#requires -version 5 #requires -module BuildHelpers #Build Script for Powershell Modules #Uses Invoke-Build ( #Run by changing to the project root directory and run ./Invoke-Build.ps1 #Uses a master-always-deploys strategy and semantic versioning - param ( #Skip deployment and packaging [Switch]$SkipDeploy, #Skip publishing to various destinations (Appveyor,Github,PowershellGallery,etc.) [Switch]$SkipPublish, #Force deployment step even if we are not in master. If you are following GitFlow or GitHubFlow you should never need to do this. [Switch]$ForceDeploy, #Show detailed environment variables. WARNING: Running this in a CI like appveyor may expose your secrets to the log! Be careful! [Switch]$ShowEnvironmentVariables, #Powershell modules required for the build process [String[]]$BuildHelperModules = @("BuildHelpers","Pester","powershell-yaml","Microsoft.Powershell.Archive","PSScriptAnalyzer"), #Which build files/folders should be excluded from packaging [String[]]$BuildFilesToExclude = @("Build","Release","Tests",".git*","appveyor.yml","gitversion.yml","*.build.ps1",".vscode",".placeholder"), #Where to perform the building of the module. Defaults to "Release" under the project directory. You can specify either a path relative to the project directory, or a literal alternate path. [String]$BuildOutputPath, #NuGet API Key for Powershell Gallery Deployment. Defaults to environment variable of the same name [String]$NuGetAPIKey = $env:NuGetAPIKey, #GitHub User for Github Releases. Defaults to environment variable of the same name [String]$GitHubUserName = $env:GitHubAPIKey, #GitHub API Key for Github Releases. Defaults to environment variable of the same name [String]$GitHubAPIKey = $env:GitHubAPIKey ) #Initialize Build Environment Enter-Build { #TODO: Make bootstrap module loading more flexible and dynamic <# if (-not (Get-Command "Set-BuildEnvironment" -module BuildHelpers)) { $HelpersPath = "$Buildroot\Build\Helpers" import-module -force -name "$HelpersPath\BuildHelpers" } #> #Move to the Project Directory if we aren't there already. This should never be necessary, just a sanity check Set-Location $buildRoot #Set the buildOutputPath to "Release" by default if not otherwise specified if (-not $BuildOutputPath) { $BuildOutputPath = "Release" } #Configure some easy to use build environment variables Set-BuildEnvironment -BuildOutput $BuildOutputPath -Force $BuildProjectPath = join-path $env:BHBuildOutput $env:BHProjectName $Timestamp = Get-date -format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss" #If this is a meta-build of PowerCD, include certain additional files that are normally excluded. #This is so we can use the same build file for both PowerCD and templates deployed from PowerCD. $PowerCDIncludeFiles = @("Build","Tests",".git*","appveyor.yml","gitversion.yml","*.build.ps1",".vscode",".placeholder") if ($env:BHProjectName -match 'PowerCD') { $BuildFilesToExclude = $BuildFilesToExclude | where {$PowerCDIncludeFiles -notcontains $PSItem} } #Define the Project Build Path Write-Build Green "Build Initialization - Project Build Path: $BuildProjectPath" #If the branch name is master-test, run the build like we are in "master" if ($env:BHBranchName -eq 'master-test') { write-build Magenta "Build Initialization - Detected master-test branch, running as if we were master" $SCRIPT:BranchName = "master" } else { $SCRIPT:BranchName = $env:BHBranchName } write-build Green "Build Initialization - Current Branch Name: $BranchName" $PassThruParams = @{} if ( ($VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') -or ($CI -and ($BranchName -ne 'master')) ) { write-build Green "Build Initialization - Verbose Build Logging Enabled" $SCRIPT:VerbosePreference = "Continue" $PassThruParams.Verbose = $true } $lines = '----------------------------------------------------------------' function Write-VerboseHeader ([String]$Message) { #Simple function to add lines around a header write-verbose "" write-verbose $lines write-verbose $Message write-verbose $lines } #Detect if we are in a continuous integration environment (Appveyor, etc.) or otherwise running noninteractively if ($ENV:CI -or $CI -or ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() -like '-noni*')) { write-build Green 'Build Initialization - Detected a Noninteractive or CI environment, disabling prompt confirmations' $SCRIPT:CI = $true $ConfirmPreference = 'None' $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" } #Register Nuget if (!(get-packageprovider "Nuget" -ForceBootstrap -ErrorAction silentlycontinue)) { write-verbose "Nuget Provider Not found. Fetching..." Install-PackageProvider Nuget -forcebootstrap -scope currentuser @PassThruParams | out-string | write-verbose write-verboseheader "Installed Nuget Provider Info" Get-PackageProvider Nuget @PassThruParams | format-list | out-string | write-verbose } #Fix a bug with the Appveyor 2017 image having a broken nuget (points to v3 URL but installed packagemanagement doesn't query v3 correctly) if ($ENV:APPVEYOR -and ($ENV:APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE -eq 'Visual Studio 2017')) { write-verbose "Detected Appveyor VS2017 Image, using v2 Nuget API" #Next command will detect this was removed and add this back UnRegister-PackageSource -Name } #Add the nuget repository so we can download things like GitVersion # TODO: Make this optional code when running interactively <# if (!(Get-PackageSource "" -erroraction silentlycontinue)) { write-verbose "Registering as package source" Register-PackageSource -provider NuGet -name -location -Trusted @PassThruParams | out-string | write-verbose } else { $nugetOrgPackageSource = Set-PackageSource -name '' -Trusted @PassThruParams if ($PassThruParams.Verbose) { write-verboseheader "Nuget.Org Package Source Info" $nugetOrgPackageSource | format-table | out-string | write-verbose } } #> #Move to the Project Directory if we aren't there already. This should never be necessary, just a sanity check Set-Location $buildRoot #Force TLS 1.2 for all HTTPS transactions [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 write-verboseheader "Build Environment Prepared! Environment Information:" Get-BuildEnvironment | format-list | out-string | write-verbose if ($ShowEnvironmentVariables) { write-verboseheader "Current Environment Variables" get-childitem env: | out-string | write-verbose write-verboseheader "Powershell Variables" Get-Variable | select-object name, value, visibility | format-table -autosize | out-string | write-verbose } } task Clean { #Reset the BuildOutput Directory if (test-path $buildProjectPath) { Write-Verbose "Removing and resetting Build Output Path: $buildProjectPath" remove-item $buildProjectPath -Recurse @PassThruParams remove-item $buildOutputPath\PowerCD-TestResults*.xml } New-Item -Type Directory $BuildProjectPath @PassThruParams | out-null #Unmount any modules named the same as our module Remove-Module $env:BHProjectName -erroraction silentlycontinue } task Version { #This task determines what version number to assign this build $GitVersionConfig = "$buildRoot/GitVersion.yml" #Fetch GitVersion if required $GitVersionEXE = (Get-Item "$BuildRoot\Build\Helpers\GitVersion\*\GitVersion.exe" -erroraction silentlycontinue | Select-Object -last 1).fullname if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $GitVersionEXE)) { $GitVersionCMDPackageName = "gitversion.commandline" $GitVersionCMDPackage = Get-Package $GitVersionCMDPackageName -erroraction SilentlyContinue if (!($GitVersionCMDPackage)) { write-verbose "Package $GitVersionCMDPackageName Not Found Locally, Installing..." write-verboseheader "Nuget.Org Package Source Info for fetching GitVersion" Get-PackageSource | Format-Table | out-string | write-verbose #Fetch GitVersion $GitVersionCMDPackage = Install-Package $GitVersionCMDPackageName -scope currentuser -source '' -force @PassThruParams } $GitVersionEXE = ((Get-Package $GitVersionCMDPackageName).source | split-path -Parent) + "\tools\GitVersion.exe" } #Does this project have a module manifest? Use that as the Gitversion starting point (will use this by default unless project is tagged higher) #Uses Powershell-YAML module to read/write the GitVersion.yaml config file #FIXME: Rewrite this to just use regex, because powershell-yaml sucks and can't deal with nested YAML <# if (Test-Path $env:BHPSModuleManifest) { write-verbose "Fetching Version from Powershell Module Manifest (if present)" $ModuleManifestVersion = [Version](Get-Metadata $env:BHPSModuleManifest) write-verbose "Getting the version in GitVersion.yml and overriding if necessary" if (Test-Path $GitVersionConfig) { $GitVersionConfigYAML = [ordered]@{} #ConvertFrom-YAML returns as individual key-value hashtables, we need to combine them into a single hashtable (Get-Content $GitVersionConfig | ConvertFrom-Yaml) | foreach-object {$GitVersionConfigYAML += $PSItem} $GitVersionConfigYAML.'next-version' = $ModuleManifestVersion.ToString() $GitVersionConfigYAML | ConvertTo-Yaml | Out-File $GitVersionConfig } else { @{"next-version" = $ModuleManifestVersion.toString()} | ConvertTo-Yaml | Out-File $GitVersionConfig } } #> #Calcuate the GitVersion write-verbose "Executing GitVersion to determine version info" $GitVersionOutput = Invoke-BuildExec { &$GitVersionEXE $BuildRoot } #Since GitVersion doesn't return error exit codes, we look for error text in the output in the output if ($GitVersionOutput -match '^[ERROR|INFO] \[') {throw "An error occured when running GitVersion.exe in $buildRoot"} try { $SCRIPT:GitVersionInfo = $GitVersionOutput | ConvertFrom-JSON -ErrorAction stop } catch { throw "There was an error when running GitVersion.exe $buildRoot. The output of the command (if any) follows:" $GitVersionOutput } write-verboseheader "GitVersion Results" $GitVersionInfo | format-list | out-string | write-verbose $SCRIPT:ProjectBuildVersion = [Version]$GitVersionInfo.MajorMinorPatch $SCRIPT:ProjectSemVersion = $($GitVersionInfo.fullsemver) #Powershell Gallery only accepts SemVer V1 Prerelease tags. This means no periods $SCRIPT:ProjectPreReleaseTag = $GitVersionInfo.NuGetVersion.split('-') | Select -last 1 write-build Green "Task $($` - Using Project Version: $ProjectBuildVersion" write-build Green "Task $($` - Using Project Version (Extended): $($GitVersionInfo.fullsemver)" #Reset the build dir to the versioned release directory. TODO: This should probably be its own task. $SCRIPT:BuildReleasePath = Join-Path $BuildProjectPath $ProjectBuildVersion if (-not (Test-Path -pathtype Container $BuildReleasePath)) {New-Item -type Directory $BuildReleasePath | out-null} $SCRIPT:BuildReleaseManifest = Join-Path $BuildReleasePath (split-path $env:BHPSModuleManifest -leaf) write-build Green "Task $($` - Release Path: $BuildReleasePath" } #Copy all powershell module "artifacts" to Build Directory task CopyFilesToBuildDir { #Make sure we are in the project location in case something changed Set-Location $buildRoot #The file or file paths to copy, excluding the powershell psm1 and psd1 module and manifest files which will be autodetected copy-item -Recurse -Path $buildRoot\* -Exclude $BuildFilesToExclude -Destination $BuildReleasePath @PassThruParams } #Update the Metadata of the Module with the latest Version task UpdateMetadata Version,CopyFilesToBuildDir,{ # Set the Module Version to the calculated Project Build version. Cannot use update-modulemanifest for this because it will complain the version isn't correct (ironic) Update-Metadata -Path $buildReleaseManifest -PropertyName ModuleVersion -Value $ProjectBuildVersion # This is needed for proper discovery by get-command and Powershell Gallery $moduleFunctionsToExport = (Get-ChildItem "$BuildReleasePath\Public" -Filter *.ps1).basename if (-not $moduleFunctionsToExport) { write-warning "No functions found in the powershell module. Did you define any yet? Create a new one called something like New-MyFunction.ps1 in the Public folder" } else { Update-ModuleManifest -Path $BuildReleaseManifest -FunctionsToExport $moduleFunctionsToExport } # Are we in the master or develop/development branch? Bump the version based on the powershell gallery if so, otherwise add a build tag if ($BranchName -match '^(master|dev(elop)?(ment)?)$') { write-build Green "Task $($` - In Master/Develop branch, adding Tag Version $ProjectBuildVersion to this build" $Script:ProjectVersion = $ProjectBuildVersion if (-not (git tag -l $ProjectBuildVersion)) { git tag "$ProjectBuildVersion" } else { write-warning "Tag $ProjectBuildVersion already exists. This is normal if you are running multiple builds on the same commit, otherwise this should not happen." } } else { [switch]$Script:IsPreRelease = $true write-build Green "Task $($` Not in Master/Develop branch, marking this as a feature prelease build" $Script:ProjectVersion = $Project #Set an email address for tag commit to work if it isn't already present if (-not (git config { git config "buildtag@$env:ComputerName" $tempTagGitEmailSet = $true } try { $gitVersionTag = "v$ProjectSemVersion" if (-not (git tag -l $gitVersionTag)) { exec { git tag "$gitVersionTag" -a -m "Automatic GitVersion Prerelease Tag Generated by Invoke-Build" } } else { write-warning "Tag $gitVersionTag already exists. This is normal if you are running multiple builds on the same commit, otherwise this should not happen" } } finally { if ($tempTagGitEmailSet) { git config --unset } } #Create an empty file in the root directory of the module for easy identification that its not a valid release. "This is a prerelease build and not meant for deployment!" > (Join-Path $BuildReleasePath "PRERELEASE-$ProjectSemVersion") } # Add Release Notes from current version # TODO: Generate Release Notes from GitHub #Update-Metadata -Path $env:BHPSModuleManifest -PropertyName ReleaseNotes -Value ("$($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE): $($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE_EXTENDED)") } #Pester Testing task Pester { #Find the latest module try { $moduleManifestCandidatePath = join-path (join-path $BuildProjectPath '*') '*.psd1' $moduleManifestCandidates = Get-Item $moduleManifestCandidatePath -ErrorAction stop $moduleManifestPath = ($moduleManifestCandidates | Select-Object -last 1).fullname $moduleDirectory = Split-Path $moduleManifestPath } catch { throw "Did not detect any module manifests in $BuildProjectPath. Did you run 'Invoke-Build Build' first?" } write-verboseheader "Starting Pester Tests..." write-build Green "Task $($` - Testing $moduleDirectory" $PesterResultFile = "$env:BHBuildOutput\$env:BHProjectName-TestResults_PS$PSVersion`_$TimeStamp.xml" $PesterParams = @{ Script = @{Path = "Tests"; Parameters = @{ModulePath = (split-path $moduleManifestPath)}} OutputFile = $PesterResultFile OutputFormat = "NunitXML" PassThru = $false } #If we are in vscode, add the VSCodeMarkers if ($ -match 'Visual Studio Code') { write-verbose "Detected Visual Studio Code, adding test markers" $PesterParams.PesterOption = (new-pesteroption -IncludeVSCodeMarker) } Invoke-Pester @PesterParams | Out-Null # In Appveyor? Upload our test results! If ($ENV:APPVEYOR) { $UploadURL = "$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)" write-verbose "Detected we are running in AppVeyor" write-verbose "Uploading Pester Results to Appveyor: $UploadURL" (New-Object 'System.Net.WebClient').UploadFile( "$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", $PesterResultFile ) } # Failed tests? # Need to error out or it will proceed to the deployment. Danger! if ($TestResults.FailedCount -gt 0) { Write-Error "Failed '$($TestResults.FailedCount)' tests, build failed" $SkipDeploy = $true } "`n" } task Package Version,{ $ZipArchivePath = (join-path $env:BHBuildOutput "$env:BHProjectName-$") write-build Green "Task $($` - Writing Finished Module to $ZipArchivePath" #Package the Powershell Module Compress-Archive -Path $BuildProjectPath -DestinationPath $ZipArchivePath -Force @PassThruParams $SCRIPT:ArtifactPaths += $ZipArchivePath #If we are in Appveyor, push completed zip to Appveyor Artifact if ($env:APPVEYOR) { write-build Green "Task $($` - Detected Appveyor, pushing Powershell Module archive to Artifacts" Push-AppveyorArtifact $ZipArchivePath } } task PreDeploymentChecks { #Do not proceed if the most recent Pester test is not passing. $CurrentErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $MostRecentPesterTestResult = [xml]((Get-Content -raw (get-item "$env:BHBuildOutput/*-TestResults*.xml" | Sort-Object lastwritetime | Select-Object -last 1))) $MostRecentPesterTestResult = $MostRecentPesterTestResult."test-results" if ( $MostRecentPesterTestResult -isnot [System.XML.XMLElement] -or $MostRecentPesterTestResult.errors -gt 0 -or $MostRecentPesterTestResult.failures -gt 0 ) {throw "Fail!"} } catch { throw "Unable to detect a clean passing Pester Test nunit xml file in the $BuildOutput directory. Did you run {Invoke-Build Build,Test} and ensure it passed all tests first?" } finally { $ErrorActionPreference = $CurrentErrorActionPreference } if (($BranchName -eq 'master') -or $ForceDeploy) { if (-not (Get-Item $BuildProjectPath/*.psd1 -erroraction silentlycontinue)) {throw "No Powershell Module Found in $BuildProjectPath. Skipping deployment. Did you remember to build it first with {Invoke-Build Build}?"} } else { write-build Magenta "Task $($` - We are not in master branch, skipping publish. If you wish to deploy anyways such as for testing, run {InvokeBuild Deploy -ForceDeploy:$true}" $script:SkipPublish=$true } } task PublishGitHubRelease -if (-not $SkipPublish) Package,{ #TODO: Add Prerelease Logic when message commit says "!prerelease" or is in a release branch if ($AppVeyor -and -not $GitHubAPIKey) { write-build DarkYellow "Task $($` - Couldn't find GitHubAPIKey in the Appveyor secure environment variables. Did you save your Github API key as an Appveyor Secure Variable? and" $SkipGitHubRelease = $true } if (-not $env:GitHubAPIKey) { #TODO: Add Windows Credential Store support and some kind of Linux secure storage or caching option write-build DarkYellow "Task $($` - `$env:GitHubAPIKey was not found as an environment variable. Please specify it or use {Invoke-Build Deploy -GitHubUser `"MyGitHubUser`" -GitHubAPIKey `"MyAPIKeyString`"}. Have you created a GitHub API key with minimum public_repo scope permissions yet?" $SkipGitHubRelease = $true } if (-not $env:GitHubUserName) { write-build DarkYellow "Task $($` - `$env:GitHubUserName was not found as an environment variable. Please specify it or use {Invoke-Build Deploy -GitHubUser `"MyGitHubUser`" -GitHubAPIKey `"MyAPIKeyString`"}. Have you created a GitHub API key with minimum public_repo scope permissions yet?" $SkipGitHubRelease = $true } if ($SkipGitHubRelease) { write-build Magenta "Task $($ Skipping Publish to GitHub Releases" } else { #TODO: Add Prerelease Logic when message commit says "!prerelease" or is in a release branch #Inspiration from #Create the release $releaseData = @{ tag_name = [string]::Format("v{0}", $ProjectBuildVersion); target_commitish = "master"; name = [string]::Format("v{0}", $ProjectBuildVersion); body = $env:BHCommitMessage; draft = $true; prerelease = $true; } $auth = 'Basic ' + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($GitHubApiKey + ":x-oauth-basic")) $releaseParams = @{ Uri = "$env:gitHubUserName/$env:BHProjectName/releases" Method = 'POST' Headers = @{ Authorization = $auth } ContentType = 'application/json' Body = (ConvertTo-Json $releaseData -Compress) } $result = Invoke-RestMethod @releaseParams -ErrorAction stop $uploadUriBase = $result.upload_url -creplace '\{\?name,label\}' # Strip the , "?name=$artifact" part $uploadParams = @{ Method = 'POST'; Headers = @{ Authorization = $auth; } ContentType = 'application/zip'; } foreach ($artifactItem in $artifactPaths) { $uploadparams.URI = $uploadUriBase + "?name=$(split-path $artifactItem -leaf)" $uploadparams.Infile = $artifactItem $result = Invoke-RestMethod @uploadParams -erroraction stop } } } task PublishPSGallery -if (-not $SkipPublish) { if ($AppVeyor -and -not $NuGetAPIKey) { write-build DarkYellow "Couldn't find NuGetAPIKey in the Appveyor secure environment variables. Did you save your NuGet/Powershell Gallery API key as an Appveyor Secure Variable? and" $SkipPSGallery = $true } if (-not $NuGetAPIKey) { #TODO: Add Windows Credential Store support and some kind of Linux secure storage or caching option write-build DarkYellow '$env:NuGetAPIKey was not found as an environment variable. Please specify it or use {Invoke-Build Deploy -NuGetAPIKey "MyAPIKeyString"}. Have you registered for a Powershell Gallery API key yet?' $SkipPSGallery = $true } if ($SkipPSGallery) { Write-Build Magenta "Task $($` - Skipping Powershell Gallery Publish" } else { $publishParams = @{ Path = $BuildReleasePath NuGetApiKey = $NuGetAPIKey Repository = 'PSGallery' Force = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' Confirm = $false } Publish-Module @publishParams @PassThruParams } } ### SuperTasks # These are the only supported items to run directly from Invoke-Build task Build Clean,Version,CopyFilesToBuildDir,UpdateMetadata task Test Pester task Deploy PreDeploymentChecks,Package,PublishGitHubRelease,PublishPSGallery #Default Task - Build, Test with Pester, Deploy task . Clean,Build,Test,Deploy |