
Returns Power BI Workspace info.
This command returns the Workspace information for all Workspaces or for a specific workspace if the workspaceName parameter is
provided. This command is used within other commands to retrieve Workspace ID where a Workspace Name is provided.
.PARAMETER authToken
This is the required API authentication token (string) generated by the Get-PBIAuthTokenUnattended or Get-PBIAuthTokenPrompt commands.
.PARAMETER workspaceName
Optional parameter to restrict data to a specific Workspace Name. The Workspace ID is retrieved using this name by the function
Get-PBMWorkspace -authToken $auth
Get-PBMWorkspace -authToken $auth -workspaceName 'Workspace Name'
General notes

function Get-PBMWorkspace{



        Write-Verbose 'Building Rest API header with authorization token'
        $authHeader = @{
            'Authorization'='Bearer ' + $authToken

        try {
                Write-Verbose 'Workspace Name provided. Fetching all Workspaces'
                $uri = ""
                $workspace = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authHeader -Method GET

                Write-Verbose 'Matching Workspace Name to ID'
                $workspaces = $workspace.value | Where-Object{$ -eq $workspaceName}
                $uri = ""
                $workspace = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authHeader -Method GET
                $workspaces = $workspace.value
        catch {
            throw "Error retrieving Workspaces from API: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        Write-Verbose 'Returning Workspace info'
        return $workspaces
