number is already in use"}

        [ValidateSet("Google Android","Apple ios","Windows Mobile","Palm WebOS","Java j2me","Generic SmartPhone","Rim Blackberry","Symbian OS")]

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/phones"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}


    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Set-DuoPhone{
    Updates the details of a Duo phone.
    This function updates the details of a specified Duo phone. It allows modifying the phone's name, number, extension, type, platform, and delay settings.
    The ID of the Duo phone to be updated. This parameter is mandatory.
    The new name for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional.
    The new phone number for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional.
.PARAMETER Extension
    The extension number for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional and part of the Ext parameter set.
    The type of the Duo phone. Valid values are "Mobile", "Landline", and "Unknown". This parameter is optional.
    The platform of the Duo phone. Valid values are "Google Android", "Apple ios", "Windows Mobile", "Palm WebOS", "Java j2me", "Generic SmartPhone", "Rim Blackberry", and "Symbian OS". This parameter is optional.
    The pre-delay time for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional and part of the Ext parameter set.
    The post-delay time for the Duo phone. This parameter is optional and part of the Ext parameter set.

            If(Test-DuoPhone -PhoneID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "Invalid ID"}
        [ValidateSet("Google Android","Apple ios","Windows Mobile","Palm WebOS","Java j2me","Generic SmartPhone","Rim Blackberry","Symbian OS")]

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/phones/$($PhoneID)"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function Remove-DuoPhone{
    Removes a phone from Duo.
    This function removes a specified phone from Duo by PhoneID.
    The ID of the Duo phone to be removed. This parameter is mandatory.

            If(Test-DuoPhone -PhoneID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "Invalid ID"}

    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "DELETE"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/phones/$($PhoneID)"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 

Function New-DuoMobileActivationCode{
    Generates a new mobile activation code for a Duo phone.
    This function generates a new mobile activation code for a specified Duo phone. It allows setting an expiration time and optionally sends the activation code via SMS.
    The ID of the Duo phone. This parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER ExpirationDate
    The date and time when the activation code expires. This parameter is optional and is part of the DateTime parameter set.
    The number of seconds until the activation code expires. This parameter is optional and is part of the Seconds parameter set.
    If specified, the activation code will include installation instructions.
    If specified, the activation code will be sent via SMS.
.PARAMETER Activation_Message
    The message to include with the activation SMS. This parameter is mandatory when using the Send parameter set.
.PARAMETER Installation_Message
    The message to include with the installation SMS. This parameter is optional.

            If(Test-DuoPhone -PhoneID $_){$true}
            Else{Throw "Invalid ID"}




        $TimeToExpire = [Math]::Round(($ExpirationDate - (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds)
        $ExpireTime = $TimeToExpire
    #Base claim
    [String]$Method = "POST"
    [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/phones/$($PhoneID)/activation_url"
    [Hashtable]$DuoParams = @{}

        #Base claim
        [String]$Uri = "/admin/v1/phones/$($PhoneID)/send_sms_activation_url"

    $Request = New-DuoRequest -UriPath $Uri -Method $Method -Arguments $DuoParams
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request
    If($Response.stat -ne 'OK'){
        Write-Warning 'DUO REST Call Failed'
        Write-Warning "Arguments:"+($DuoParams | Out-String)
        Write-Warning "Method:$Method Path:$Uri"
        $Output = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response 