function Build-UrlWithParameters { <# .SYNOPSIS Build a url from a hashtable of parameters. .DESCRIPTION URL builder to help with REST api endpoints that use URL Query parameters. .PARAMETER BaseUrl The base url of the REST endpoint. This will be the first part of the website and should begin with https:// or http://. .PARAMETER Parameters This is a hashtable of key value pairs that represent the url querey parameters for the REST endpoint. .EXAMPLE Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl "https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers" -Parameters @{"status"=4} https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers?status=4 .EXAMPLE Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl "https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers" -Parameters @{"status"=4;"offered"="XCH"} https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers?status=4&offered=XCH .LINK https://dexie.space/api .OUTPUTS [string] .FUNCTIONALITY This is a helper function for building uri #> param ( [string]$BaseUrl, [hashtable]$Parameters ) # Validate inputs if (-not $BaseUrl) { throw "BaseUrl is required." } if (-not $Parameters) { return $BaseUrl } # Convert hashtable to query string $queryString = ($Parameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Key)=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($_.Value))" }) -join "&" # Construct the full URL if ($BaseUrl -match '\?') { # If the base URL already ends with a '?', append parameters directly $FullUrl = -join($BaseUrl,"&",$queryString) } else { # Otherwise, add '?' before the parameters $FullUrl = -join($BaseUrl,"?",$queryString) } return $FullUrl } function Get-DexieAssets { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a list of Chia Asset Tokens (CATs) from the dexie asset endpoint. .DESCRIPTION Query dexie.space for a list of recognized assets on the Chia Blockchain. .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject]@{ id = Chia asset token id code = Ticker symbol category = Token category website = URL for token description = Description of token liquidity = How much is offered on each side of trade { XCH , CAT} current_avg_price = Value for 1 CAT in XCH volume = Daily Volumn in XCH } .PARAMETER page Results are limited to a certain number per page. Increase the page to get more results. .PARAMETER page_size page_size determines how many results are displayed per query. Max is 100. .PARAMETER results_only Return only the assets without the metadata of the query. [PSCustomObject]@{ success = was the query successful count = number of items in result page = current page page_size = results per page assets = contains all results for assets in query } .FUNCTIONALITY This is a way to get a quality list of Chia Asset tokens. It contains enough information about an asset to be able to look up the token on the your local chia wallet or on other APIs. .LINK https://dexie.space/assets .EXAMPLE Get-DexieAssets success : True count : 2203 page : 1 page_size : 50 assets : {@{id=a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e10...} .EXAMPLE Get-DexieAssets -results_only id : a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913 code : SBX name : Spacebucks category : meme website : https://spacebuckscoin.com description : The galactic monetary standard. verification : denom : liquidity : {167.971488442385, 13338930.197} current_avg_price : 2.89460957623726E-05 volume : {20.136492055295, 714560} id : ccda69ff6c44d687994efdbee30689be51d2347f739287ab4bb7b52344f8bf1d code : BEPE name : BEPE category : website : description : BEPE, the memecoin Chia BitTorrent wizard would unleash if he ever released his inner degen verification : denom : liquidity : {268.46, 99790387} current_avg_price : 2.58520788774538E-06 volume : {0.024519545905, 9434.979} ... #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([psobject])] param ( [int] $page_size, [int] $page, [switch] $results_only ) # BaseUrl $uri = "https://dexie.space/v1/assets" # Initialize Paramaters for URL Query Builder $parameters = @{} if($page_size){ # Add paramater to hashtable $parameters.Add('page_size',$page_size) } if($page){ # Add paramater to hashtable $parameters.Add('page',$page) } # Build URI $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl $uri -Parameters $parameters # Fetch results from API Endpoint $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri -MaximumRetryCount 10 -RetryIntervalSec 5 if($results_only.IsPresent){ # Returns only the assets return $results.assets } else { # Return raw results return $results } } function Send-DexieOffer { <# .SYNOPSIS Send an offer to the dexie.space API Endpoint. .DESCRIPTION Sends your offer to dexie.space for listing on their exchange. The offer file is created using the chia wallet. Offers are a secure way to trade one asset for another on Chia. .LINK https://dexie.space/api .PARAMETER offer The text string that represents your offer. The text will start with 'offer'. .PARAMETER drop_only If this is set, dexie will only return the offer_id when successful. .PARAMETER claim_rewards If the offer is part of the liquidity rewards program (https://dexie.space/incentives), dexie will automatically send the rewards for providing liquidity to your wallet. This is especially useful if you use automatically expiring offers. .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject]@{ success : True id : B18UHqaJXBDu8PVBWsY73opqmCszRnT8hEPmL6rYDcYa known : True offer : @{ id : B18UHqaJXBDu8PVBWsY73opqmCszRnT8hEPmL6rYDcYa status : 4 date_found : 8/6/2022 7:30:21 AM date_completed : 8/7/2022 12:47:28 AM date_pending : 8/7/2022 12:46:59 AM date_expiry : 8/14/2022 12:46:59 AM block_expiry : spent_block_index : 2364190 price : 79000 offered : {@{id=a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913; code=SBX; name=Spacebucks; amount=79000}} requested : {@{id=xch; code=XCH; name=Chia; amount=1}} fees : 0 } } .EXAMPLE Send-DexieOffer -offer "offer1qqz83wc..." success : True id : B18UHqaJXBDu8PVBWsY73opqmCszRnT8hEPmL6rYDcYa known : True offer : @{id=B18UHqaJXBDu8PVBWsY73opqmCszRnT8hEPmL6rYDcYa; status=4; date_found=8/6/2022 7:30:21 AM; date_completed=8/7/2022 12:47:28 AM; date_pending=8/7/2022 12:46:59 AM; date_expiry=8/14/2022 12:46:59 AM; block_expiry=; spent_block_index=2364190; price=79000; offered=System.Object[]; requested=System.Object[]; fees=0} #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([psobject])] param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)] [string]$offer, [switch] $drop_only, [switch] $claim_rewards ) $uri = 'https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers' $json = @{ offer = $offer } if($drop_only.IsPresent){ $json.Add('drop_only',$true) } if($claim_rewards.IsPresent){ $json.Add('claim_rewards',$true) } $contentType = 'application/json' $json_offer = $json | ConvertTo-Json Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -body $json_offer -Uri $uri -ContentType $contentType } function Get-DexieOffers { <# .SYNOPSIS Search for offers posted to dexie.space. .DESCRIPTION Query dexie.space for offers that exactly what you're looking for. This powerful tool will help you discover offers to complete. This can also be used for price discovery of things listed on Chia. .PARAMETER status This is the status of the offer. You can find offers that are: 'Active','Pending','Cancelling','Cancelled','Completed','Unknown','Expired' Multiple choices are allowed. .PARAMETER offered Only include offers which offer this asset. Request by: CODE (XCH,DBX,SBX) ASSET ID (db1a..., e816...) NFT Collection ID (col1...) NFT ID (nft1...) .PARAMETER requested Only include offers which request this asset. CODE (XCH,DBX,SBX) ASSET ID (db1a..., e816...) NFT Collection ID (col1...) NFT ID (nft1...) .PARAMETER offered_or_requested Search either side of the offer using the same info as requested/offered. CODE (XCH,DBX,SBX) ASSET ID (db1a..., e816...) NFT Collection ID (col1...) NFT ID (nft1...) .PARAMETER offered_type Limit results to only CAT2 or NFT. .PARAMETER requested_type Limit results to only CAT2 or NFT. .PARAMETER offered_or_requested_type Limit results to only CAT2 or NFT. .PARAMETER sort Sort the results by price,price_desc,date_completed,date_found. .PARAMETER compact If included, the result will contain just data related to price. This does not include the offer string to take the offer. .PARAMETER include_multiple_requested Include offers that have multiple assets in the requested parameter. .PARAMETER page Request a specific page of results .PARAMETER page_size Set amount of offers per page. Max of 100. .PARAMETER results_only Return only the offers, without the metadata on query. .EXAMPLE Get-DexieOffers success : True count : 535623 page : 1 page_size : 20 offers : {@{id=948...} .EXAMPLE Get-DexieOffers -results_only id : 9dJtYToVpcG7UvapnWQH51A4iBWTMRfBXVwrXgfnvEej status : 0 offer : offer1qqr83wcuu2rykcmqvpsxygqqd2h6fv0lt2sn8ntyc6t52p2dxeem089j2x7fua0ygjusmd7wlcdkuk3swhc8d6nga5l447u06ml28d0ldrkn7khmlu063ksltjuz7vxl7uu7zhtt50cmdwv32yfh9r7yx2hq7vylhvmrqmn8vrt7uxje45423vjltcf9ep74nm2jm6kuj8ua3f ffandh443zlxdf7f48vuewuk4k0hj4c6z4x8d2yg9zl08s3y2e7re436m9s8ehtecw8q6dgeglk4cn42ddwjfujcejewkfnhfx2wegynsrjk5pn8ve80vlsc6wewy6gjel0480t00uvsl8kdc0gazrem6ehm0redvkllxjcalxzzssue8rs4ugdxqa3jlhw9h7twhzncmc2d6yw2xmf2 asjcghhj80qw9v8k7lynk3nlae72sh5nef4pe3leytu2t7wl0e5me680mr30lq34eez5awunavns9qeenhq4hkzf9zke3c4l2qxxauv8kjn6a4034l38qvpdnxu4k40gttzcew5wz7qrpfh6z6klsajyc02ef7ug3u3na7apm64x0ukfkm70enawqttqsdqstpmn0prlhqrk0klutlqt zdtat72fwj0c7kpnw3ltzmcx5a9yrlumd6a64kqcatmtdz92x6q42xtumlc8nnt5clhewrp4mqlyk6tsan9ctne5csz48rc2fgvmll9lddtkacym5fqf23nl6lwpl0l0dhxylghmkewfl4tkremfahhzv4a8kyhnckwewfeululc0utj70l7msjxwv084vqqz3f559alah38wfml8uac jhpcxwnsj7pa2ltte03ylnzvaky857j9umelx7jjwadg4vd6u40dv9hltdcdjandnl9xmpmfum6alzy2eav87m98ftqet4hp97f2frtkz6z5chake6a884sscays8s675hgf2kpe87uxftvl0rvckac3g3q8t28pal4pjf4uqjclvt4sfnfrm2 involved_coins : {0x93355a71f83a710fba766ef68a574c82a0549235ada25e3d74cde348b5758838, 0x840d3530f77b54fda9e9042ce02b5b49787968a98da8a3aa1ea61ffd0b9f01f1} date_found : 8/9/2024 6:44:32 PM date_completed : date_pending : date_expiry : block_expiry : 5763294 spent_block_index : price : 15.931 offered : {@{id=xch; code=XCH; name=Chia; amount=20}} requested : {@{id=fa4a180ac326e67ea289b869e3448256f6af05721f7cf934cb9901baa6b7a99d; code=wUSDC.b; name=Base warp.green USDC; amount=318.62}} fees : 0 mempool : related_offers : {} mod_version : 2 trade_id : 0x08add4531e9c810976736a671d5edffd372833a1c5d792fe5645c331c279c8c1 known_taker : ... .EXAMPLE Get-DexieOffers -status Completed -offered col1aufdw4wm8mph9rdtqljg3nm22k8c6wapuqgfr0mp0anpfhkhn7as6nkpp2 -requested XCH -page_size 2 -page 1 -compact success : True count : 209 page : 1 page_size : 2 offers : {@{id=AviVywhpm9MPpFFRvPSPiYBmCiqgKo5k6CmoozH2cqSQ; status=4; involved_coins=System.Object[]; date_found=7/30/2024 11:16:43 AM; date_completed=7/30/2024 2:07:07 PM; date_pending=7/30/2024 2:06:48 PM; date_expiry=; block_expiry=; spent_block_index=5716252; price=0.2; offered=System.Object[]; requested=System.Object[]; fees=0; mempool=; related_offers=System.Object[]; mod_version=2; trade_id=0xde4e369991022b5a57861a4e42e47e2b2dc83161eafb4d2bbecf844760b1103d; known_taker=}, @{id=3SuThw2vKzp24nCetXQQjgJXPYNXxk2NyFtCd649TpAH; status=4; involved_coins=System.Object[]; date_found=7/30/2024 11:17:23 AM; date_completed=8/5/2024 2:24:35 PM; date_pending=8/5/2024 2:23:38 PM; date_expiry=; block_expiry=; spent_block_index=5743846; price=0.2; offered=System.Object[]; requested=System.Object[]; fees=0; mempool=; related_offers=System.Object[]; mod_version=2; trade_id=0x720c2a1249f68126ec0e5c82f084d7a3441ed7cc742f29fa5187983ee4713f69; known_taker=}} #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [ValidateSet('Active','Pending','Cancelling','Cancelled','Completed','Unknown','Expired')] [string[]]$status, [string]$offered, [string]$requested, [string]$offered_or_requested, [ValidateSet('cat','nft')] $offered_type, [ValidateSet('cat','nft')] $requested_type, [ValidateSet('cat','nft')] $offered_or_requested_type, [ValidateSet('price','price_desc','date_completed','date_found')] $sort, [switch] $compact, [switch] $include_multiple_requested, [int] $page, [int] $page_size, [switch] $results_only ) $uri = "https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers" $parameters = @{} if($status){ $status_codes = @{ Active = 0 Pending = 1 Cancelling = 2 Cancelled = 3 Completed = 4 Unknown = 5 Expired = 6 } foreach($stat in ($status | Select-Object -Unique)){ $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl $uri -Parameters @{status=($status_codes.$stat)} } } if($offered){ $parameters.Add('offered',$offered) } if($requested){ $parameters.Add('requested',$requested) } if($offered_or_requested){ $parameters.Add('offered_or_requested',$offered_or_requested) } if($compact.IsPresent){ $parameters.Add('compact',$true) } if($include_multiple_requested.IsPresent){ $parameters.Add('include_multiple_requested',$true) } if($page){ $parameters.Add('page',$page) } if($page_size){ $parameters.Add('page_size',$page_size) } $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl $uri -Parameters $parameters $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri if($results_only.IsPresent){ return $result.offers } else { return $result } } function Show-DexieOffer { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the offer details for a specific offer on dexie.space. .DESCRIPTION Look up an offer on dexie.space. .PARAMETER dexie_id The dexie_id is a Base58 encoded hash of the offer file or the hash of the spend bundle (a.k.a. trade_id) .EXAMPLE Show-DexieOffer -id HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B success : True offer : @{id=HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B; status=0; ...} .EXAMPLE Show-DexieOffer -id HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B -result_only id : HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B status : 4 offer : offer1qq..... involved_coins : {0xac057183bb929bf7f1a585f38ecafab6f22c0339c02ba08b50ceae1ae5b95b11, 0x8535fc352894b853c7832ee5ef30c7e638156bd20b8f3ddbabc68cc12989d389, 0xe5dcfc32fcf827764ab9022539a45d8c3e5681d0572a0279c042c9b5f0f10f73, 0xda6a1b341b2c6d0567196469e8cb39d6751710b555f196b8e1cf4955890ade63…} date_found : 8/6/2022 8:28:49 AM date_completed : 8/7/2022 1:55:19 PM date_pending : 8/7/2022 1:55:11 PM spent_block_index : 2366671 price : 99009.900990099 offered : {@{id=xch; code=XCH; name=Chia; amount=1.01}} requested : {@{id=a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913; code=SBX; name=Spacebucks; amount=100000}} fees : 0 mempool : related_offers : {} mod_version : 1 trade_id : 0x9228a97feb1047f708a7f563565b1611b7b742e30f2b4a968035019e90ff2959 known_taker : input_coins : @{xch=System.Object[]; 0xa628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913=System.Object[]} output_coins : @{xch=System.Object[]; 0xa628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913=System.Object[]} #> param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)] [string]$id, [switch] $result_only ) $uri = -join("https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers/",$id) $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -MaximumRetryCount 5 -RetryIntervalSec 1 if($result_only.IsPresent){ return $result.offer } else { return $result } } function Show-DexieOffers { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the offer details for a list of offers on dexie.space. .DESCRIPTION Look up a list of offers on dexie.space. .PARAMETER ids The dexie_id is a Base58 encoded hash of the offer file. .EXAMPLE Show-DexieOffers -ids @("HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B","HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B") success : True offers : {@{id=HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B; status=0; ...} .EXAMPLE Show-DexieOffers -ids @("HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B","AcFmcxPMregpo88srcdQW4FCKDgbVnEEKNA4wS3ydHLh") -result_only id : AcFmcxPMregpo88srcdQW4FCKDgbVnEEKNA4wS3ydHLh status : 0 date_found : 1/19/2025 3:14:07 PM date_completed : maker_puzzle_hash : 0x23d871b75f16693241ca01d421a1a04e77bb42cce1e2cca6a27bc17bd3bf4bba claimable_rewards : 2.982 trade_id : 0xaaeedea1b61be691eed187631ce12b82990ddf767dd8989edf92466521244850 mod_version : 2 rewards : {@{amount=2.982; code=DBX; id=db1a9020d48d9d4ad22631b66ab4b9ebd3637ef7758ad38881348c5d24c38f20; name=dexie bucks}} id : HR7aHbCXsJto7iS9uBkiiGJx6iGySxoNqUGQvrZfnj6B status : 4 date_found : 8/6/2022 8:28:49 AM date_completed : 8/7/2022 1:55:19 PM maker_puzzle_hash : 0x0150a84dd60158297ef5b8096390fc20de1239239a29acd362675abc239b92b8 claimable_rewards : 0 trade_id : 0x9228a97feb1047f708a7f563565b1611b7b742e30f2b4a968035019e90ff2959 mod_version : 1 rewards : #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$ids, [switch] $result_only ) $json = @{ ids = $ids } | ConvertTo-Json $uri = 'https://api.dexie.space/v1/offersBatch' $contentType = 'application/json' $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $json -ContentType $contentType if($result_only.IsPresent){ return $result.offers } else { return $result } } function Get-DexiePairs { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of all XCH-CAT pairs. .DESCRIPTION Find XCH-Cat pairs on dexie.space that have had at least one XCH trade. .OUTPUTS [array]( @{ ticker_id = base_target (DBX_XCH) base = code (DBX) target = code (XCH) pool_id = Unique Identifier of Pool (7cd49885b4989bceafbd07cc68b05d9b75e3a43cb2ac85049e4b07ea42e9b9f4) } ) .PARAMETER results_only Results only without metadata .EXAMPLE Get-DexiePairs pairs : {@{ticker_id=()_XCH; base=();...} success : True .EXAMPLE Get-DexiePairs -results_only ticker_id base target pool_id --------- ---- ------ ------- ()_XCH () XCH 6ad656d5d7c8216da8ce520113073fb0da0fbc6cebc47eb21cf4704d9f80cbc9 🥔_XCH 🥔 XCH 1e458e659657f2f945e90f8e0cc115e1b4f8d190df8151bbe715c9851a5ff219 $CHIA_XCH $CHIA XCH 2f88f387ad7fc024764ab8aa3038da7abf86e302bbed05e918d837dcdd21940b 0000_XCH 0000 XCH 2d7521213568de1b6b4912ac5867e2dc5767ae69444aec9e7d46e0162343c712 42_XCH 42 XCH d86bdd3dc1546a1baa023f4573c38b8f6f3507a56f5af06fb3b34e1ab4fb6da2 .......... .LINK https://dexie.space/api/prices #> param( [switch] $results_only ) $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://api.dexie.space/v2/prices/pairs" -Method Get if($results_only.IsPresent){ return $results.pairs } else { return $results } } function Get-DexieTickers { <# .SYNOPSIS Gather basic trading information on specific ticker_ids. .DESCRIPTION Gather information on ticker_ids. Ticker_ids can be found using Get-DexiePairs. .LINK https://dexie.space/api/prices .PARAMETER ticker_id The ticker_id is in the BASE_XCH format where BASE is the CAT2 code from Get-DexieAssets. You can also find ticker_ids from Get-DexiePairs. .PARAMETER results_only Return only the results without the metadata. .EXAMPLE Get-DexieTickers success : True tickers : {@{ticker_id=()_XCH; base_currency=(); target_currency=XCH; base_id=4bf5122f...} .EXAMPLE Get-DexieTickers -ticker_id DBX_XCH -results_only ticker_id : DBX_XCH base_currency : DBX target_currency : XCH base_id : db1a9020d48d9d4ad22631b66ab4b9ebd3637ef7758ad38881348c5d24c38f20 target_id : xch base_name : dexie bucks target_name : Chia last_price : 0.001075728439131916 current_avg_price : 0.0010842441686799912 base_volume : 402.173 target_volume : 0.432628933551 base_volume_7d : 14298.88 target_volume_7d : 15.26392515273 base_volume_30d : 219654.788 target_volume_30d : 274.920135274194 pool_id : 7cd49885b4989bceafbd07cc68b05d9b75e3a43cb2ac85049e4b07ea42e9b9f4 bid : 0.0010493913857677903 ask : 0.0011208 high : 0.001075728439131916 low : 0.001075728439131916 #> param( [string] $ticker_id, [switch] $results_only ) $uri = 'https://api.dexie.space/v2/prices/tickers' if($ticker_id){ $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl $uri -Parameters @{"ticker_id"=$ticker_id} } $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri if($results_only.IsPresent){ $results.tickers } else { $results } } function Get-DexieOrderBook { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the current orderbook for trading pair on dexie.space. .DESCRIPTION Pulls the Bid/Ask orderbook from dexie.space. .EXAMPLE Get-DexieOrderBook -ticker_id DBX_XCH success : True orderbook : @{ticker_id=DBX_XCH; pool_id=7cd4...} .EXAMPLE Get-DexieOrderBook -ticker_id DBX_XCH -results_only ticker_id : DBX_XCH pool_id : 7cd49885b4989bceafbd07cc68b05d9b75e3a43cb2ac85049e4b07ea42e9b9f4 timestamp : 1723233351153 bids : {0.00106097717832543502 4688.131, 0.00104939138576779026 427.2, 0.00104761904761904762 10500, 0.00104333502280790674 394.6…} asks : {0.0011208 5000, 0.00112509736183219611 406.987, 0.00113777777777777778 3600, 0.00115833333333333333 3600…} .EXAMPLE Get-DexieOrderBook -ticker_id DBX_XCH -depth 1 -results_only ticker_id : DBX_XCH pool_id : 7cd49885b4989bceafbd07cc68b05d9b75e3a43cb2ac85049e4b07ea42e9b9f4 timestamp : 1723233409842 bids : {0.00104939138576779026 427.2} asks : {0.0011208 5000} .PARAMETER ticker_id The ticker_id is in the BASE_XCH format where BASE is the CAT2 code from Get-DexieAssets. You can also find ticker_ids from Get-DexiePairs. .PARAMETER depth How many XCH deep to gather offers for. .PARAMETER results_only Return only the results without the metadata. #> param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)] $ticker_id, [int]$depth, [switch]$results_only ) $Parameters = @{ ticker_id = $ticker_id } if($depth){ $Parameters.Add("depth",$depth) } $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl 'https://api.dexie.space/v2/prices/orderbook' -Parameters $Parameters $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri if($results_only.IsPresent){ return $results.orderbook } else { return $results } } function Get-DexieHistoricalTrades { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Historical trades on dexie.space for a given ticker_id. .DESCRIPTION Query the completed trades on dexie.space for givin ranges. .PARAMETER ticker_id The ticker_id is in the BASE_XCH format where BASE is the CAT2 code from Get-DexieAssets. You can also find ticker_ids from Get-DexiePairs. .PARAMETER limit Limit number of results .PARAMETER results_only Return only the results without the metadata. .PARAMETER type Limit results to Buy/Sell .PARAMETER start_time Limit results to date range startint at this time. Use (Get-Date).AddDays(-10) to get results from 10 days ago. .PARAMETER end_time Limit Results to date range ending in this time. Use (Get-Date).AddDays(-10) to get results from 10 days ago. .EXAMPLE Get-DexieHistoricalTrades -ticker_id MJO_XCH -type buy -start_time (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-90) -end_time (Get-Date).AddMinutes(0) success : True ticker_id : MJO_XCH pool_id : d36459170a9f44a430f080cda968e4535d3da892e648e5418fd8a03b33bbd92d timestamp : 1723235319527 trades : {@{trade_id=6e8b0db35d49d4bed2fa1500683ba8a140452ebf6d19eab51f582f3af4f73ed2; price=0.500073; base_volume=1; target_volume=0.500073; trade_timestamp=1723234626000; type=buy}, @{trade_id=6f11133c92cdcf9911627bfa27a7b8d96377173c41f06a7ec46ea34dc0aadc7e; price=0.50001; base_volume=1; target_volume=0.50001; trade_timestamp=1723231843000; type=buy}} .EXAMPLE Get-DexiHistoricalTrades -ticker_id DBX_XCH -results_only trade_id : 2736f7bc559e7a586d990192e823621fd80b9c51220e3651025c8de142fc28e7 price : 0.0017391304347826087 base_volume : 1725 target_volume : 3 trade_timestamp : 1716271059000 type : buy trade_id : d1913a68b2647d206b5a15668733673079c755337b45604683f0d1574e982090 price : 0.00174367916303400174 base_volume : 1147 target_volume : 2 trade_timestamp : 1716271059000 type : buy #> param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)] $ticker_id, [ValidateSet("buy","sell")] $type, [int]$limit, [DateTime]$start_time, [DateTime]$end_time, [switch]$results_only ) $Parameters = @{ ticker_id = $ticker_id } if($type){ $Parameters.Add('type',$type) } if($limit){ $Parameters.Add('limit',$limit) } if($start_time){ $Parameters.Add('start_time',([Int64](Get-Date -Date $start_time -uFormat %s)*1000)) } if($end_time){ $Parameters.Add('end_time',([Int64](Get-Date -Date $end_time -uFormat %s)*1000)) } $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl 'https://api.dexie.space/v2/prices/historical_trades' -Parameters $Parameters $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri if($results_only.IsPresent){ return $results.trades } else { return $results } } function Show-DexieLiquidityRewards { <# .SYNOPSIS Show the current liquidity rewards on dexie.space. .DESCRIPTION Show the current liquidity rewards on dexie.space. This will show the rewards for providing liquidity to the dexie.space exchange. .EXAMPLE Show-DexieLiquidityRewards -ids @("CxHxbuBUz89Wj8ALmPX4FtUyPFPM1KxXdPqCXReMVd7x",....) success offers ------- ------ True {@{id=CxHxbuBUz89Wj8ALmPX4FtUyPFPM1KxXdPqCXReMVd7x; status=0; date_found=1/19/2025 3:14:06 PM; date_completed=; maker_puzzle_hash=0x4f038009275e93d9df1ae2e07695a466313915e9412961234c0465d4adfd4d6a; claimable_rewards=0.163… #> param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$ids, [switch]$results_only ) $json = @{ ids = $ids } | ConvertTo-Json $uri = 'https://api.dexie.space/v1/rewards/check' $contentType = 'application/json' $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $json -ContentType $contentType if($results_only.IsPresent){ return $result.offers } else { return $result } } function Get-DexieQuote { param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$from, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$to, [UInt64]$from_amount, [UInt64]$to_amount, [switch]$results_only ) if (-not $from_amount -and -not $to_amount) { throw "Either from_amount or to_amount is required." } $parameters = @{ from = $from to = $to } if ($from_amount) { $parameters.Add('from_amount', $from_amount) } if ($to_amount) { $parameters.Add('to_amount', $to_amount) } $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl 'https://api.dexie.space/v1/swap/quote' -Parameters $parameters $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri if($results_only.IsPresent){ return $results.quote } else { return $results } } function Complete-DexieSwap { <# .SYNOPSIS Complete a swap on dexie.space. .DESCRIPTION Complete a swap on dexie.space. This will take the offer string and complete the swap. .NOTES Dexie Swaps have a 1% fee. The fee_destination address is an address owned the the PowerDexie developer. This allows for part of the trading fee to be sent to the developer as well as dexie.space. .PARAMETER offer The offer string from the dexie.space offer. .EXAMPLE Complete-DexieSwap -offer 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 success id offer ------- -- ----- True B18UHqaJXBDu8PVBWsY73opqmCszRnT8hEPmL6rYDcYa @{id=B18UHqaJXBDu8PVBWsY73opqmCszRnT8hEPmL6rYDcYa; status=1; date_found=8/6/2022… #> param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$offer ) $json = @{ offer = $offer fee_destination = "xch1gjh6ehqk9m0mvyx4knt3j0zx09nllmech2jeq7cv2lsqgzdh2mnqc5zk2t" } | ConvertTo-Json $uri = "https://api.dexie.space/v1/swap" $contentType = 'application/json' $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $json -ContentType $contentType return $result } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DexieAssets, Get-DexieOffers, Show-DexieOffer, Show-DexieOffers, Get-DexiePairs, Get-DexieTickers, Get-DexieOrderBook, Get-DexieHistoricalTrades, Show-DexieLiquidityRewards, Get-DexieQuote, Complete-DexieSwap |