# # Copyright 2021, Alexis La Goutte <alexis dot lagoutte at gmail dot com> # Copyright 2021, Cédric Moreau <moreaucedric0 at gmail dot com> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # function Deploy-ArubaCPVm { <# .SYNOPSIS Deploy a ClearPass VM .DESCRIPTION Deploy a Virtual Machine ClearPass on a vSphere environment with a lot of parameters like the choice of the cluster, the datastore, and the host. You can even preconfigure your VM with the network configuration, the hostname, and the dns. .EXAMPLE Deploy-ArubaCPVm -ovf_path "D:\ISO\CPPM-VM-x86_64-\CPPM-VM-x86_64-" -vm_Host "host_PowerarubaCP-01" -datastore "datastore_powerarubacp-01" -cluster "cluster_powerarubacp-01" -name_vm "CPPM" -vmnetwork1 "CPPM - MGMT" -vmnetwork2 "CPPM - DATA" This install your .ovf on your vsphere with the host, the datastore, the cluster, the folder to place it and the name of your vm. It also configure your vm with a hostname, a network configuration, the network adapter and the port group of your vSwitch .EXAMPLE $cppmBuildParams = @{ ovf_path = "D:\ISO\CPPM-VM-x86_64-\CPPM-VM-x86_64-" vm_host = "host_PowerarubaCP-01" datastore = "datastore_powerarubacp-01" cluster = "cluster_powerarubacp-01" inventory = "PowerArubaCP" name_vm = "CPPM" capacityGB = "80" #Minimum size for LAB memoryGB = "8" #Default value cpu = "8" #Default value StartVM = $true vmnetwork1 = "CPPM - MGMT" vmnetwork2 = "CPPM - DATA" } # end $cppmBuildParams PS>Deploy-ArubaCPVm @cppmBuildParams Deploy Aruba ClearPass VM by pass array with settings. #> Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string]$ovf_path, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [string]$vm_host, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$datastore, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$cluster, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [string]$inventory, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$name_vm, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateRange(31, 512)] [int]$capacityGB = 80, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateRange(2, 32)] [int]$memoryGB, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateRange(2, 32)] [int]$cpu, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$StartVM = $false, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$vmnetwork1, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [string]$vmnetwork2 ) Begin { } Process { #Check if VMWare PowerCLI is available (not use #Require because not mandatory module) if ($null -eq (Get-InstalledModule -name VMware.VimAutomation.Common -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Throw "You need to install VMware.PowerCLI (Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI)" } #Write-Warning "You need to have a vSwitch configured on your vSphere environment even if you use a DVS" #default vapp_config $vapp_config = @{ "source" = $ovf_path "name" = $name_vm } if ($DefaultVIServers.Count -eq 0) { throw "Need to be connect to vCenter (use Connect-VIServer)" } if (Get-VM $name_vm -ErrorAction "silentlyContinue") { Throw "VM $name_vm already exist, change name or remove VM" } if (-not (Get-Cluster -Name $cluster -ErrorAction "silentlycontinue")) { Throw "Cluster not found : $cluster" } else { $vapp_config.add("Location", $cluster) } if (-not (Get-VMHost -Name $vm_host -ErrorAction "silentlycontinue")) { Throw "Vm_Host not found : $vm_host" } else { $vapp_config.add("vmhost", $vm_host) } if (-not (Get-Datastore -Name $datastore -ErrorAction "silentlycontinue")) { Throw "Datastore not found : $datastore" } else { $vapp_config.add("datastore", $datastore) } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('inventory') ) { if (-not (Get-Inventory -Name $inventory -ErrorAction "silentlycontinue")) { Throw "Inventory not found : $inventory" } else { $vapp_config.add("inventory", $inventory) } } $ovfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration -Ovf $ovf_path #Check if vSwitch is available ? $ovfConfig.NetworkMapping.VM_Network.Value = $vmnetwork1 if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vmnetwork2') ) { $ovfConfig.NetworkMapping.VM_Network_2.Value = $vmnetwork2 } Import-VApp @vapp_config -OvfConfiguration $ovfConfig | Out-Null #Add new disk (mininum 80GB ) New-HardDisk -VM $name_vm -CapacityGB $capacityGB -Persistence persistent | Out-Null #Change memory (8 by default) if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MemoryGB') ) { Get-VM $name_vm | Set-VM -MemoryGB $MemoryGB -confirm:$false | Out-Null } #Change CPU (8 by default) if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CPU') ) { Get-VM $name_vm | Set-VM -NumCPU $cpu -confirm:$false | Out-Null } #Set NetworkAdapter to enable (for both/All...) Get-VM $name_vm | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -StartConnected $true -Confirm:$false | Out-Null if ( $StartVM ) { Get-VM $name_vm | Start-VM | Out-Null Write-Output "$name_vm is started and ready to use" } else { Write-Output "$name_vm is ready to use (need to Start VM !)" } } End { } } function Set-ArubaCPVmFirstBoot { <# .SYNOPSIS Configure the first boot of Clearpass VM .DESCRIPTION Configure the first boot (Appliance Type and encrypt disk) of ClearPass VM .EXAMPLE $cppmFirstBootParams = @{ version = "6.9" name_vm = "PowerArubaCP-CPPM" appliance_type = "CLABV" } PS>Set-ArubaCPVmFirstBoot @cppmFirstBootParams Configuration of first CPPM Boot (VM Name and Appliance Type CLABV ) .EXAMPLE Set-ArubaCPVmFirstBoot -version 6.9 -name_vm PowerArubaCP-CPPM -appliance_type C3000V -encrypt_disk:$false Configuration of first CPPM Boot (VM Name, Appliance Type C3000V and encrypt disk disable ) #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("6.8", "6.9", "6.10", "6.11", "6.12")] [version]$version, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("CLABV", "C1000V", "C2000V", "C3000V")] [string]$appliance_type, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$name_vm, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$encrypt_disk ) Begin { } Process { if (-not (Get-Command -name Set-VMKeystrokes -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Throw "You need to install/import Set-VMKeystrokes script (Install-Script -Name VMKeystrokes)" } #TODO Check the VM is available switch ( $appliance_type ) { "CLABV" { $StringInput = "1" } "C1000V" { $StringInput = "2" } "C2000V" { $StringInput = "3" } "C3000V" { $StringInput = "4" } } Write-Output "Configure Appliance type: $appliance_type" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $StringInput -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null #With version 6.8 (and before), there is a disk perf check if ($version -eq "6.8") { Start-Sleep 20 } #Use secondary disk Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput y 6>> $null #Encrypt all local data if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('encrypt_disk') ) { if ( $encrypt_disk ) { $StringInput = "y" } else { $StringInput = "n" } } else { #By Default Encrypt Local data $StringInput = "y" } Write-Output "Configure Encrypt disk: $encrypt_disk" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $StringInput 6>> $null Write-Output "First Configuration boot is finish, CPPM copy now data and reboot, it will be available on 10/15 minutes for setup" #Copy now data and reboot, need to wait 10/15 minutes... } End { } } function Set-ArubaCPVmSetup { <# .SYNOPSIS Setup a VM ClearPass .DESCRIPTION Setup a VM ClearPass (hostname, management/data ip address, dns, password...). .EXAMPLE Set-ArubaCPVmSetup -name "CPPM" -version 6.9 -hostname "CPPM" -mgmt_ip -mgmt_netmask 24 -mgmt_gateway -dns_primary -new_pasword "MyPassword" Initial configuration with minimal settings of ClearPasss (Name, IP Address MGMT, DNS, Password...) .EXAMPLE $cppmsetupParams = @{ name_vm = "CPPM" version = "6.9" hostname = "CPPM" mgmt_ip = "" mgmt_netmask = "24" mgmt_gateway = "" data_ip = "" data_netmask = "24" data_gateway = "" dns_primary = "" dns_secondary = "" new_password = "MyPassword" ntp_primary = "" ntp_secondary = "" timezone_continent = "8" timezone_country = "14" } PS>Set-ArubaCPVmSetup @cppmsetupParams Initial configuration of ClearPasss (Name, IP Address MGMT/Data, DNS, Password, NTP, Timezone...) for Timezone, on this example, it is for Europe/France(Paris) #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] Param( [string]$name_vm, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("6.8", "6.9", "6.10", "6.11", "6.12")] [version]$version, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$hostname, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ipaddress]$mgmt_ip, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange(0, 32)] [int]$mgmt_netmask, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ipaddress]$mgmt_gateway, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ipaddress]$data_ip, [ValidateRange(0, 32)] [int]$data_netmask, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ipaddress]$data_gateway, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ipaddress]$dns_primary, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ipaddress]$dns_secondary, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$new_password, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateRange(1, 10)] [int]$timezone_continent, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateRange(1, 55)] [int]$timezone_country, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ipaddress]$ntp_primary, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ipaddress]$ntp_secondary, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$fips ) Begin { } Process { if ($timezone_continent -xor $timezone_country) { Throw "You need to specific Timezone Continent and Country on the sametime" } if (($data_ip -xor $data_netmask) -or ($data_netmask -xor $data_gateway)) { Throw "You need to specific Data IP, netmask and Gateway on the sametime" } if (-not (Get-Command -name Set-VMKeystrokes -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Throw "You need to install/import Set-VMKeystrokes script (Install-Script -Name VMKeystrokes)" } #Connection Write-Output "Connection to console using default login/password" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput appadmin -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput eTIPS123 -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 15 #Initial Setup #Hostname Write-Output "Configure hostname: $hostname" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $hostname -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Management IPv4 if ($version -eq "6.8") { Write-Output "Configure Management IPv4: $mgmt_ip / $mgmt_netmask" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $mgmt_ip.ToString() -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Netmask Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput (Convert-ArubaCPCIDR2Mask($mgmt_netmask)) -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Gateway (Management) Write-Output "Configure Management IPv4 Gateway: $mgmt_gateway" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $mgmt_gateway.ToString() -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } else { #with 6.9.x using CIDR for netmask and add IPv6 support $mgmt = $mgmt_ip.ToString() + "/" + $mgmt_netmask Write-Output "Configure Management IPv4: $mgmt_ip / $mgmt_netmask" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $mgmt -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Write-Output "Configure Management IPv4 Gateway: $mgmt_gateway" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $mgmt_gateway.ToString() -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Management IPv6 (Skip...) Write-Output "Skip Configure Management IPv6..." Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -SpecialKeyInput "KeyEnter" 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } #Data Port if ($version -eq "6.8") { if ($data_ip -and $data_netmask -and $data_gateway) { $data = $data_ip.ToString() + "/" + $data_netmask Write-Output "Configure Data IPv4: $data_ip / $data_netmask" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $data_ip.ToString() -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Netmask Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput (Convert-ArubaCPCIDR2Mask($data_netmask)) -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Gateway (Data) Write-Output "Configure Data IPv4 Gateway: $data_gateway" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $data_gateway.ToString() -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } else { Write-Output "Skip Configure Data IPv4" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -SpecialKeyInput "KeyEnter" 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } } else { #with 6.9.x using CIDR for netmask and add IPv6 support if ($data_ip -and $data_netmask -and $data_gateway) { $data = $data_ip.ToString() + "/" + $data_netmask Write-Output "Configure Data IPv4: $data_ip / $data_netmask" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $data -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Write-Output "Configure Data IPv4 Gateway: $data_gateway" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $data_gateway.ToString() -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #IPv6 Write-Output "Skip Configure Data IPv6..." Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -SpecialKeyInput "KeyEnter" 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } else { Write-Output "Skip Configure Data IPv4" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -SpecialKeyInput "KeyEnter" 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #IPv6 Write-Output "Skip Configure Data IPv6" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -SpecialKeyInput "KeyEnter" 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } } #DNS Write-Output "Configure DNS Primary: $dns_primary" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $dns_primary -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Write-Output "Configure DNS Secondary: $dns_secondary" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $dns_secondary -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #SLAAC if ($version -ge "6.10") { Write-Output "Skip Configure SLAAC IPv6" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput n -SpecialKeyInput "KeyEnter" 6>> $null Start-Sleep 2 } #Password Write-Output "Configure Password..." Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $new_password -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $new_password -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #NTP if ($timezone_continent -or $ntp_primary) { Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput y -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 if ($ntp_primary) { #Configure NTP Server Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput 2 -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Write-Output "Configure NTP Primary: $ntp_primary" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $ntp_primary -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Write-Output "Configure NTP Secondary: $ntp_secondary" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $ntp_secondary -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } else { #Skip Configure Data and time Write-Output "Skip Configure NTP ..." Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput 1 -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -SpecialKeyInput "KeyEnter" 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -SpecialKeyInput "KeyEnter" 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } if ($timezone_continent) { Write-Output "Configure Timezone (Continent and Country)" #Configure timezone (Continent and Country) Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput y -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $timezone_continent -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $timezone_country -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput 1 -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } else { #Skip timezone (Continent and Country) Write-Output "Skip Configure Timezone (Continent and Country) ..." Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput n -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 if ($version -ne "6.8") { #No need to confirm (1) Time Settings before 6.9 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput 1 -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } } } else { #No NTP or Timezone settings, skip Write-Output "Skip Configure NTP and Timezone (Continent and Country) ..." Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput n -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } #FIPS Write-Output "Configure FIPS $fips" if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('fips') ) { if ( $fips ) { $StringInput = "y" } else { $StringInput = "n" } } else { #By Default FIPS is disable.. $StringInput = "n" } Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $StringInput -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Configuration OK ? Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput y -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Write-Output "Setup is finish, now CPPM will be configure and restart service (need to wait 7/8 minutes before try to connect)" } End { } } function Set-ArubaCPVmAddLicencePlatform { <# .SYNOPSIS Configure Plaform Licence on VM ClearPass .DESCRIPTION Configure Plaform Licence Key on VM ClearPass .EXAMPLE $cppmLicenceKeyParams = @{ mgmt_ip = "" licencekey = "---BEGIN....." } PS>Set-ArubaCPVmAddLicencePlatform @cppmLicenceKeyParams Configure initial Platform Licence key on ClearPass #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ipaddress]$mgmt_ip, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$licencekey ) Begin { } Process { $uri = "https://" + $mgmt_ip + "/tips/addLicense.action" $body = @{ appId = 101 ; agree_eula = "on"; licenseKey = $licencekey } #Token ? (for > 6.11) $iwr = Invoke-WebRequest $uri -Method "GET" -SkipCertificateCheck -SessionVariable LicenceCPPM $token = ($iwr.InputFields | Where-Object {$ -eq "token"}).value if ($token) { $body.add("","token") $body.add("token", $token) } $uri = "https://" + $mgmt_ip + "/tips/submitLicense.action" Write-Verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json) #No API available for this... push directly the licence with agreement eula Invoke-WebRequest $uri -Method "POST" -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $body -WebSession $licenceCPPM -SkipCertificateCheck | Out-Null } End { } } function Set-ArubaCPVmApiClient { <# .SYNOPSIS Configure an API Client (Oauth) .DESCRIPTION Configure an API Client (Oauth) using console .EXAMPLE $cppmapiclientParams = @{ name_vm = "CPPM" new_password = "MyPassword" client_id = "PowerArubaCP" client_secret = "MySecret" } PS>Set-ArubaCPVmApiClient @cppmapiclientParams Configure an API Client (Oauth) with client_id and client_secret #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$name_vm, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$new_password, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$client_id, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$client_secret ) Begin { } Process { if (-not (Get-Command -name Set-VMKeystrokes -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Throw "You need to install/import Set-VMKeystrokes script (Install-Script -Name VMKeystrokes)" } #Connection to CPPM (using console) Write-Output "Connection to console using login/password" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput appadmin -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $new_password -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Create API Client (oauth) Write-Output "Add API client $client_id" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput "system create-api-client $client_id $client_secret" -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Exit ! Write-Output "Exit to console" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput exit -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null } End { } } function Set-ArubaCPVmUpdate { <# .SYNOPSIS Update CPPM VM .DESCRIPTION Update CPPM VM (via copy file with SSH or HTTP(S)) using console Need to wait the time of copy file (> 1,2Giga) and update (10 to 15minutes) and launch restart of CPPM .EXAMPLE $cppmUpdateParams = @{ name_vm = "CPPM" new_password = "MyPassword" update_link = "" } PS>Set-ArubaCPVmUpdate @cppmUpdateParams Update CPPM to 6.9.5 using HTTP .EXAMPLE $cppmUpdateParams = @{ name_vm = "CPPM" new_password = "MyPassword" update_link = "powerarubacp@" ssh_password = "MySSH Password" } PS>Set-ArubaCPVmUpdate @cppmUpdateParams Update CPPM to 6.9.5 using SSH #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] Param( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$name_vm, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$new_password, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$update_link, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ssh_password ) Begin { } Process { if (-not (Get-Command -name Set-VMKeystrokes -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Throw "You need to install/import Set-VMKeystrokes script (Install-Script -Name VMKeystrokes)" } #Connection to CPPM (using console) Write-Output "Connection to console using login/password" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput appadmin -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $new_password -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #Update CPPM Write-Output "Update CPPM with $update_link" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput "system update -i $update_link" -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 #if using SSH, need to specify the SSH password if ($ssh_password) { #if it is the first ssh connection to this ssh server, need to valid the key fingerprint Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput "yes" -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 3 #SSH Password Write-Output "Set SSH Password" Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $name_vm -StringInput $ssh_password -ReturnCarriage $true 6>> $null Start-Sleep 1 } } End { } } |