function Get-Command-Checkout { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$directory, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [array]$params, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCustomObject]$config ) $commandConfig = $config.commands.checkout $branchTypes = $config.commands.branch.branchTypes if($params.count -gt 1){ return $null } #if(1 -ne $params.count){ # return $null #} $branchName = "" if(1 -eq $params.count){ $branchName = $params[0] } if($branchName.StartsWith("-")){ return $null } $branches = (Get-Git-Branches-Complex -includehead $commandConfig.includeHead -showAll $True -remote $False) $matchedBranches = @() $selectedBranchIndex = -1 $nl = "`r`n" $index = 0 $green = $ $white = $colors.white $currentBranchName = $null foreach ($branch in $branches["branchName"]) { $isCurrent = $branches["isCurrent"][$index] $isLocal = $branches["isLocal"][$index] $isRemote = $branches["isRemote"][$index] $bn = $branch if($isCurrent){ $currentBranchName = $bn } if($bn -eq $branchName){ if($isCurrent){ Write-Host "Already on branch ${green}'${bn}'." return "" } $selectedBranchIndex = $index break; }elseif($branchName -eq "" -or ($bn.Contains($branchName, "CurrentCultureIgnoreCase")) -and -not $isCurrent){ $matchedBranches += $index } $index++ } if(-1 -eq $selectedBranchIndex -and 0 -eq $matchedBranches.length){ Write-Host "No matching branch was found" return "" } if($matchedBranches.length -eq 1){ $selectedBranchIndex = $matchedBranches[0] }elseif($matchedBranches.length -gt 1){ Write-Host "You are currently on branch ${green}'${currentBranchName}'${white}.${nl}Please use the arrow keys and press enter to select another branch." $menu = @() foreach ($index in $matchedBranches) { $isLocal = $branches["isLocal"][$index] $isRemote = $branches["isRemote"][$index] $bn = $branches["branchName"][$index] $menuItem = "" if($isLocal){ $menuItem = -join($menuItem, $, " ") }else{ $menuItem = -join($menuItem, " ") } if($isRemote){ $menuItem = -join($menuItem, $symbols.globe, " ") }else{ $menuItem = -join($menuItem, " ") } $menuItem = -join($menuItem, (Get-Branch-Icon -branchName $bn -branchTypes $branchTypes -glyphs $glyphs -setIconColor $false)," ") $menuItem = -join($menuItem, $bn) $menu += $menuItem } $menuSelection = (New-InteractiveMenu -itemsList @($menu) -numberOfHeaderLines 2) if($null -eq $menuSelection){ Write-Host "No branch was selected" return "" } $selectedBranchIndex = $matchedBranches[$menuSelection] } $selectedBranchHasRemote = $branches["isRemote"][$selectedBranchIndex] $branchName = $branches["branchName"][$selectedBranchIndex] . git checkout $branchName if($commandConfig.pullAfterCheckout -and $selectedBranchHasRemote){ Write-Host "Pulling changes..." $pr = (git pull 2>&1) Write-Host $pr } return "" } |