function Update-ManifestFunctionsToExportField { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSModuleInfo])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSObject] $ManifestUpdate, [switch] $PassThru ) begin { # Prevents single space for each item in an iteration: # $OFS = '' } # TODO: have $ManifestUpdate be typed. end { $ManifestFile = Get-Item -Path $ManifestUpdate.ManifestPath $FunctionNames = $ManifestUpdate.TargetFunctionsToExport.FunctionName # keep the 8 spaces for default VSCode PowerShell preference $FunctionNames = $FunctionNames | ForEach-Object -Process {" '$_',`r`n"} | Sort-Object if ($FunctionNames -is [Object[]]) { $Tail = $FunctionNames.Count - 1 $FunctionNames[$Tail] = $FunctionNames[$Tail].TrimEnd().TrimEnd(',') } elseif ($FunctionNames -is [String]) { $FunctionNames = $FunctionNames.TrimEnd().TrimEnd(',') } [regex]$InsertPointRegEx = "(?(?<=(FunctionsToExport))([\w\W]*?)|($))(?(?=\#)(?=\#)|(CmdletsToExport))" # PowerShellGet's Update-ModuleManifest currently has a bug that is reverting previous # changed values. Because of that, using Content commands. # $ManifestContents = Get-Content -Path $ManifestUpdate.ManifestPath -Raw # becareful with whitespace in this here-string below. as it works perfectly as of now. $ManifestContents = $InsertPointRegEx.Replace($ManifestContents, @" = @( $FunctionNames ) "@, 1) Set-Content -Path $ManifestUpdate.ManifestPath -Value $ManifestContents -NoNewline if ($PassThru) { $ManifestFile } $OFS = ' ' } } |