
# PowerChia is not affiliated with the Chia Network. This is a third party tool.

# This Module can be used to create Chia Offers in a programatic way, enabling you to make trades with other users on the Chia Network.

# This module is provided AS IS and you are responsible for how you use it.
# With financial tools, you should always verify the code before running it.

# This module provides a set of functions to interact with the Chia Wallet RPC.

function Invoke-ChiaRpc{
    Invoke a chia rpc command
    This is a powershell way to call the chia rpc commands. You can pass in a Hashtable @{} as the json object and it will convert it to JSON automatically.
    .PARAMETER section
    The section of the chia rpc command.
    .PARAMETER endpoint
    The sections endpoint for Chia RPC
    .PARAMETER json
    The json to send to the endpoint

    $result = chia rpc $section $endpoint ($json | ConvertTo-Json) | ConvertFrom-Json
    return $result


function Add-ChiaKey {
    Create a new wallet from a mnemonic.
    Add a 12 word or 24 word mnemonic to the wallet.
    .Parameter mnemonic
    Add an array of 12 or 24 words to the wallet.
    Add-ChiaKey -mnemonic @("hint", "dice", "session", "fun", "budget", "strong", "album", "lava", "tackle", "sudden", "garage", "people", "bundle", "federal", "chest", "process", "vicious", "behave", "nephew", "zero", "vital", "ocean", "artist", "lawsuit")
    fingerprint success
    ----------- -------
    874731676 True
    New-ChiaMnemonic | Add-ChiaKey
    Uses the chia rpc wallet add_key endpoint.


    if ($mnemonic.Length -ne 12 -and $mnemonic.Length -ne 24) {
        throw "Mnemonic must be either 12 or 24 words long."

    $json = @{
        "mnemonic" = $mnemonic

    Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint add_key -json $json


function Test-ChiaDeleteKey {
    Display whether a fingerprint has a balance, and whether it is used for farming or pool rewards.
    This is helpful when determining whether it is safe to delete a key without first backing it up.
    .PARAMETER fingerprint
    The wallet fingerprint to test.
    .PARAMETER max_ph_to_search
    The maximum number of addresses to search for the fingerprint. Default is 100.
    Test-ChiaDeleteKey -fingerprint 874731676 -max_ph_to_search 200
    fingerprint : 874731676
    success : True
    used_for_farmer_rewards : False
    used_for_pool_rewards : False
    wallet_balance : False
    Uses the chia rpc wallet check_delete_key endpoint.


    $json = @{
        fingerprint = $fingerprint

    Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint check_delete_key -json $json

function Remove-ChiaKey{
    Remove a key from the wallet.
    Removes the fingerprint/wallet from the wallet. Make sure you have the mnemonic backed up or you will lose access to the coins.
    .PARAMETER fingerprint
    The fingerprint of the wallet to remove.
    Remove-ChiaKey -fingerprint 874731676
    Success : True
    Uses the chia rpc wallet delete_key endpoint.


    $json = @{
        fingerprint = $fingerprint

    Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint delete_key -json $json

function New-ChiaMnemonic{
    Generate a new mnemonic.
    Generate a new mnemonic.
    mnemonic success
    -------- -------
    {wheat, off, carbon, chronic…} True
    Uses the chia rpc wallet generate_mnemonic endpoint.

    $mnemonic = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint generate_mnemonic -json @{}
    return $mnemonic
function Get-ChiaLoggedInFingerprint{
    Get the fingerprint of the currently logged in wallet.
    Get the fingerprint of the currently logged in wallet.
    fingerprint success
    ----------- -------
    422264843 True
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_logged_in_fingerprint endpoint.

    $fingerprint = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_logged_in_fingerprint -json @{}
    return $fingerprint
function Get-ChiaPrivateKey {
    Get the private key of a wallet.
    Get the private key of a wallet.
    .PARAMETER fingerprint
    The fingerprint of the wallet to get the private key for.
    Get-ChiaPrivateKey -fingerprint 874731676
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_private_key endpoint.


$json = @{
    fingerprint = $fingerprint

$result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_private_key -json $json
return $result.private_key
function Get-ChiaPublicKey {
    Get the public keys of a wallet.
    Get the public keys of a wallet.
    .PARAMETER fingerprint
    The fingerprint of the wallet to get the public keys for.
    Get-ChiaPublicKeys -fingerprint 874731676
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_public_keys endpoint.


    $json = @{
        fingerprint = $fingerprint

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_public_keys -json $json
    return $result
function Set-ChiaActiveFingerprint {
    Set the Active to the Chia Fingerpint/Wallet.
    Set the active fingerprint for the wallet. This is also known as logging in.
    .PARAMETER fingerprint
    The fingerprint of the wallet to make active.
    Set-ChiaActiveFingerprint -fingerprint 874731676
    Uses the chia rpc wallet log_in endpoint.


    $json = @{
        fingerprint = $fingerprint

    Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint log_in -json $json

function Get-ChiaAutoClaim {
    Get the auto claim settings.
    Get the auto claim settings.
    batch_size : 50
    enabled : False
    min_amount : 0
    success : True
    tx_fee : 0
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_auto_claim endpoint.

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_auto_claim -json @{}
    return $result

function Get-ChiaHeightInfo {
    Get the height info of the wallet.
    Get the height info of the wallet.
    height success
    ------ -------
    1000 True
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_height_info endpoint.

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_height_info -json @{}
    return $result

function Get-ChiaNetworkInfo {
    Get the network info of the wallet.
    Get the network info of the wallet.
    genesis_challenge network_name network_prefix success
    ----------------- ------------ -------------- -------
    ccd5bb71183532bff220ba46c268991a3ff07eb358e8255a65c30a2dce0e5fbb mainnet xch True
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_network_info endpoint.

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_network_info -json @{}
    return $result

function Get-ChiaSyncStatus {
    Get the sync status of the wallet.
    Get the sync status of the wallet.
    genesis_initialized success synced syncing
    ------------------- ------- ------ -------
                True True True False
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_sync_status endpoint.

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_sync_status -json @{}
    return $result

function Get-ChiaTimestampForHeight {
    Get the timestamp for a given height.
    Get the timestamp for a given height.
    .PARAMETER height
    The height to get the timestamp for.
    .PARAMETER add_local_timestamp
    Add the local timestamp to the result.
    Get-ChiaTimestampForHeight -height 1000
    timestamp success
    --------- -------
    1612345678 True
    Get-ChiaTimestampForHeight -height 6523938 -add_local_timestamp
    success timestamp local_timestamp
    ------- --------- ---------------
    True 1737477594 1/21/2025 10:39:54 AM
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_timestamp_for_height endpoint.


    $json = @{
        height = $height

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_timestamp_for_height -json $json
    if ($add_local_timestamp) {
        $timezone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local
        $timestamp = [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($result.timestamp).UtcDateTime
        $localTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($timestamp, $timezone)
        $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "local_timestamp" -Value $localTime
    return $result

function Submit-ChiaTransaction {
    Send a Spendbundle to the blockchain.
    Sends a previously created spendbundle to the blockchain.
    .PARAMETER spend_bundle
    The spendbundle to send.
    Uses the chia rpc wallet push_tx endpoint.


    $json = @{
        spend_bundle = $spend_bundle

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint push_tx -json $json
    return $result

function Set-ChiaAutoClaim {
    Set the auto claim settings.
    Set the auto claim settings.
    .PARAMETER enabled
    Enable or disable auto claim.
    .PARAMETER batch_size
    The batch size for auto claim.
    .PARAMETER min_amount
    The minimum amount for auto claim.
    .PARAMETER tx_fee
    The transaction fee for auto claim.
    Set-ChiaAutoClaim -enabled $true -batch_size 50 -min_amount 0 -tx_fee 0
    batch_size : 50
    enabled : True
    min_amount : 0
    success : True
    tx_fee : 0
    Uses the chia rpc wallet set_auto_claim endpoint.


    $json = @{
        enabled = $enabled
        batch_size = $batch_size
        min_amount = $min_amount
        tx_fee = $tx_fee

    Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint set_auto_claim -json $json
function Add-ChiaCat {
    Adds the ability to track a CAT token to the wallet.
    This commands adds a cat token with a wallet_id to your fingerprint. This is useful for tracking CAT tokens in your wallet.
    .PARAMETER name
    This is the lable for the Cat in your wallet.
    .PARAMETER asset_id
    The asset_id of the CAT token.
    This does not add tokens to your wallet, it just enables tracking of the token.
    Uses the chia rpc wallet create_new_wallet endpoint.
    Add DexieBucks to the wallet.
    Add-ChiaCat -name DBX -asset_id db1a9020d48d9d4ad22631b66ab4b9ebd3637ef7758ad38881348c5d24c38f20
    asset_id success type wallet_id
    -------- ------- ---- ---------
    db1a9020d48d9d4ad22631b66ab4b9ebd3637ef7758ad38881348c5d24c38f20 True 6 2


    $json = @{
        wallet_type = "cat_wallet"
        mode = "existing"
        name = $name
        asset_id = $asset_id

    Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint create_new_wallet -json $json

function Get-ChiaWallets{
    Get a list of chia wallets.
    Get a list of chia wallets for the logged in fingerprint.
    .PARAMETER type
    The type of wallet to get. Options are standard_wallet, atomic_swap, authorized_payee, multi_sig, custody, cat, recoverable, decentralized_id, pooling_wallet, nft, data_layer, data_layer_offer, vc
    .PARAMETER exclude_data
    Exclude the data from the wallet.
    Get-ChiaWallets -type standard_wallet
    data id name type
    ---- -- ---- ----
        1 Chia Wallet 0
    data id name type
    ---- -- ---- ----
                                                                        1 Chia Wallet 0
    db1a9020d48d9d4ad22631b66ab4b9ebd3637ef7758ad38881348c5d24c38f2000 2 DBX 6
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_wallets endpoint.

    $wallet_type = $null
    switch ($type) {
        "standard_wallet" {$wallet_type = 0}
        "atomic_swap" {$wallet_type = 2}
        "authorized_payee" {$wallet_type = 3}
        "multi_sig" {$wallet_type = 4}
        "custody" {$wallet_type = 5}
        "cat" {$wallet_type = 6}
        "recoverable" {$wallet_type = 7}
        "decentralized_id" {$wallet_type = 8}
        "pooling_wallet" {$wallet_type = 8}
        "nft" {$wallet_type = 10}
        "data_layer" {$wallet_type = 11}
        "data_layer_offer" {$wallet_type = 12}
        "vc" {$wallet_type = 13}


        $exclude = $true
    } else {
        $exclude = $false
        $json = @{
            type = $wallet_type
            exclude_data = $exclude
    } else {
        $json = @{
            exclude_data = $exclude

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_wallets -json $json
    return $result.wallets

function Get-ChiaNftInfo{
    Get the NFT info for a coin_id.
    Get the on chain information for an NFT.
    .PARAMETER coin_id
    This can be either the coin_id or the launcher_id of the NFT.
    .PARAMETER wallet_id
    The wallet_id of the NFT if you own it.
    Get-ChiaNftInfo -coin_id "nft1r5u0rrpsafl9rz8slh0jm8w3h9xl8f7mftqzn8dc8cqnuh7ked4ssk5rl4"
    chain_info : ((117 "https://ipfs.fancyfauna.com/ipfs/QmP6b5yUXPtpUHEL3nQihMsVWBSTpy87AJV4gz73rwnShE") (104 . 0x33bfd9355b4ce0b268363ba76524919b4147637e6a77bf4a5aa290309bf512b3) (28021
                                "https://ipfs.fancyfauna.com/ipfs/QmV2Xiq1y6J4dMDBb4WSjPtcj48sKQF7pKcynLSq9zueAr") (28008 . 0x38b5c9ee85343aaaef21c222b76ba7f17164de1a562c4c58d73133843ca7aba9) (27765
                                "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.txt") (29550 . 1) (29556 . 1) (27752 . 0xa2010f343487d3f7618affe54f789f5487602331c0a8d03f49e9a7c547cf0499))
    data_hash : 0x33bfd9355b4ce0b268363ba76524919b4147637e6a77bf4a5aa290309bf512b3
    data_uris : {https://ipfs.fancyfauna.com/ipfs/QmP6b5yUXPtpUHEL3nQihMsVWBSTpy87AJV4gz73rwnShE}
    edition_number : 1
    edition_total : 1
    launcher_id : 0x1d38f18c30ea7e5188f0fddf2d9dd1b94df3a7db4ac0299db83e013e5fd6cb6b
    launcher_puzhash : 0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9
    license_hash : 0xa2010f343487d3f7618affe54f789f5487602331c0a8d03f49e9a7c547cf0499
    license_uris : {https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.txt}
    metadata_hash : 0x38b5c9ee85343aaaef21c222b76ba7f17164de1a562c4c58d73133843ca7aba9
    metadata_uris : {https://ipfs.fancyfauna.com/ipfs/QmV2Xiq1y6J4dMDBb4WSjPtcj48sKQF7pKcynLSq9zueAr}
    mint_height : 6518668
    minter_did :
    nft_coin_confirmation_height : 6525578
    nft_coin_id : 0xcd58353b234b59b6ca78621567adbe9af5b9266327ec0b084ee1a91d4cb60d77
    nft_id : nft1r5u0rrpsafl9rz8slh0jm8w3h9xl8f7mftqzn8dc8cqnuh7ked4ssk5rl4
    off_chain_metadata :
    owner_did :
    p2_address : 0x32e7a53316929bb0b7eb5e5c940602d0bfc71e41953cc8bceebe394590fa35fe
    pending_transaction : False
    royalty_percentage : 500
    royalty_puzzle_hash : 0x5284226b2be7b21f964f6c3a1eb57c84097b74f5588e6096c18486d9138d485b
    supports_did : True
    updater_puzhash : 0xfe8a4b4e27a2e29a4d3fc7ce9d527adbcaccbab6ada3903ccf3ba9a769d2d78b
    Uses the chia rpc wallet nft_get_info endpoint.


    $json = @{
        coin_id = $coin_id
    if($wallet_id -gt 0)
        $json.wallet_id = $wallet_id

    $nft = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint nft_get_info -json $json
    return $nft.nft_info

function Get-ChiaOffers {
    Get a list of all offers known to the wallet.
    Get a list of all offers known to the wallet.
    .PARAMETER start
    Number of offers to skip from the start.
    .PARAMETER end
    Number of offers to return.
    .PARAMETER exclude_my_offers
    Exclude offers made by the wallet.
    .PARAMETER exclude_taken_offers
    Exclude offers that have been taken.
    .PARAMETER include_completed
    Include completed offers.
    .PARAMETER reverse
    Reverse the order of the offers.
    .PARAMETER file_contents
    Show the Offer file contents.
    Get-ChiaOffers -start 0 -end 10
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_all_offers endpoint.


    if($end -eq 0){
        $end = 10
    $json = @{
        start = $start
        end = $end
        exclude_my_offers = $exclude_my_offers.IsPresent
        exclude_taken_offers = $exclude_taken_offers.IsPresent
        include_completed = $include_completed.IsPresent
        reverse = $reverse.IsPresent
        file_contents = $file_contents.IsPresent

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_all_offers -json $json
    return $result.trade_records

function Get-ChiaOffer {
    $json = @{
        trade_id = $trade_id
        file_contents = $file_contents.IsPresent

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_offer -json $json
    return $result.trade_record

function Revoke-Offer{
    Cancel an Offer by trade_id.
    Cancel an offer on or off chain by using the secure flag.
    .PARAMETER trade_id
    The trade_id of the offer to cancel.
    .PARAMETER fee
    The fee paid to confirm transaction. Default = 0
    .PARAMETER insecure
    This switch will unlock the coin from the wallet, but the offer is still valid until the coin is spent onchain.
    Revoke-Offer -trade_id 0xda6a840ebdb8a85a363d5e0af3ea287fbb0de90dda87f6aae7cf51b62ad00fd4 -insecure


        $secure = $false
    } else {
        $secure = $true

    $json = @{
        fee = $fee
        trade_id = $trade_id
        secure = $secure
    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint cancel_offer -json $json
    return $result

function Get-ChiaOfferSummary {
    Get a summary of an offer string.
    Gets the summery from an offer string.
    .PARAMETER offer
    The offer string to get the summary from.
    .PARAMETER advanced
    Get the advanced summary.
    Get-ChiaOfferSummary -offer "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" -advanced
    id success summary
    -- ------- -------
    0x489275d9d8f0ddff2315f756d2067141f87dfb9000d76fc8e747d6d21e1d1414 True @{additions=System.Object[]; fees=0; infos=; offered=; removals=System.Object[]; requested=; valid_times=}
    Uses the chia rpc wallet get_offer_summary endpoint.


    $json = @{
        offer = $offer
        advanced = $advanced.IsPresent

    $result = Invoke-ChiaRpc -section wallet -endpoint get_offer_summary -json $json
    return $result

Class ChiaOffer{

        $this.max_height = 0
        $this.max_time = 0
        $this.min_height = 0
        $this.min_time = 0
        $this.fee = 0
        $this.offer = @{}
        $this.validate_only = $false
        $this.dexie_url = "https://dexie.space/v1/offers"



    requestCat($asset_id, $amount){

        $height = (Get-ChiaHeightInfo).height
        $this.max_height = $height + $num

        $this.max_height = $num

        $height = (Get-ChiaHeightInfo).height
        $this.min_height = $height + $num

        $this.min_height = $num

        $DateTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
        $DateTime = $DateTime.AddMinutes($min)
        $this.max_time = [System.Math]::Truncate((Get-Date -Date $DateTime -UFormat %s))

        $DateTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
        $DateTime = $DateTime.AddMinutes($min)
        $this.min_time = [System.Math]::Truncate((Get-Date -Date $DateTime -UFormat %s))



    offered($asset_id, [Int64]$amount){

        $this.validate_only = $true
        $this.json = [ordered]@{
        if($this.max_height -ne 0){
            $this.json.max_height = $this.max_height
        if($this.max_time -ne 0){
            $this.json.max_time = $this.max_time
        if($this.min_height -ne 0){
            $this.json.min_height = $this.min_height
        if($this.min_time -ne 0){
            $this.json.min_time = $this.min_time
        $offerjson = $this.json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 11
        $this.offertext = chia rpc wallet create_offer_for_ids $offerjson
        return $this.offertext | ConvertFrom-Json

            return $this.offertext | ConvertFrom-Json
        } else {
            throw "You must create the offer first."

        $this.nft_info = Get-ChiaNftInfo -coin_id $nft_id

        $this.requested_nft_data = [ordered]@{($data.launcher_id.substring(2))=[ordered]@{
                            type='royalty transfer program';

function Build-ChiaOffer{
    Build a new ChiaOffer object.
    This is used for creating a powershell offer object.
    Building an offer to request 205 DBX (dexiebucks) and offer 1 XCH.
    Notice the the offer and request numbers are in Mojos.
    1 XCH = 1,000,000,000,000 Mojos
    205 DBX = 205,000 Mojos
    # Create an offer object.
    $offer = Build-ChiaOffer
    # Offer 1 XCH
    # Request Dexie Bucks using the asset_id and amount in mojos.
    # Create the offer
    # Assign that data to a variable.
    $offer_data = $offer.showoffer()
    offer : offer1......
    success : True
    trade_record : @{accepted_at_time=; coins_of_interest=System.Object[]; confirmed_at_index=0; created_at_time=1737572687; is_my_offer=True; pending=; sent=0; sent_to=System.Object[]; status=PENDING_ACCEPT;
                            summary=; taken_offer=; trade_id=0xda6a840ebdb8a85a363d5e0af3ea287fbb0de90dda87f6aae7cf51b62ad00fd4; valid_times=}
    transactions : {}
    unsigned_transactions : {}
    If you have the PowerDexie Module, you can upload the offer by using the following command:
    Send-DexieOffer -offer $offer_data.offer
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"success":true,"id":"Ht6FQ9QmmYs8LyzpS8pYrYBKjqBfeJgyyBxoj5Ez1LFe","known":true,"offer":{"id":"Ht6FQ9QmmYs8LyzpS8pYrYBKjqBfeJgyyBxoj5Ez1LFe","status":3,"involved_coins":["0xd8b874f36a16fcf89e410
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 19:26:34 GMT
                        Transfer-Encoding: chunked
                        Connection: keep-alive
                        cdn-cache-control: no-cache, stale-if-error=600
                        ETag: W/"6a6-BjPIXUA2TlbKVYURnSh1rcQ6Wg4"
    Headers : {[Date, System.String[]], [Transfer-Encoding, System.String[]], [Connection, System.String[]], [cdn-cache-control, System.String[]]…}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    RawContentLength : 1702
    RelationLink : {}

    $offer = [ChiaOffer]::new()
    return $offer

function ConvertTo-XCHMojo{

    if ($amount -ne [Math]::Round($amount, 12)) {
        throw "This number is more than twelve decimal places. Please round to twelve decimal places and try again."
    return [Math]::Round(($amount * 1000000000000),0)

function ConvertFrom-XCHMojo{
    return [Math]::Round($amount / 1000000000000,12)

function ConvertFrom-CatMojo{
    return [Math]::Round($amount / 1000,3)

function ConvertTo-CatMojo{
    if ($amount -ne [Math]::Round($amount, 3)) {
        throw "This number is more than three decimal places. Please round to three decimal places and try again."
    return [Math]::Round($amount * 1000,0)

"Get-ChiaNftInfo","Get-ChiaOffers","Revoke-Offer","Get-ChiaOfferSummary","Build-ChiaOffer","ConvertTo-XCHMojo","ConvertFrom-XCHMojo","ConvertTo-CATMojo","ConvertFrom-CATMojo") | Export-ModuleMember