# Discover and load function scripts $scriptFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\src\" -Include "*.ps1" -Recurse); foreach ($scriptFile in $scriptFiles) { $scriptPath = $scriptFile.FullName; Write-Verbose " > Loading function file '$scriptPath'"; try { . $scriptPath; Write-Verbose " > Loading function file '$scriptPath' => OK !"; } catch { $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message; Write-Verbose " > Loading function file '$scriptPath' => KO ! Reason = '$errorMessage'"; } } # Install and Import required modules $requiredModules = @("Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell") foreach ($module in $requiredModules) { if (-not(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $module)) { Write-Verbose "$module does not exist"; Install-Module -Name $module -Scope CurrentUser -SkipPublisherCheck -Force -Confirm:$false -AllowClobber; } Import-Module -Name $module -DisableNameChecking; Write-Verbose " > Loading module : '$module' => OK !"; } # Loading assemblies $binFolderPath = "$PSScriptRoot\src\Assemblies"; $assemblies = @("$binFolderPath\Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll", "$binFolderPath\Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll", "$binFolderPath\Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.dll"); foreach ($assemblyPath in $assemblies) { [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($assemblyPath); Write-Verbose " > Loading assembly file '$assemblyPath' => OK !"; } # Provision dedicate appdata folder $Global:PowerDataOpsModuleFolderPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:APPDATA, "PowerDataOps"); New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Global:PowerDataOpsModuleFolderPath -Force | Out-Null; Write-Verbose " > Initialize module folder '$($Global:PowerDataOpsModuleFolderPath)' => OK !"; # Initialize tracing file $timestamp = Get-date -format "yyyy-MM-dd -- HH-mm-ss"; New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Global:PowerDataOpsModuleFolderPath -Name "Logs" -Force | Out-Null; $Global:LogFolderPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Global:PowerDataOpsModuleFolderPath, "Logs"); $Global:LogFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Global:LogFolderPath, "$timestamp.log"); $module = Get-Module -Name PowerDataOps -ListAvailable; if (-not $module) { return; } if ($module.Count -gt 1) { Write-Host "Multiple PowerDataOps modules installed!" -ForegroundColor Yellow; foreach ($version in $module) { $moduleVersion = $version.Version.ToString(); Write-Host " - version $moduleVersion"; } } else { $moduleVersion = $module.Version.ToString(); Write-Host "PowerDataOps version = $moduleVersion"; } |