using module ..\.\TestRunnerSupportModule.psm1 Describe "Test New-PowerBoltConfigFile" { BeforeAll { $TestSupportModule = [TestRunnerSupportModule]::new('MockModuleA') } AfterAll { $TestSupportModule.Teardown() } Context "Call New-PowerBoltConfigFile when no file exists" { BeforeEach { $FullName = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath '\MK.PowerShell\' -AdditionalChildPath 'PowerBolt-config.json' } AfterEach { } It "Should copy a new file to the destination folder ('MK.PowerShell')" { New-PowerBoltConfigFile -Path $TestDrive Get-Item $FullName | Should -Exist } } Context "Call New-PowerBoltConfigFile when file exists" { It "Should prompt user about exisiting file" { InModuleScope PowerBolt { ### HACK: Before and After block is inside here since Pester seems to not like # nested Before and After ### Before $FullName = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath '\MK.PowerShell\' -AdditionalChildPath 'PowerBolt-config.json' Get-Module PowerBolt | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty FileList | ` ForEach-Object {if ($_ -like '*PowerBolt-config.json') {$_}} -OutVariable ModuleConfigFile New-Item -Path "$TestDrive\MK.PowerShell" -ItemType Directory -OutVariable ModuleConfigFolder Copy-Item -Path $ModuleConfigFile -Destination $ModuleConfigFolder.FullName ### TEST Mock WriteWarningWrapper { $true } Get-Item $FullName | Should -Exist New-PowerBoltConfigFile -Path $TestDrive Assert-MockCalled WriteWarningWrapper 1 Get-Item $FullName | Should -Exist ### After Remove-Item -Path "$TestDrive\MK.PowerShell" -Recurse } } It "Should not prompt user about exisiting file" { InModuleScope PowerBolt { ### HACK: Before and After block is inside here since Pester seems to not like # nested Before and After ### Before $FullName = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath '\MK.PowerShell\' -AdditionalChildPath 'PowerBolt-config.json' Get-Module PowerBolt | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty FileList | ` ForEach-Object {if ($_ -like '*PowerBolt-config.json') {$_}} -OutVariable ModuleConfigFile New-Item -Path "$TestDrive\MK.PowerShell" -ItemType Directory -OutVariable ModuleConfigFolder Copy-Item -Path $ModuleConfigFile -Destination $ModuleConfigFolder.FullName ### TEST Mock WriteWarningWrapper { $true } Get-Item $FullName | Should -Exist New-PowerBoltConfigFile -Path $TestDrive -Force # NOTE: although this mock wasnt called '1' time in this 'It', this is from the # previous 'It' block Assert-MockCalled WriteWarningWrapper 1 Get-Item $FullName | Should -Exist ### After Remove-Item -Path "$TestDrive\MK.PowerShell" -Recurse } } } } |