Function ConvertFrom-OmnidbDetail { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns an array from "omnidb [options] -detail" output .DESCRIPTION Accepts the output of "omnidb [options] -detail" in pipline and returns a PowerShell array .EXAMPLE omnidb -session 2019/02/07-7 -detail | ConvertFrom-OmnidbDetail .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]]$Lines, [switch]$FullObjectName ) BEGIN { $ArrayOutput = @() $Item = New-Object PSObject } PROCESS { $Lines | %{ #An empty line means its a new item if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)){ #Add Item to Array only if its not empty if(($Item|Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).count -gt 0){ $ArrayOutput += $Item $Item = New-Object PSObject } } if($_ -match "^\s*((?:[\w\[\]]\s?)+)\s+:\s(.*)"){ $Name = $Matches[1].trimend() $Value = $Matches[2] if($Name -eq "Object name" -and !$FullObjectName){ $Value = [regex]::Match($Value, '^(.+):.*').groups[1].value } #Convert values to correct type if($Name -match "^.*(Time|Started|Finished).*$"){ $Value = $Value } elseif($Name -match "^.*(Number).*$"){ $Value = ConvertTo-Int($Value) } elseif($Value -match "^(\d+)\sKB"){ $Name = $Name + " (GB)" $Value = ConvertTo-Int($Matches[1]/1024/1024) } elseif($Name -match "^(.*)\s\[KB.*"){ $Name = $Matches[1] + " (GB)" $Value = ConvertTo-Int($Value/1024/1024) } $Item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name $Name -Value $Value } } } END { $ArrayOutput += $Item return $ArrayOutput | Select-Object * } } |