Function Get-ListSessions { <# .SYNOPSIS omnirpt -report list_sessions .DESCRIPTION Converts the list_sessions report to a PowerShell array .EXAMPLE Get-ListSessions -Specification *daily* -SessionType Backup .EXAMPLE Get-ListSessions -Specification *full* -Days 7 .LINK #> Param( [string]$Specification = "*", [string]$SessionType = "*", [int]$Hours = 0, [int]$Days = 0, [string]$Timeframe, [string]$Mode = "*", #full,incr,trans,etc... [String]$Status = "*", [switch]$WithMedia #fetch for Media label and pool name ) $Cmd = 'omnirpt -report list_sessions' #generate timestamp parameter if($Timeframe -notmatch '^\d+\s\d+$'){ $Hours += ($Days * 24) if($Hours -lt 1){ $Hours = 24 } $Timeframe = $([string]$Hours + ' ' + [string]$Hours) } $Cmd += ' -timeframe ' + $Timeframe $Cmd += ' -tab' $Array = Invoke-Expression -Command $Cmd | ConvertFrom-Omnirpt if($WithMedia){ $NewArray = @() $Array | %{ $Session = $_ $PoolName = '' $Medias = '' #Fetch Media info only if session type is Copy if($Session.'Session Type' -like "*copy*"){ $Cmd = 'omnirpt -report session_media' $Cmd += ' -session ' + $Session.'Session ID' $Cmd += ' -tab' $(Invoke-Expression -Command $Cmd | ConvertFrom-Omnirpt) | %{ $Medias += (($_.Label).split('[')[1]).split(']')[0] + ' ' $PoolName = $_.'Pool Name' } $Medias = $Medias.Trim() } $NewArray += $Session | Select-Object -Property *, @{n='Media Labels'; e={$SessionID = $Session.'Session ID'; $Medias}} | Select-Object -Property *, @{n='Pool Name'; e={$SessionID = $Session.'Session ID'; $PoolName}} } $Array = $NewArray } return $Array | Where { $_.Specification -like "$Specification" -and $_.'Session Type' -like "$SessionType" -and $_.Mode -like "$Mode" -and $_.Status -like "$Status" } | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty *Owner,*DA,Success | Sort-Object -Property "Start Time" } |