using module .\.\MKModuleInfo.psm1 using module .\manifest\AutoUpdateSemVerDelegate.ps1 function Update-RootModuleUsingStatements { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = "ByPath")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $false, ParameterSetName = "ByPath")] [string]$Path = '.', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByPipe")] [MKModuleInfo]$ModInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$SourceFolderPath = 'src', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$Include = @('*.ps1', '*.psm1'), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$Exclude = '*.Tests.ps1', [switch] $PassThru ) DynamicParam { return GetModuleNameSet -Position 0 -Mandatory } begin { $Name = $PSBoundParameters['Name'] # Prevents single space for each item in an iteration: # $OFS = '' } end { if ((-not $ModInfo) -and (-not $Name)) { $ModInfo = Get-MKModuleInfo -Path $Path } elseif (-not $ModInfo) { $ModInfo = Get-MKModuleInfo -Name $Name } AutoUpdateSemVerDelegate($ModInfo.Path) $TargetDirectory = Join-Path -Path $ModInfo.Path -ChildPath $SourceFolderPath -Resolve # $StopMatchingImportStatements: stop matching when there is a break of consecutive # 'using module' statements. a break with additional statements means that developer # manually added that line; so keep it. $RootModuleContent = Get-Content $ModInfo.RootModuleFilePath [string[]]$ModuleContentsCleaned = $RootModuleContent | ` ForEach-Object -Begin {$StopMatchingImportStatements = $false} -Process { if ($StopMatchingImportStatements) { $($_ + "`n") } elseif (-not ($_ -match '(?<=(using module \.\\)).*(?=(\.ps1))')) { if ($_ -match '\S+') { $($_ + "`n") } $StopMatchingImportStatements = $true } } $TargetFunctionsToExport = Get-ChildItem -Path $TargetDirectory -Include $Include -Exclude $Exclude -Recurse | ` Get-Item -Include $Include -PipelineVariable File | ` Get-Content -Raw | ` ForEach-Object { $NoExportMatches = [regex]::Matches($_, '(?<=NoExport)(?:[:\s]*?)(?<sanitized>\w*-\w*)') $FunctionMatches = [regex]::Matches($_, '(?<=function )[\w]*[-][\w]*') for ($i = 0; $i -lt $FunctionMatches.Count; $i++) { $FunctionName = $FunctionMatches[$i].Value if (($NoExportMatches | ForEach-Object {$_.Groups['sanitized'].Value}) -notcontains $FunctionName) { @{ FilePath = $File FunctionName = $FunctionName } } } } [string[]]$UniqueSourceFiles = $TargetFunctionsToExport.FilePath.FullName | ` Sort-Object -Unique | ` Group-Object -Property {$_.Split("$SourceFolderPath\")[1]} | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty Group | ` ForEach-Object { if ($_ -ne $ModInfo.RootModuleFilePath) { $("using module .$($_.Split($ModInfo.Path)[1])".Trim() + "`n") } } if ($ModuleContentsCleaned -eq $null) { $UpdatedModuleContentRaw = @" $UniqueSourceFiles "@ } elseif ($ModuleContentsCleaned -ne $null) { $UpdatedModuleContentRaw = @" $UniqueSourceFiles $ModuleContentsCleaned "@ } @{ ManifestPath = $ModInfo.ManifestFilePath TargetFunctionsToExport = $TargetFunctionsToExport } if ($UpdatedModuleContentRaw) { $UpdatedModuleContent = $($UpdatedModuleContentRaw -split "`n").TrimEnd("`r") } else { $UpdatedModuleContent = @() } if (-not $RootModuleContent) { $RootModuleContent = @() } $Differences = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $UpdatedModuleContent -DifferenceObject $RootModuleContent -PassThru # touch the file only when there is a difference if ($Differences) { Set-Content -Path $ModInfo.RootModuleFilePath -Value $UpdatedModuleContentRaw -PassThru:$PassThru.IsPresent -Encoding UTF8 -NoNewline } $OFS = ' ' } } |