function Update-ConfluenceSpaces { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Keys of specific spaces to pull (if null/empty, will get all spaces) [Parameter(Position=0)] [string[]] $SpaceKeys = @(), # Synchronization options for spaces [Parameter(Position=1)] [AllowNull()] [hashtable] $SyncOptions, # The ID value of the refresh underway [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=2)] [int] $RefreshId, # The sql instance to update data in [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=3)] [string] $SqlInstance, # The sql database to update data in [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=4)] [string] $SqlDatabase, # The schema to use when updating data [Parameter(Position=5)] [string] $SchemaName="dbo" ) begin { Write-Verbose "Updating Spaces" $spaceTableName = "tbl_stg_Confluence_Space" $spaces = @() $permissionTableName = "tbl_stg_Confluence_Space_Permission" $permissions = @() $getPermissions = $null -ne $SyncOptions -and $SyncOptions.ContainsKey("Permissions") -and $SyncOptions.Permissions -ne $false if (!$getPermissions) { Write-Verbose "Skipping Space Permissions" } $sqlConnSplat = @{ DatabaseServer = $SqlInstance DatabaseName = $SqlDatabase SchemaName = $SchemaName } } process { #set up to loop through results (there is a limit of 25 per call, so we have to loop to make sure we got them all) $limit = 25 $currentPage = 1 $returnCount = 0 do { Write-Verbose "Fetching Page $currentPage of spaces" #get a response $restParams = @{ MaxResults = $limit StartAt = $limit * ($currentPage - 1) Expand = @("icon") } if ($null -ne $SpaceKeys -and $SpaceKeys.Count -gt 0) { $restParams.Add("SpaceKeys", $SpaceKeys) } if ($getPermissions) { $restParams.Expand += "permissions" } $results = Invoke-ConfluenceGetSpaces @restParams #map spaces $mappedSpaces = $results.results | Read-ConfluenceSpace -RefreshId $RefreshId -ReadPermissions:$getPermissions #look for and remove duplicates $existingKeys = @() $existingKeys += $spaces | ForEach-Object { $_.Space_Key } $newSpaces = $mappedSpaces | Where-Object { $existingKeys -notcontains $_.Space_Key } #handle permissions storage, if configured if ($getPermissions) { #get the permissions objects, then remove the property from the space objects so it's not written to the db $permissions += $newSpaces | ForEach-Object { $_.Permissions } $newSpaces = $newSpaces | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Permissions -Property '*' } #add space results to master list, checking for duplicates $spaces += $newSpaces #check how many results came back $returnCount = $results.size #move the start marker forward $currentPage += 1 #loop again if we got the max number of results (implying that we haven't go them all yet) } while ($returnCount -eq $limit) } end { Write-AtlassianData @sqlConnSplat -Data $spaces -TableName $spaceTableName if ($getPermissions) { Write-AtlassianData @sqlConnSplat -Data $permissions -TableName $permissionTableName } } } |