
#Requires -Version 5.0
Function Get-Excuse {
    [Alias('New-Excuse', 'New-BofhExcuse', 'Get-BofhExcuse')]
        [UInt32] $Timeout = 30000

    Try {
        Write-Debug "Opening a socket to Jeff Ballard's server"
        $socket = [Net.Sockets.TcpClient]::new('', 666)
        Write-Debug "Setting timeouts to $Timeout milliseconds"
        $socket.SendTimeout = $Timeout
        $socket.ReceiveTimeout = $Timeout
        $stream = $socket.GetStream()

        # Allocate a buffer, then read the stream and get an excuse.
        Write-Debug 'Fetching an excuse from the server'
        $bufferSize = 2048
        $buffer = New-Object -TypeName Byte[] -ArgumentList $bufferSize
        $read = $stream.Read($buffer, 0, $bufferSize)

        # Get the response from the server, and split it into lines.
        # That way, we can separate the header from the excuse.
        Write-Debug 'Encoding the string and showing it to the user'
        $Return = ([Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()).GetString($buffer, 0, $read) -Split "`n"

        # There will be some header lines, which we'll send to the Verbose stream.
        $Header = ($Return | Where-Object {$_ -Match '==='}) -Replace ''
        ForEach ($line in $Header) {
            Write-Verbose $line

        # Send the excuse to the Output stream.
        $Excuse = ($Return | Where-Object {$_ -NotMatch '==='}) -Replace 'Your excuse is: '
        Write-Output $Excuse
    Catch [IOException] {
        Write-Error "Could not connect to BOFH server within $($Timeout / 1000) seconds."
        Write-Output 'The excuse generator is down.'
    Finally {
        Write-Debug 'Disposing of the stream object'
        If ($null -ne $stream) {