@{ # These modules will be processed when the module manifest is loaded. ModuleToProcess = 'PowerBot.psm1' # This GUID is used to uniquely identify this module. GUID = '58d14559-327c-4be5-92d3-e7be1edf35dd' # The author of this module. Author = 'Joel Bennett' # The company or vendor for this module. CompanyName = 'http://HuddledMasses.org' # The copyright statement for this module. Copyright = '(c) 2014, Joel Bennett' # The version of this module. ModuleVersion = '3.6' # A description of this module. Description = 'PowerBot: the PowerShell IRC Bot' # The minimum version of PowerShell needed to use this module. PowerShellVersion = '4.0' # The CLR version required to use this module. CLRVersion = '4.0' # Functions to export from this manifest. FunctionsToExport = 'Start-PowerBot', 'Resume-PowerBot', 'Stop-PowerBot', 'Get-PowerBotIrcClient' # Aliases to export from this manifest. # AliasesToExport = '' # Variables to export from this manifest. #VariablesToExport = '' # Cmdlets to export from this manifest. #CmdletsToExport = '' # This is a list of other modules that must be loaded before this module. RequiredModules = @('ResolveAlias') # The script files (.ps1) that are loaded before this module. ScriptsToProcess = @() # The type files (.ps1xml) loaded by this module. TypesToProcess = @() # The format files (.ps1xml) loaded by this module. FormatsToProcess = @() FileList = @( 'PowerBot.psd1', 'PowerBot.psm1', 'ReadMe.md', 'UpdateCommands.ps1', 'LICENSE' 'bin\JabbR.Client.dll', 'bin\log4net.dll', 'bin\Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll', 'bin\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.dll', 'bin\Newtonsoft.Json.dll', 'bin\ServiceStack.Common.dll', 'bin\ServiceStack.Interfaces.dll', 'bin\ServiceStack.Text.dll', 'bin\StarkSoftProxy.dll', 'bin\Twitterizer2.dll', 'BotHooks\BotHooks.psm1', 'BotCommands\BotCommands.psd1', 'BotCommands\BotCommands.psm1', 'UserTracking\UserTracking.psm1', 'UserTracking\UserTracking.psd1' ) # A list of assemblies that must be loaded before this module can work. RequiredAssemblies = '.\bin\Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll' # Meebey.SmartIrc4net, Version=0.4.5, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null # Module specific private data can be passed via this member. PrivateData = @{ # Nick = @('PowerBot') # RealName = '' # Password = '' Server = "chat.freenode.net" Port = 8001 Channels = @('#PowerBot') CommandPrefix = ">" Owner = "Jaykul!jaykul@geoshell/dev/Jaykul" Hooks = @{ "PowerBot\BotHooks" = @{ "Expand-Url" = "ChannelMessage" "Test-Language" = "ChannelMessage" } "PowerBot\UserTracking" = @{ "Sync-Join" = "Join" "Sync-Part" = "Part" "Sync-NickChange" = "NickChange" "Sync-LoggedIn" = "LoggedIn" } } # There are two mandatory roles: Guest and User # Guest is for unauthenticated users # User is the default for newly-created users # Normally, all users get the "User" role (in addition to any other role) # BEWARE: EVERYONE has access to the commands in Guest, no matter what. # You must ensure there's no overlap with commands from other roles RolePermissions = @{ Owner = @{ "PowerBot\UserTracking" = "Set-Role" } Admin = @{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility" = "New-Alias" } User = @{ "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility" = "Format-Wide", "Format-List", "Format-Table", "Select-Object", "Sort-Object", "Get-Random", "Out-String" } Guest = @{ "PowerBot\UserTracking" = "Get-Role" "PowerBot\BotCommands" = "Get-Help" } } # ProxyServer = "www.mc.xerox.com" # ProxyPort = "8000" # ProxyUserName # ProxyPassword } } |