
$ConfluenceContentExpand = @("childTypes.all","childTypes.attachment","childTypes.comment","",

function Invoke-ConfluenceGetContentById {
    param (
        # The Id of the content to retrieve

        # Status of content to retrieve
        [ValidateSet("current", "trashed", "any", "draft")]
        $Status = "current",

        # The version number to return

        # Used to expand additional attributes
        [ValidateScript({ Compare-StringArraySubset $ConfluenceContentExpand $_ })]

        # Set this flag to render embeded contents as the version they were when the content was saved

        # Set this flag to triggered the "viewed" event for the content

        # The AtlassianContext object to use for the request (use New-AtlassianContext)
    begin {
        $results = @()
    process {
        $functionPath = "/wiki/rest/api/content/$Id"
        $verb = "GET"

        $query = New-PACRestMethodQueryParams @{
            status = $Status
            embeddedContentRender = IIF $EmbedRenderAtSave "version-at-save" "current"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Expand")){$query.Add("expand",$Expand -join ",")}

        $method = New-PACRestMethod $functionPath $verb $query
        $results += $method.Invoke($RequestContext)
    end {