[CmdletBinding()] param( [Hashtable[]]$Settings = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.PrivateData, [String]$BaseDirectory = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.ModuleBase, [String]$FileName = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.Name, [Switch]$Force ) # if( $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.Name -ne "PowerBot" ) { # throw "You can only UpdateCommands from within the PowerBot Module ExecutionContext" # } $OldSettings = $Settings function global:New-ProxyFunction { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateScript({$_ -is [System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo]})] $Command ) process { $FullName = "{0}\{1}" -f $Command.ModuleName, $Command.Name $Pattern = [regex]::escape($Command.Name) [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create($Command) -replace "${Pattern}", "${FullName}" } } ########################################################################## ## Remove all the old hooks ########################################################################## ## Event handlers in powershell have TWO automatic variables: $This and $_ ## In the case of SmartIrc4Net: ## $This - usually the connection, and such ... ## $_ - the IrcEventArgs, which just has a Data member $script:irc = PowerBot\Get-PowerBotIrcClient Write-Host $($($irc | ft UserName, NickName, Address, IsConnected -auto | Out-String -Stream) -Join "`n") -Fore Green $NewSettings = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $BaseDirectory -FileName $FileName $NewSettings = $NewSettings.PrivateData Remove-Module PowerBotHooks -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $global:PowerBotUserRoles = $NewSettings.RolePermissions.Keys foreach($Module in @($OldSettings.RolePermissions.Values.Keys) + @($OldSettings.Hooks.Keys) | Select-Object -Unique) { Remove-Module $Module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } foreach($Role in $NewSettings.RolePermissions.Keys) { Remove-Module "PowerBot${Role}Commands" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } ## This is the bit where I go all module-crazy on you.... ########################################################################## foreach($Module in @($NewSettings.RolePermissions.Values.Keys) + @($NewSettings.Hooks.Keys) | Select-Object -Unique) { Write-Host "Importing" $Module try { Import-Module $Module -Force:$Force -Global -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to import $Module $_" } } ## For each role, we generate a new module, and import (nested) the modules and commands assigned to that role ## Then we import that dynamically generated module to the global scope so it can access the PowerBot module if it needs to foreach($Role in $NewSettings.RolePermissions.Keys) { Write-Host "Generating $Role Role Command Module" -Fore Cyan New-Module "PowerBot${Role}Commands" { param($Role, $RoleModules, $Force) foreach($module in $RoleModules.Keys) { foreach($command in (Get-Module $module.split("\")[-1]).ExportedCommands.Values | Where { $(foreach($name in $RoleModules.$module) { $_.Name -like $name }) -Contains $True } ) { Set-Content "function:local:$($command.Name)" (New-ProxyFunction $command) } } # There are a few special commands for Owners and "Everyone" (Users) if($Role -eq "Owner") { $script:irc = PowerBot\Get-PowerBotIrcClient function Quit { #.Synopsis # Disconnects the bot from IRC [CmdletBinding()] param( # The channel to join $message = "As ordered" ) $irc.RfcQuit($Message) for($i=0;$i -lt 30;$i++) { $irc.Listen($false) } $irc.Disconnect() } function Join { #.Synopsis # Joins a channel on the server [CmdletBinding()] param( # The channel to join $channel ) if($channel) { $irc.RfcJoin( $channel ) } else { "You have to specify a channel, duh!" } } function Say { #.Synopsis # Sends a message to the IRC server [CmdletBinding()] param( # Who to send the message to (a channel or nickname) [Parameter()] [String]$To = $(if($Channel){$Channel}else{$From}), # The message to send [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String]$Message, # How to send the message (as a Message or a Notice) [ValidateSet("Message","Notice")] [String]$Type = "Message" ) foreach($M in $Message.Trim().Split("`n")) { $irc.SendMessage($Type, $To, $M.Trim()) } } function Update-Command { [CmdletBinding()]param([Switch]$Force) &(Get-Module PowerBot) { . $PowerBotScriptRoot\UpdateCommands.ps1 -Force:$Force } } } elseif($Role -eq "Guest") { function Get-Command { #.SYNOPSIS # Lists the commands available via the bot param( # A filter for the command name (allows wildcards) [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String[]]$Name = "*" ) process { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.ExportedCommands.Values | Where { $_.CommandType -ne "Alias" -and $_.Name -like $Name } | Sort Name } } } elseif($Role -eq "User") { function Get-Alias { #.SYNOPSIS # Lists the commands available via the bot param( # A filter for the command name (allows wildcards) [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String[]]$Name = "*" ) process { Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Get-Alias -Definition $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.ExportedCommands.Values.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where { $_.Name -like $Name } } } function Get-UserCommand { #.SYNOPSIS # Lists the commands available via the bot param( # A filter for the command name (allows wildcards) [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String[]]$Name = "*" ) process { @(Get-Module PowerBotGuestCommands, PowerBotUserCommands).ExportedCommands.Values | Where { $_.CommandType -ne "Alias" -and $_.Name -like $Name -and $_.Name -ne "Get-UserCommand"} | Sort Name } } Set-Alias Get-Command Get-UserCommand Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias Get-Command } } -Args ($Role,$NewSettings.RolePermissions.$Role,$Force) | Import-Module -Global -Prefix $(if($Role -notmatch "User|Guest") { $Role } else {""}) } ########################################################################## ## Create a hook module and register all the event handler hooks Write-Host "Generating PowerBotHooks Module" -Fore Cyan foreach($EventName in $irc.EventHooks.Keys) { foreach($Action in $irc.EventHooks.$EventName) { Write-Host "UnHook On$EventName" -Fore Cyan try { #Requires -version 4.0 $irc."Remove_On$EventName"( $Action ) } catch { Write-Error "Error unhooking the On$EventName Event" } } } foreach($HookModule in $NewSettings.Hooks.Keys) { Write-Host "Importing" $HookModule "for" $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.Name try { foreach($Hook in $NewSettings.Hooks.$HookModule.Keys) { $ModuleName = @($HookModule -split "\\")[-1] $EventName = $NewSettings.Hooks.$HookModule.$Hook if(Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Command -Name $Hook -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $Action = [ScriptBlock]::Create(" if(`$_.Data) { `$global:Channel = `$_.Data.Channel `$global:Hostname = `$_.Data.Host `$global:Ident = `$_.Data.Ident `$global:Message = `$_.Data.Message `$global:Nick = `$_.Data.Nick `$global:From = `$_.Data.From } $ModuleName\$Hook `$this `$_ Remove-Item Variable:Global:Channel Remove-Item Variable:Global:From Remove-Item Variable:Global:Hostname Remove-Item Variable:Global:Ident Remove-Item Variable:Global:Message Remove-Item Variable:Global:Nick ") try { Write-Host "Hook On${EventName} to ${Hook}" #Requires -version 4.0 $irc."Add_On${EventName}"( $Action ) $irc.EventHooks.$EventName += @( $Action ) } catch { Write-Error "Error hooking the On$EventName Event to $Action" } } else { Write-Host "Could not find the command '$Hook'" Write-Host ($MoModule | Format-Table | Out-String) } } } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to import $HookModule $_" } } |