cls $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $currentPath = (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent) # Import the PowerBIPS Powershell Module: Import-Module "$currentPath\..\PowerBIPS" -Force # Import the InvokeTwitterAPIs module: Import-Module "$currentPath\Modules\InvokeTwitterAPIs.psm1" -Force #region Twitter Settings # Learn how to generate these keys at: and $accessToken = "your access token key" $accessTokenSecret = "your access token secret" $apiKey = "your api key" $apiSecret = "your api secret" $twitterOAuth = @{'ApiKey' = $apiKey; 'ApiSecret' = $apiSecret; 'AccessToken' = $accessToken; 'AccessTokenSecret' = $accessTokenSecret} #endregion $sinceId = $null $sinceIdFilePath = "$currentPath\twitterDemoSinceId.txt" while($true) { if (Test-Path $sinceIdFilePath) { $sinceId = Get-Content $sinceIdFilePath } # Hashtags to search (separated by comma) and the number of tweets to return, more examples of search options: $twitterAPIParams = @{'q'='#powerbi';'count' = '5'} if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sinceId)) { $twitterAPIParams.Add("since_id", $sinceId) } # Ger Twitter Data (if SinceId is not Null it will get tweets since that one) $result = Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters $twitterAPIParams -OAuthSettings $twitterOAuth -Verbose # Parse the Twitter API data $twitterData = $result.statuses |? { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sinceId) -or $sinceId -ne $_.id_str } |% { $aux = @{ Id = $_.id_str ; UserId = $ ; UserName = $ ; UserScreenName = $_.user.screen_name ; UserLocation = $_.user.location ; Text = $_.text ; CreatedAt = [System.DateTime]::ParseExact($_.created_at, "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture) } # Get the Sentiment Score $textEncoded = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($aux.Text, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) $sentimentResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$textEncoded" -Method Get -Verbose switch($sentimentResult.results[0].polarity) { "0" { $aux.Add("Sentiment", "Negative") } "4" { $aux.Add("Sentiment", "Positive") } default { $aux.Add("Sentiment", "Neutral") } } Write-Output $aux } if ($twitterData -and $twitterData.Count -ne 0) { # Persist the SinceId $sinceId = ($twitterData | Sort-Object "CreatedAt" -Descending | Select -First 1).Id Set-Content -Path $sinceIdFilePath -Value $sinceId # Send the data to PowerBI $twitterData | Out-PowerBI -dataSetName "TwitterPBIAnalysis" -tableName "Tweets" -types @{"Tweets.CreatedAt"="datetime"} -verbose } else { Write-Output "No tweets found." } Write-Output "Sleeping..." Sleep -Seconds 30 } |