
#Requires -Modules Terminal-Icons
. $PSScriptRoot/Init/Import-Dependencies.ps1

function PowerColorLS{
  Displays a colorized directory and file listing with icons.
  List information about files and directories (the current directory by default).
  Entries will be sorted alphabetically if no sorting option is specified.
  The directories and files will be displayed with an icon and color scheme.
  The module has a dependency on the powershell module Terminal-Icons (https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/)
  being installed and configured first.
    Usage: PowerColorLS [OPTION]... [FILE]..."
        -a, --all do not ignore hidden files and files starting with .
        -l, --long use a long listing format
        -r, --report shows a brief report
        -1 list one file per line
        -d, --dirs show only directories
        -f, --files show only files
        -ds, -sds, --sds, --show-directory-size
                            show directory size (can take a long time)
        -hi, --hide-icons hide icons
        sorting options:
        -sd, --sort-dirs, --group-directories-first
                            sort directories first
        -sf, --sort-files, --group-files-first
                            sort files first
        -t, -st, --st
                            sort by modification time, newest first
        general options:
        -h, --help prints help information
        -v, --version show version information
   # Show help
   PowerColorLS -h
   # Show a lising of all files and directories in the current location sorted by name
   # Show a lising of all files and directories in c:\test sorted by directories first
   PowerColorLS -sd c:\test
   # Show a lising of all files and directories matching *name* in the current location sorted by files first
   PowerColorLS -sf *name*
   # Show a lising of all files and directories in the current location, including hidden files
   PowerColorLS --all
   # Show a lising of all files and directories in the current location, including hidden files, sorted by modification time
   PowerColorLS --all -t
   # Show a lising of all files and directories in the current location in a long format
   PowerColorLS --long
   # Show a lising of all files and directories in the current location in a long format including directory size
   PowerColorLS --long --show-directory-size

    # get our options
    $get_optionsResult = Get-OptionsResult -arguments $args

    if($get_optionsResult.continue -eq $false){
        if($null -ne $get_optionsResult.errorMessage){
            # something was wrong with the parameters provided:
            $errMsg = (ConvertFrom-RGBColor -RGB ("FF0000")) + $glyphs["nf-fa-warning"] + " " + $get_optionsResult.errorMessage
            Write-Host $errMsg

    $query = $get_optionsResult.query

    # load options
    $options = $get_optionsResult.options

    # get the items
    $filesAndFolders = Get-FilesAndFoldersListing -options $options -query $query

    $fileAndFolderCount = ($filesAndFolders | Measure-Object).Count

    if($fileAndFolderCount -eq 0){ # nothing found

    # are we in a git directory? If so, get the data we need
    $gitInfo = Get-GitInfo -filesAndFolders $filesAndFolders

    # determine the longest items so we can adapt the list to the console window width
    $longestItemLength = Get-LongestItemLength -filesAndFolders $filesAndFolders

    $longFormatData = Splat Get-LongFormatData @{
        options = $options
        filesAndFolders = $filesAndFolders
        longestItemLength = $longestItemLength

    $itemSpacerWidth = 4
    $lineCharsCounter = 0

    # get how many characters we have available in this console window
    $availableCharWith = $host.ui.rawui.buffersize.width

    if($null -eq $availableCharWith){
        $availableCharWith = 150

    # start iterating over our items
    foreach ($fileSystemInfo in $filesAndFolders) {

        $color = Get-Color -fileSystemInfo $fileSystemInfo -colorTheme $colorTheme
        if(-not $options.hideIcons){
            $icon = Get-Icon -fileSystemInfo $fileSystemInfo -iconTheme $iconTheme -glyphs $glyphs

        $colorAndIcon = "${color}${icon}"

        $gitColorAndIcon = Get-GitColorAndIcon -gitInfo $gitInfo -fileSystemInfo $fileSystemInfo -glyphs $glyphs -hideIcons $options.hideIcons
        $colorAndIcon = "${gitColorAndIcon}${colorAndIcon}"

            $printout = Splat Get-LongFormatPrintout @{
                fileSystemInfo = $fileSystemInfo
                options = $options
                longFormatData = $longFormatData
                colorAndIcon = $colorAndIcon
                availableCharWith = $availableCharWith

            $nameForDisplay = Get-NameForDisplay -fileSystemInfo $fileSystemInfo
                $printout = "${icon}${nameForDisplay}" + (" "*($longestItemLength - $nameForDisplay.length + $itemSpacerWidth))
                $printout = "${icon} ${nameForDisplay}" + (" "*($longestItemLength - $nameForDisplay.length + $itemSpacerWidth))
            $lineCharsCounter += ($printout.length + $gitInfo.lineCharsCounterIncrease)

        if ((-not $options.oneEntryPerLine) -and(-not $options.longFormat) -and ( $lineCharsCounter -ge ($availableCharWith)) ) {
            Write-Host ""
            $lineCharsCounter = ($printout.length + $gitInfo.lineCharsCounterIncrease)

            Write-Host "${printout}"
            Write-Host "${gitColorAndIcon}${color}${printout}"
            Write-Host "${gitColorAndIcon}${color}${printout}" -nonewline

        Show-Report -options $options -filesAndFolders $filesAndFolders -query $query

    if(-not $options.longFormat){
        Write-Host ""

Export-ModuleMember -Function PowerColorLs