function Watch-Keyboard { <# .Synopsis Watches for Keyboard Input .Description Watches for Keyboard Input without blocking the script. When input arrives, it can be caught be any handler in -OnKey, and the results of that handler will be returned. If no input handler catches the key, it will be returned from Watch-Keyboard. If no keys are currently pressed, nothing will be returned. .Example # Watches the keys until you hit CTRL+C do { Watch-Keyboard | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Key } while ($true) .Link Watch-Game #> [OutputType([PSObject])] param( # A dictionary of key handlers. # The key should be the name of a key, and the value should be a script block. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $OnKey, # The read key options. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ReadKeyOptions')] [Management.Automation.Host.ReadKeyOptions] $ReadKeyOption = 'NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown,IncludeKeyUp' ) process { :KeyLoop while ($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) { #region Read the Keys $KeyRead = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey($ReadKeyOption) $KeyReadAt = [DateTime]::Now if (-not $OnKey) { [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ PSTypeName='PowerArcade.Keypress' Key = $KeyRead TimeStamp = $KeyReadAt } continue } #endregion Read the Keys #region Deal with the Handlers :NextOnKey foreach ($kv in $(if ($OnKey) {$OnKey.GetEnumerator()})) { $key = "$($kv.Key)" if ($key.Contains('+')) { # check for modifiers, and continue if not found # if found, strip the modifiers from $key } $IsMatch = ($key -eq 'Any') -or ($key -eq 'All') -or ($key -eq 'left' -and $KeyRead.virtualkeyCode -eq 37) -or ($key -eq 'up' -and $KeyRead.virtualkeyCode -eq 38) -or ($key -eq 'right' -and $KeyRead.virtualkeyCode -eq 39) -or ($key -eq 'down' -and $KeyRead.virtualkeyCode -eq 40) -or ($key -eq 'space' -and $keyRead.virtualKeyCode -eq 32) -or (('esc', 'escape' -contains $key) -and $keyRead.virtualKeyCode -eq 27) -or (('enter', 'return' -contains $key) -and $keyRead.VirtualKeyCode -eq 13) -or (('back', 'backspace' -contains $key) -and $keyRead.VirtualKeyCode -eq 8) -or ($KeyRead.character -eq $key) if ($IsMatch) { if ($kv.Value -is [ScriptBlock]) { . $kv.Value $keyRead } break KeyLoop } } #endregion Deal with the Handlers [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ PSTypeName='PowerArcade.Keypress' Key = $KeyRead TimeStamp = $KeyReadAt } } } } |