using module ..\.\TestRunnerSupportModule.psm1 $script:Files $script:FileNames Describe "Test Build-PlatyPSMarkdown" { BeforeAll { $TestSupportModule = [TestRunnerSupportModule]::new('MockModuleB') # this test file needs the .git repo but not the docs folder Remove-Item -Path "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs" -Recurse $script:Files = "Get-AFunction.md", "Get-BFunction.md", "Get-CFunction.md", "Set-CFunction.md" | ` Sort-Object } AfterAll { $TestSupportModule.Teardown() } Context "As a non-piped call, with a given Path value to create files and then to update files with a second call." { It "Should generate correct number of files." { # NOTE: if this functions re-imports, it will import into a different scope or session. # Although it will still pass, it will write warnings and errors Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Path ($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath) -NoReImportModule $script:FileNames = Get-ChildItem "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs" -Recurse | ` ForEach-Object {$_.Name} | ` Sort-Object $script:FileNames.Count | Should -Be 4 } It "Should generate exact filenames." { $FileNames | Should -BeExactly $script:Files } It "Should *create* Get-AFunction.md file at line number <Index> with: {<Expected>}" -TestCases @( @{ Index = 0; Expected = "---" }, @{ Index = 1; Expected = "external help file: MockModuleB-help.xml" }, @{ Index = 2; Expected = "Module Name: MockModuleB" }, @{ Index = 3; Expected = "online version: https://github.com/marckassay/MockModuleB/blob/master/docs/Get-AFunction.md"}, @{ Index = 4; Expected = "schema: 2.0.0" } @{ Index = 5; Expected = "---" } @{ Index = 6; Expected = "" } @{ Index = 7; Expected = "# Get-AFunction" } @{ Index = 8; Expected = "" } @{ Index = 9; Expected = "## SYNOPSIS" } @{ Index = 10; Expected = "{{Fill in the Synopsis}}" } ) { Param($Index, $Expected) $Actual = (Get-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md")[$Index] $Actual.Replace('```', '`') | Should -BeExactly $Expected } It "Should *update* Get-AFunction.md file with new parameter and preserve md modification." { $NewSynopsisContent = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam." # modifiy Get-AFunction.md by adding a new parameter $NewGetAFunctionMDContent = Get-Item -Path "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" | ` Get-Content -Raw $NewGetAFunctionMDContent = $NewGetAFunctionMDContent.Replace("{{Fill in the Synopsis}}", $NewSynopsisContent) Set-Content -Path "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" -Value $NewGetAFunctionMDContent # modifiy Get-AFunction.md by adding a synopsis Clear-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\src\Get-AFunction.ps1" $NewGetAFunctionPS1Content = @" function Get-AFunction { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = `$false)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = `$false)] [String]`$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = `$false)] [String]`$Key ) Out-String -InputObject `$("Hello, from Get-AFunction!") } "@ Set-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\src\Get-AFunction.ps1" -Value $NewGetAFunctionPS1Content Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Path $($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath) $SynopsisContent = (Get-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md")[10] $SynopsisContent | Should -Be $NewSynopsisContent $GetAFunctionSyntax = (Get-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md")[15] $GetAFunctionSyntax | Should -Be "Get-AFunction [-Path <String>] [-Key <String>] [<CommonParameters>]" } } Context "As a non-piped call, with a given Name value to create files." { # removing FileNames from previous Context block. this context block is to test command # using the 'Name' param (vs 'Path'). $script:FileNames = $null It "Should generate correct number of files." { Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -NoReImportModule $script:FileNames = Get-ChildItem "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs" -Recurse | ` ForEach-Object {$_.Name} | ` Sort-Object $script:FileNames.Count | Should -Be 4 } It "Should generate exact filenames." { $script:FileNames | Should -BeExactly $script:Files } } Context "As a non-piped call, test to ensure RemoveSourceAndTestLinks works as expected" { It "Should not add source and test links." { Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -RemoveSourceAndTestLinks -NoReImportModule $Actual = Get-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" -Raw $Actual.Contains('[Get-AFunction.ps1](https:') | Should -Be $false } It "Should add source and test links." { Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -NoReImportModule $Actual = Get-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" -Raw $Actual.Contains('[Get-AFunction.ps1](https:') | Should -Be $true } It "Should not add source and test links on first call. And second call, requests them to be added." { Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -RemoveSourceAndTestLinks -NoReImportModule Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -NoReImportModule $Actual = Get-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" -Raw $Actual.Contains('[Get-AFunction.ps1](https:') | Should -Be $true } It "Should not add source and test links on first call. Afterwards modify markdown file with other links and second call, requests them to be added." { Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -RemoveSourceAndTestLinks -NoReImportModule Add-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" -Value "[Get-BFunction](https://github.com/marckassay/MockModuleB/blob/master/docs/Get-BFunction.md)" Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -NoReImportModule $Actual = Get-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" -Raw $Actual.Contains('[Get-AFunction.ps1](https:') | Should -Be $true $Actual.Contains('[Get-BFunction](https:') | Should -Be $true } It "Should add source and test links on first call. Afterwards modify markdown file with other links and second call, requests them to be kept." { Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -NoReImportModule Add-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" -Value "[Get-CFunction](https://github.com/marckassay/MockModuleB/blob/master/docs/Get-CFunction.md)" Build-PlatyPSMarkdown -Name 'MockModuleB' -NoReImportModule $FileContent = Get-Content "$($TestSupportModule.MockDirectoryPath)\docs\Get-AFunction.md" -Raw $RelatedLinksContent = [regex]::Match($FileContent, '(?<=## RELATED LINKS)[\w\W]*$').Value $RelatedLinksContent = $RelatedLinksContent.TrimStart() $ExpectedRelatedLinksContent = @" [Get-AFunction.ps1](https://github.com/marckassay/MockModuleB/blob/master/src/Get-AFunction.ps1) [Get-AFunction.Tests.ps1](https://github.com/marckassay/MockModuleB/blob/master/test/Get-AFunction.Tests.ps1) [Get-BFunction](https://github.com/marckassay/MockModuleB/blob/master/docs/Get-BFunction.md) [Get-CFunction](https://github.com/marckassay/MockModuleB/blob/master/docs/Get-CFunction.md) "@ $RelatedLinksContent.Trim() | Should -Be $ExpectedRelatedLinksContent.Trim() } } } |