.Synopsis Initializes the Menu .Description Initializes the Menu Level. This is used to display basic information about the game before playing. .Notes This implementation of a menu shows up to 3 messages: * The $Game.Logo * The $Game.Instructions * The $Game.Controls Because of the generic way this can be written, you can often reuse this Menu implementation. #> # Show the game logo at the top 1/3rd Show-Game -Message $game.Logo # Set a starting height for additional messages $startHeight = $game.Height * .55 if ($game.Instructions) { # If the game had instructions Show-Game -Message $game.Instructions -Y $startHeight -Border # show them with a border $startHeight += $game.Instructions.Count # and update the starting height. $startHeight += 4 } if ($game.Controls) { # If the game had controls Show-Game -Message $game.Controls -Y $startHeight -Border # show them with a border. } |