about_PowerBOFH SHORT DESCRIPTION A PowerShell module to generate excuses that you can use at work. LONG DESCRIPTION Are you a sysadmin, sysop, netop, hostmaster, postmaster, developer, coder, technician, computer scientist, help desk employee, or work in the IT field in another way? If so, you've probably needed a good excuse here and there. PowerBOFH is a cross-platform PowerShell module that will make up an excuse for you to use. It leverages Jeff Ballard's "The BOFH-Style Excuse Server" to find you something sarcastic yet believeable. EXAMPLES PS C:> Get-Excuse It's a hard computer science problem. NOTE The BOFH-Style Excuse Server was developed and is operated by Jeff Ballard. This PowerShell module is in no way affiliated with or written by him. For support with this module, go to this module's GitHub project page. SUPPORTED SERVERS At this time, only Jeff Ballard's server is supported. If there are other BOFH servers in operation, go to GitHub and let me know, and I will look into adding support for them, too, for redundancy and extra excuses. TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE If you have a slow or unstable Internet connection, you may want to use the -Timeout parameter to make this cmdlet wait longer for a response. You could use -Timeout 0 to have this module wait forever, but if it hangs, then you might need to open a new PowerShell window, so you can get another excuse as to why you're still waiting for the first excuse. Don't do that. SEE ALSO Be sure to visit Jeff Ballard's "The BOFH-Style Excuse Server": http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ballard/bofh/ To learn more about this module, search for it on PowerShell Gallery, or go to its GitHub page at: https://github.com/rhymeswithmogul/PowerBOFH/ You can also complain directly from your PowerShell session! Take your time and type up a thoughtfully-written and insightful complaint. Then, send it to me with this line of code: Get-Content 'complaint.txt' | Out-Null; Remove-Item 'complaint.txt' -Force KEYWORDS - BOFH - PFY - excuse - generator - humor - iiitttttttt - netop - sysadmin - sysop - technician - tech support SEE ALSO about_PowerBOFH, if you're still confused. |