class ScriptPath { [string] GetPath() { return $PSCommandPath | Split-Path -Parent | Split-Path -Parent } } class TestRunnerSupportModule { # TODO: have these elements pushed into this array instead of hard-coded; make it accessible for when Deploy-TestFakes is created. [string[]]$MODULE_NAMES = @('PowerBolt', 'MKDocumentationInfo', 'MKModuleInfo', 'MockModuleA', 'MockModuleB', 'MockModuleC', 'TestRunnerSupportModule') [string]$AutoStart = $true [string]$TestDrivePath [string]$FixtureDirectoryPath [string]$FixtureManifestPath [string]$FixtureConfigFilePath [string]$MockDirectoryPath [string]$MockManifestPath [string]$MockRootModulePath TestRunnerSupportModule () { $this.Teardown() $this.TestDrivePath = Get-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName $this.FixtureDirectoryPath = [ScriptPath]::new().GetPath() Set-Location -Path $this.FixtureDirectoryPath $this.Setup('', '') } TestRunnerSupportModule ([bool]$AutoStart, [string]$MockModuleName) { $this.Teardown() $this.AutoStart = $AutoStart $this.TestDrivePath = Get-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName $this.FixtureDirectoryPath = [ScriptPath]::new().GetPath() Set-Location -Path $this.FixtureDirectoryPath $this.Setup($MockModuleName, '') } TestRunnerSupportModule ([string]$MockModuleName) { $this.Teardown() $this.TestDrivePath = Get-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName $this.FixtureDirectoryPath = [ScriptPath]::new().GetPath() Set-Location -Path $this.FixtureDirectoryPath $this.Setup($MockModuleName, '') } [void]Setup ([string]$MockModuleName, [string]$FixtureConfigFilePath) { # lets hope there is only one psd1 file in this directory $this.FixtureManifestPath = Get-Item '*.psd1' | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName if (-not $FixtureConfigFilePath) { # MK.PowerShell module will copy config file to this path: $this.FixtureConfigFilePath = Join-Path -Path $this.TestDrivePath -ChildPath "\User\Bob\AppData\Roaming\MK.PowerShell\PowerBolt-config.json" } else { $this.FixtureConfigFilePath = $FixtureConfigFilePath } # ArgumentList: ConfigFilePath and switch for SUT var Import-Module $this.FixtureManifestPath -ArgumentList @($this.FixtureConfigFilePath, $true) -Global -Force if ($MockModuleName -ne '') { Copy-Item -Path ".\test\mocks\$MockModuleName" -Destination $this.TestDrivePath -Container -Recurse -Force $this.MockDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path ($this.TestDrivePath) -ChildPath ($MockModuleName) # if this mockmodule directory has a 'git' folder, change it to '.git' $OriginalGit = $(Join-Path -Path ($this.MockDirectoryPath) -ChildPath "git") if (Test-Path -Path $OriginalGit) { Rename-Item -Path $OriginalGit -NewName ".git" } $this.MockManifestPath = Get-Item (Join-Path -Path ($this.MockDirectoryPath) -ChildPath ($MockModuleName + ".psd1")) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName $this.MockRootModulePath = (Join-Path -Path ($this.MockDirectoryPath) -ChildPath ($MockModuleName + ".psm1")) Import-Module $this.MockManifestPath -Global -Force } if ($this.AutoStart -eq $true) { InModuleScope PowerBolt { Start-MKPowerShell -ConfigFilePath $this.FixtureConfigFilePath } } } [void]Teardown() { $this.TeardownModule($this.MODULE_NAMES) Set-Alias sl Set-Location -Scope Global -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } [void]TeardownModule([string[]]$ModuleName) { Get-Module -Name $ModuleName | Remove-Module -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } |