
## This script requires Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll which you can get as part of SmartIrc4net
## http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/smartirc4net/SmartIrc4net-0.4.0.bin.tar.bz2
## And the docs are at http://smartirc4net.meebey.net/docs/0.4.0/html/
## You should configure the PrivateData in the PowerBot.psd1 file
## You should really configure the PrivateData in the PowerBot.psd1 file
## You need to configure the PrivateData in the PowerBot.psd1 file

## Set some default ParametersValues for inside PowerBot
$PSDefaultParameterValues."Out-String:Stream" = $true
$PSDefaultParameterValues."Format-Table:Auto" = $true

## Store the PSScriptRoot
$global:PowerBotScriptRoot = Get-Variable PSScriptRoot -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }
if(!$global:PowerBotScriptRoot) {
  $global:PowerBotScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent

$DataDir = Join-Path $Env:ProgramData "PowerBot"
if(!(Test-Path $DataDir)) { 
   Write-Warning "No PowerBot Settings Directory. Creating '$DataDir'"
   mkdir $DataDir

## If Jim Christopher's SQLite module is available, we'll use it
Import-Module SQLitePSProvider -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if(!(Test-Path data:) -and (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Command Mount-SQLite)) {
   $BotDataFile = Join-Path $DataDir "botdata.sqlite"
   Mount-SQLite -Name data -DataSource ${BotDataFile}
} elseif(!(Test-Path data:)) {
   Write-Warning "No data drive, UserTracking and Roles disabled"

function Get-PowerBotIrcClient { $script:irc }

function Get-Setting {
   # Read a Setting off the PrivateData
      # The setting name to retrieve
      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
   $PrivateData = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData
   foreach($Level in $Name -split '\.') {
      $PrivateData = $PrivateData.$Level
   return $PrivateData

function Send-Message {
   # Sends a message to the IRC server
      # Who to send the message to (a channel or nickname)

      # The message to send
      [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

      # How to send the message (as a Message or a Notice)
      [String]$Type = "Message"
   process {
      Write-Verbose "Send-Message $Message"
      if($Message.Contains("`n")) {
         $Message.Trim().Split("`n") | Send-Message -To $To -Type $Type
      } else {
         $Message = $Message.Trim()
         Write-Verbose "SendMessage( '$Type', '$To', '$Message' )"
         $irc.SendMessage($Type, $To, $Message)

function Start-PowerBot {
   # Start PowerBot and connect to the specified channel/network
   # Starts an IRC client and hooks it up to event handlers to enable the bot functionality.
   # All of the parameters on this method use defaults from the PrivateData hashtable in the module manifest.
      # The nickname to use (usually you should provide an alternate)
      # NOTE, the FIRST nick should be associated with the password, if any
      [string[]]$Nick        = $(
         $Default = Get-Setting Nick
         if($Default.Length -gt 0 -and $Default[0].Length -gt 0) {
         } else { 
            "PowerBot{0:D4}" -f (Get-Random -Maximum 9999) 
            "PowerBot{0:D4}" -f (Get-Random -Maximum 9999) 

      # The IRC channel(s) to connect to
      [string[]]$Channels    = $(Get-Setting Channels),
      # The nickserv password to use (will be sent in a PRIVMSG to NICKSERV to IDENTIFY)
      [string]$Password      = $(Get-Setting Password),
      # The server to connect to
      [string]$Server        = $(Get-Setting Server),
      # The port to use for connection
      [int]$Port             = $(Get-Setting Port),
      # The "real name" to be returned to queries from the IRC server
      [string]$RealName      = $(
         if($Default = Get-Setting RealName) { 
         } else {
            "PowerBot http://github.org/Jaykul/PowerBot"
      # The proxy server
      [string]$ProxyServer   = $(Get-Setting ProxyServer),
      # The port for the proxy server
      [int]$ProxyPort        = $(Get-Setting ProxyPort),
      # The proxy username (if required)
      [string]$ProxyUserName = $(Get-Setting ProxyUserName),
      # The proxy password (if required)
      [string]$ProxyPassword = $(Get-Setting ProxyPassword),

      # Recreate the IRC client even if it already exists

   # The bot owner(s) have access to all commands
   [String[]]$Owner             = $(Get-Setting Owner)

   $script:Password = $Password

   if($Force -or !(Test-Path -Path Variable:Script:Irc)) {
      $script:irc = New-Object Meebey.SmartIrc4net.IrcClient
      # TODO: Expose these options to configuration
      $script:irc.AutoRejoin = $true
      $script:irc.AutoRejoinOnKick = $false
      $script:irc.AutoRelogin = $true
      $script:irc.AutoReconnect = $true
      $script:irc.AutoRetry = $true
      $script:irc.AutoRetryDelay = 60
      $script:irc.SendDelay = 400
      $script:irc.Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8
      # SmartIrc will track channels for us
      $script:irc.ActiveChannelSyncing = $true
      if($ProxyServer) {
         $script:irc.ProxyHost     = $ProxyServer
         $script:irc.ProxyPort     = $ProxyPort
         $script:irc.ProxyUserName = $ProxyUserName
         $script:irc.ProxyPassword = $ProxyPassword

      # There are a few things I need to store for command modules
      Add-Member -Input $irc NoteProperty BotOwner $Owner
      Add-Member -Input $irc NoteProperty BotChannels $Channels
      Add-Member -Input $irc NoteProperty EventHooks @{}

      # This causes errors to show up in the console
      $script:irc.Add_OnError( {Write-Error $_.ErrorMessage} )
      # This give us the option of seeing every line as verbose output
      $script:irc.Add_OnReadLine( {Write-Verbose $_.Line} )

      ## UserModeChange (this happens, among other things, when we first go online)
      $script:irc.Add_OnUserModeChange( {OnUserModeChange_TrackOurselves} )

      # We handle commands on query (private) messages or on channel messages
      $script:irc.Add_OnQueryMessage( {OnQueryMessage_ProcessCommands} )
      $script:irc.Add_OnChannelMessage( {OnChannelMessage_ProcessCommands} )
   # Connect to the server
   $script:irc.Connect($server, $port)
   # Login to the server
   if($Password) {
      $script:irc.Login(([string[]]$nick), $realname, 0, $nick[0], $password)
   } else {
      $script:irc.Login(([string[]]$nick), $realname, 0, $nick[0])
   Resume-PowerBot # Shortcut so starting this thing up only takes one command

## Note that PowerBot stops listening if you press Q ...
## You have to run Resume-Powerbot to get him to listen again
## That's the safe way to reload all the PowerBot commands
function Resume-PowerBot {
   # Reimport all command modules and restart the main listening loop

   if(!(Test-Path -Path Variable:Script:Irc)) {
      throw "You must call Start-PowerBot before you call Resume-Powerbot"

   . $PowerBotScriptRoot\UpdateCommands.ps1 -Force:$Force

   # Initialize the command array (only commands in this list will be heeded)
   while($Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey().Character -ne "Q") {
      while(!$Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) { 

function Stop-PowerBot {
   # Disconnect from IRC completely, with the specified quit message
      # The message to send on quit
      [string]$QuitMessage = "If people listened to themselves more often, they would talk less."
   for($i=0;$i -lt 30;$i++) { $irc.Listen($false) }

## Event Handlers
## Event handlers in powershell have TWO automatic variables: $This and $_
## In the case of SmartIrc4Net:
## $This - usually the connection, and such ...
## $_ - the IrcEventArgs, which just has the Data member:

$InternalVariables = "Channel", "From", "Hostname", "Ident", "Message", "Nick"

function Test-Command {

   Protect-Script -Script $ScriptString -AllowedModule PowerBotCommands -AllowedVariable $InternalVariables -WarningVariable warnings


function OnUserModeChange_TrackOurselves {
   # Handles the UserModeChange event to deal with authentication and joining channels

   # ${This} is the $irc object
   $Nick = $This.NicknameList[0]

   # If we know a password
   if($This.Password) {
      # Manual login to nickserv:
      Send-Message -To "Nickserv" -Message "IDENTIFY $Nick $($This.Password)"
      # TODO: The "REGAIN" command may only work on freenode
      if($This.Nickname -ne $Nick) {
         Send-Message -To "Nickserv" -Message "REGAIN $Nick $($This.Password)"

   # Remove our hook. We don't need to track this anymore
   $irc.Remove_OnUserModeChange( {OnUserModeChange_TrackOurselves} )

   foreach($chan in $irc.BotChannels) { $irc.RfcJoin( $chan ) }

function OnQueryMessage_ProcessCommands { 
   # If it's not prefixed, then we don't process it, because it's not a command
   if($_.Data.Message[0] -eq $Prefix -and $_.Data.Message.Length -gt 1) { 
      Process-Message -Data $_.Data -Sender $_.Data.Nick

function OnChannelMessage_ProcessCommands {
   # If it's not prefixed, then we don't process it, because it's not a command
   if($_.Data.Message[0] -eq $Prefix -and $_.Data.Message.Length -gt 1) { 
      Process-Message -Data $_.Data -Sender $_.Data.Channel

$Prefix = Get-Setting CommandPrefix

function Process-Message {
   param($Data, $Sender)
   Write-Verbose ("Message: " + $Data.Message)
   $ScriptString = $Data.Message.SubString(1)
   $global:Channel  = $Data.Channel
   $global:From     = $Data.From
   $global:Hostname = $Data.Host
   $global:Ident    = $Data.Ident
   $global:Message  = $Data.Message
   $global:Nick     = $Data.Nick

   # The default role for users with no roles set is Guest
   # EVERYONE gets the Guest role, no matter what
   $global:Roles    = @("Guest")
   if(Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Command Get-Role) {
      $global:Roles = @(Get-Role -Nick $global:Nick) | Select -Unique
   } else {
      # If there's no Access Control module loaded, then we also allow everyone the "User" role
      # Because that's where most of the commands are ...
      $global:Roles = @("User")

   $ReAuthorize = $False
   do {
      # ReAuthorize is true if we think we might have gotten the default response back
      $ReAuthorize = !$ReAuthorize -and ($global:Roles.Length -eq 1 -and $global:Roles[0] -eq "Guest") -and (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Command Get-Role)
      Write-Host "Lookup Roles: ${global:Roles} (ReAuthorize: ${ReAuthorize})" -Fore Magenta

      # Figure out which modules the user is allowed to use.
      # Everyone gets access to the "Guest" commands
      $AllowedModule = @(

         # They may get other roles ...
         foreach($Role in $global:Roles) {
         # Hack to allow recognizing the owner purely by hostmask
         if($From -eq $irc.BotOwner) {
      ) | Select-Object -Unique

      Write-Verbose "Protect-Script -Script $ScriptString -AllowedModule ''$($AllowedModule -join '','')'' -AllowedVariable $($InternalVariables -join ', ') -WarningVariable warnings"
      Write-Host "AllowedModules: ${AllowedModule}"

      $AllowedCommands = (Get-Module $AllowedModule).ExportedCommands.Values | % { $_.ModuleName + '\' + $_.Name }
      $Script = Protect-Script -Script $ScriptString -AllowedModule $AllowedModule -AllowedVariable $InternalVariables -WarningVariable warnings

      # If the script was invalid and they were authenticated as "Guest" let's check their authentication again
      # This second check allows the UserTracking module to test authentication asynchronously if necessary
      # If we still get back Guest, then they're probably really a guest
      if(!$Script -and $ReAuthorize) {
         $global:Roles = @(Get-Role -Nick $global:Nick) | Select -Unique
         $ReAuthorize = ($global:Roles.Length -gt 1 -or $global:Roles[0] -ne "Guest")
      Write-Host "Protection Roles: ${global:Roles} (ReAuthorize: ${ReAuthorize}) ${Script}" -Fore Green
   } while($ReAuthorize)

   if(!$Script) {
      if($Warnings) {
         Send-Message -Type Message -To "#PowerBot" -Message "WARNING [${Channel}:${Nick}]: $($warnings -join ' | ')"
         # Send-Message -Type Notice -To $Data.Nick -Message "I think you're trying to trick me into doing something I don't want to do. Please stop, or I'll scream. $($warnings -join ' | ')"
   $local:MaxLength = 497 - $Sender.Length - $irc.Who.Mask.Length 
   if($Script) {
      Write-Verbose "SCRIPT: $Script"
      try {
         Invoke-Expression $Script | 
            Format-Csv -Width $MaxLength | 
            Select-Object -First 8 | # Hard limit to number of messages no matter what.
            Send-Message -To $Sender
      } catch {
         Send-Message -To "#PowerBot" -Message "ERROR [${Channel}:${Nick}]: $_"
         Write-Warning "EXCEPTION IN COMMAND ($Script): $_"

   Remove-Item Variable:Global:Channel
   Remove-Item Variable:Global:From
   Remove-Item Variable:Global:Hostname
   Remove-Item Variable:Global:Ident
   Remove-Item Variable:Global:Message
   Remove-Item Variable:Global:Nick

Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PowerBotHookAttribute : Attribute
   // The event(s) this method handles
   public string Event { get; set; }

   #IRC max length is 512, minus the CR LF and other headers ...
   # In practice, it looks like this:
   # :Nick!Ident@Host PRIVMSG #Powershell :Your Message Here
   ###### The part that never changes is the 512-2 (for the \r\n)
   ###### And the "PRIVMSG" and extra spaces and colons
   # So that inflexible part of the header is:
   # 1 = ":".Length
   # 9 = " PRIVMSG ".Length
   # 2 = " :".Length
   # So therefore our hard-coded magic number is:
   # 498 = 510 - 12
   # (I take an extra one off for good luck: 510 - 13)
   # In a real world example with my host mask and "Shelly" as the nick and user id:
     # Host : geoshell/dev/Jaykul
     # Ident : ~Shelly
     # Nick : Shelly
   # We calculate the mask in our OnWho:
     # Mask : Shelly!~Shelly@geoshell/dev/Jaykul
   # So if the "$Sender" is "#PowerShell" our header is:
   # 57 = ":Shelly!~Shelly@geoshell/dev/Jaykul PRIVMSG #Powershell :".Length
     # As we said before/, 12 is constant
     # 12 = ":" + " PRIVMSG " + " :"
     # And our Who.Mask ends up as:
     # 34 = "Shelly!~Shelly@geoshell/dev/Jaykul".Length
     # And our Sender.Length is:
     # 11 = "#Powershell".Length
     # The resulting MaxLength would be
     # 452 = 497 - 11 - 34
     # Which is one less than the real MaxLength:
     # 453 = 512 - 2 - 57