=========================================================================== Created on: 2/11/2015 1:04 PM Created by: Shannon Conley & Mehmet Kaya Filename: InvokeTwitterAPIs.psm1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Name: InvokeTwitterAPIs Description: Provides a command to call any Twitter REST API, a command to access any of the Twitter Streaming APIs, and a command to upload media to Twitter. List of Twitter REST APIs: Twitter Streamings APIs Info: To use these commands, you must obtain a Twitter API key, API secret, access token and access token secret This was developed using Windows PowerShell 4.0. =========================================================================== #> function Get-OAuth { <# .SYNOPSIS This function creates the authorization string needed to send a POST or GET message to the Twitter API .PARAMETER AuthorizationParams This hashtable should the following key value pairs HttpEndPoint - the twitter resource url [Can be found here:] RESTVerb - Either 'GET' or 'POST' depending on the action Params - A hashtable containing the rest parameters (key value pairs) associated that method OAuthSettings - A hashtable that must contain only the following keys and their values (Generate here: ApiKey ApiSecret AccessToken AccessTokenSecret .LINK This function evolved from code found in Adam Betram's Get-OAuthAuthorization function in his MyTwitter module. The MyTwitter module can be found here: Adam Betram's blogpost here: provides a detailed explanation about how to generate an access token needed to create the authorization string .EXAMPLE $OAuth = @{'ApiKey' = 'yourapikey'; 'ApiSecret' = 'yourapisecretkey';'AccessToken' = 'yourapiaccesstoken';'AccessTokenSecret' = 'yourapitokensecret'} $Parameters = @{'q'='rumi'} $AuthParams = @{} $AuthParams.Add('HttpEndPoint', '') $AuthParams.Add('RESTVerb', 'GET') $AuthParams.Add('Params', $Parameters) $AuthParams.Add('OAuthSettings', $OAuth) $AuthorizationString = Get-OAuth -AuthorizationParams $AuthParams #> [OutputType('System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject')] Param($AuthorizationParams) process{ try { ## Generate a random 32-byte string. I'm using the current time (in seconds) and appending 5 chars to the end to get to 32 bytes ## Base64 allows for an '=' but Twitter does not. If this is found, replace it with some alphanumeric character $OauthNonce = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String(([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$([System.DateTime]::Now.Ticks.ToString())12345"))).Replace('=', 'g') ## Find the total seconds since 1/1/1970 (epoch time) $EpochTimeNow = [System.DateTime]::UtcNow - [System.DateTime]::ParseExact("01/01/1970", "dd/MM/yyyy", $null) $OauthTimestamp = [System.Convert]::ToInt64($EpochTimeNow.TotalSeconds).ToString(); ## Build the signature $SignatureBase = "$([System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($AuthorizationParams.HttpEndPoint))&" $SignatureParams = @{ 'oauth_consumer_key' = $AuthorizationParams.OAuthSettings.ApiKey; 'oauth_nonce' = $OauthNonce; 'oauth_signature_method' = 'HMAC-SHA1'; 'oauth_timestamp' = $OauthTimestamp; 'oauth_token' = $AuthorizationParams.OAuthSettings.AccessToken; 'oauth_version' = '1.0'; } $AuthorizationParams.Params.Keys | % { $SignatureParams.Add($_ , [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($AuthorizationParams.Params.Item($_)).Replace('+','%20'))} ## Create a string called $SignatureBase that joins all URL encoded 'Key=Value' elements with a & ## Remove the URL encoded & at the end and prepend the necessary 'POST&' verb to the front $SignatureParams.GetEnumerator() | sort name | foreach { $SignatureBase += [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString("$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)&") } $SignatureBase = $SignatureBase.Substring(0,$SignatureBase.Length-1) $SignatureBase = $SignatureBase.Substring(0,$SignatureBase.Length-1) $SignatureBase = $SignatureBase.Substring(0,$SignatureBase.Length-1) $SignatureBase = $AuthorizationParams.RESTVerb+'&' + $SignatureBase ## Create the hashed string from the base signature $SignatureKey = [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($AuthorizationParams.OAuthSettings.ApiSecret) + "&" + [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($AuthorizationParams.OAuthSettings.AccessTokenSecret); $hmacsha1 = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1; $hmacsha1.Key = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($SignatureKey); $OauthSignature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($hmacsha1.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($SignatureBase))); ## Build the authorization headers using most of the signature headers elements. This is joining all of the 'Key=Value' elements again ## and only URL encoding the Values this time while including non-URL encoded double quotes around each value $AuthorizationParams = $SignatureParams $AuthorizationParams.Add('oauth_signature', $OauthSignature) $AuthorizationString = 'OAuth ' $AuthorizationParams.GetEnumerator() | sort name | foreach { $AuthorizationString += $_.Key + '="' + [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($_.Value) + '", ' } $AuthorizationString = $AuthorizationString.TrimEnd(', ') Write-Verbose "Using authorization string '$AuthorizationString'" $AuthorizationString } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } } function Invoke-TwitterMediaUpload{ <# .SYNOPSIS This function uploads a media file to twitter and returns the media file id. .PARAMETER ResourceURL The desired twitter media upload resource url For API 1.1 [REST APIs can be found here:] .PARAMETER MediaFilePath Local path of media .PARAMETER OAuthSettings A hashtable that must contain only the following keys and their values (Generate here: ApiKey ApiSecret AccessToken AccessTokenSecret .LINK This function evolved from the following blog post #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)][System.IO.FileInfo] $MediaFilePath, [parameter(Mandatory)] [System.URI] $ResourceURL, [Parameter(Mandatory)]$OAuthSettings ) process{ try{ $Parameters = @{} $AuthParams = @{} $AuthParams.Add('HttpEndPoint', $ResourceURL) $AuthParams.Add('RESTVerb', "POST") $AuthParams.Add('Params', $Parameters) $AuthParams.Add('OAuthSettings', $o) $AuthorizationString = Get-OAuth -AuthorizationParams $AuthParams $boundary = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); $header = "--{0}" -f $boundary; $footer = "--{0}--" -f $boundary; [System.Text.StringBuilder]$contents = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder [void]$contents.AppendLine($header); $bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($MediaFilePath) $enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1") $filedata = $enc.GetString($bytes) $contentTypeMap = @{ ".jpg" = "image/jpeg"; ".jpeg" = "image/jpeg"; ".gif" = "image/gif"; ".png" = "image/png"; } $fileContentType = $contentTypeMap[$MediaFilePath.Extension.ToLower()] $fileHeader = "Content-Disposition: file; name=""{0}""; filename=""{1}""" -f "media", $file.Name [void]$contents.AppendLine($fileHeader) [void]$contents.AppendLine("Content-Type: {0}" -f $fileContentType) [void]$contents.AppendLine() [void]$contents.AppendLine($fileData) [void]$contents.AppendLine($footer) $z = $contents.ToString() $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ResourceURL -Body $z -Method Post -Headers @{ 'Authorization' = $AuthorizationString } -ContentType "multipart/form-data; boundary=`"$boundary`"" $response.media_id } catch [System.Net.WebException] { Write-Error( "FAILED to reach '$URL': $_" ) $_ throw $_ } } } function Invoke-TwitterRestMethod{ <# .SYNOPSIS This function sends a POST or GET message to the Twitter API and returns the JSON response. .PARAMETER ResourceURL The desired twitter resource url [REST APIs can be found here:] .PARAMETER RestVerb Either 'GET' or 'POST' depending on the resource URL .PARAMETER Parameters A hashtable containing the rest parameters (key value pairs) associated that resource url. Pass empty hash if no paramters needed. .PARAMETER OAuthSettings A hashtable that must contain only the following keys and their values (Generate here: ApiKey ApiSecret AccessToken AccessTokenSecret .EXAMPLE $OAuth = @{'ApiKey' = 'yourapikey'; 'ApiSecret' = 'yourapisecretkey';'AccessToken' = 'yourapiaccesstoken';'AccessTokenSecret' = 'yourapitokensecret'} Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{'count' = '1'} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{'count' = '1'} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{'q'='powershell';'count' = '1'}} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'POST' -Parameters @{'lang'='tr'} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{'id'='123'} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'POST' -Parameters @{'status'='@FollowBot'} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'GET' -Parameters @{} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'POST' -Parameters @{'id' = '559298305029844992'} -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'POST' -Parameters @{'text' = 'hello, there'; 'screen_name' = 'ruminaterumi' } -OAuthSettings $OAuth $mediaId = Invoke-TwitterMEdiaUpload -MediaFilePath 'C:\Books\pic.png' -ResourceURL '' -OAuthSettings $OAuth Invoke-TwitterRestMethod -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'POST' -Parameters @{'status'='FollowBot'; 'media_ids' = $mediaId } -OAuthSettings $OAuth #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ResourceURL, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$RestVerb, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Parameters, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $OAuthSettings ) process{ try{ $AuthParams = @{} $AuthParams.Add('HttpEndPoint', $ResourceURL) $AuthParams.Add('RESTVerb', $RestVerb) $AuthParams.Add('Params', $Parameters) $AuthParams.Add('OAuthSettings', $OAuthSettings) $AuthorizationString = Get-OAuth -AuthorizationParams $AuthParams $HTTPEndpoint= $ResourceURL if($Parameters.Count -gt 0) { $HTTPEndpoint = $HTTPEndpoint + '?' $Parameters.Keys | % { $HTTPEndpoint = $HTTPEndpoint + $_ +'='+ [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Parameters.Item($_)).Replace('+','%20') + '&'} $HTTPEndpoint = $HTTPEndpoint.Substring(0,$HTTPEndpoint.Length-1) } Invoke-RestMethod -URI $HTTPEndpoint -Method $RestVerb -Headers @{ 'Authorization' = $AuthorizationString } -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } catch{ Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } } function Invoke-ReadFromTwitterStream{ <# .SYNOPSIS This function can be used to download info from the Twitter Streaming APIs and record the json ouptut in a text file. .PARAMETER ResourceURL The desired twitter resource url [Streaming APIs can be found here:] .PARAMETER RestVerb Either 'GET' or 'POST' depending on the resource URL .PARAMETER Parameters A hashtable containing the rest parameters (key value pairs) associated that resource url. Pass empty hash if no paramters needed. .PARAMETER OAuthSettings A hashtable that must contain only the following keys and their values (Generate here: ApiKey ApiSecret AccessToken AccessTokenSecret .PARAMETER MinsToCollectStream The number of minutes you want to attempt to stream content. Use -1 to run infinte loop. .PARAMETER OutFilePath The location of the out file text. Will create file if dne yet. .EXAMPLE $OAuth = @{'ApiKey' = 'yourapikey'; 'ApiSecret' = 'yourapisecretkey';'AccessToken' = 'yourapiaccesstoken';'AccessTokenSecret' = 'yourapitokensecret'} Invoke-ReadFromTwitterStream -OAuthSettings $o -OutFilePath 'C:\books\foo.txt' -ResourceURL '' -RestVerb 'POST' -Parameters @{'track' = 'foo'} -MinsToCollectStream 1 .LINK This function evolved from the following blog posts, #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $OAuthSettings, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $OutFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ResourceURL, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$RestVerb, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Parameters, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $MinsToCollectStream ) process{ $Ti = Get-Date while($true) { $NewD = Get-Date if(($MinsToCollectStream -ne -1) -and (($NewD-$Ti).Minutes -gt $MinsToCollectStream)) { return "Finished"} try { $AuthParams = @{} $AuthParams.Add('HttpEndPoint', $ResourceURL) $AuthParams.Add('RESTVerb', $RestVerb) $AuthParams.Add('Params', $Parameters) $AuthParams.Add('OAuthSettings', $OAuthSettings) $AuthorizationString = Get-OAuth -AuthorizationParams $AuthParams [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($ResourceURL) $Request.Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite $Request.Method = $RestVerb $Request.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]::GZip, [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]::Deflate $Request.Headers.Add('Authorization', $AuthorizationString) $Request.Headers.Add('Accept-Encoding', 'deflate,gzip') $filter = $Null if($Parameters.Count -gt 0) { $Parameters.Keys | % { $filter = $filter + $_ +'='+ [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Parameters.Item($_)).Replace('+','%20') + '&'} $filter = $filter.Substring(0, $filter.Length-1) $POSTData = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($filter) $Request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" $Request.ContentLength = $POSTData.Length $RequestStream = $Request.GetRequestStream() $RequestStream.Write($POSTData, 0, $POSTData.Length) $RequestStream.Close() } $Response = [System.Net.HttpWebResponse]$Request.GetResponse() [System.IO.StreamReader]$ResponseStream = $Response.GetResponseStream() while ($true) { $NewDt = Get-Date if(($MinsToCollectStream -ne -1) -and (($NewDt-$Ti).Minutes -gt $MinsToCollectStream)) { return "Finished"} $Line = $ResponseStream.ReadLine() if($Line -eq '') { continue } Add-Content $OutFilePath $Line $PowerShellRepresentation = $Line | ConvertFrom-Json $PowerShellRepresentation If ($ResponseStream.EndOfStream) { Throw "Stream closed." } } } catch{ Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } } } |