$TestGame = @{ Game = @{ "Game.psd1" = {@{BackgroundColor = '#0000ff'}} 'OnKey_Left.ps1' = { $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($dot.X - 1) -Y ($dot.Y) } 'OnKey_Right.ps1' = { $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($dot.X + 1) -Y ($dot.Y) } 'OnKey_Up.ps1' = { $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($dot.X) -Y ($dot.Y - 1) } 'OnKey_Down.ps1' = { $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($dot.X) -Y ($dot.Y - 1) } 'Game.ps1' = { $global:GameInitialized = $true } } Levels = @{ 1 = @{ '1.ps1' = { $Global:FirstLevelInitializedAt = [DateTime]::Now Add-Sprite -X ($game.Width / 2) -Y ($game.Height / 2) -Name Dot -Type Dot Add-Sprite -X ($game.Width * .45) -Y ($game.Height / 2) -Height 3 -Width 1 -Name LeftObstacle -Type Wall Add-Sprite -X ($game.Width * .55) -Y ($game.Height / 2) -Name RightObstacle -Type Wall } } 'Levels.ps1' = { $Global:AllLevelsInitializedAt = [DateTime]::Now } } Sprites = @{ Dot = @{ 'Dot.psd1' = {@{Content = 'O'}} } Wall = @{ 'Wall.psd1' = {@{Content = '█'}} } } } $popDir = { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$root, [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$key, [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] $value ) process { $dest = Join-Path $root $key if ($value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { if (-not (Test-Path $dest)) { $newDir = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dest } $value.GetEnumerator() | & $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock -Root $dest } else { [IO.File]::WriteAllText($dest, "$value") } } } $tempDir = if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Windows' -or -not $PSVersionTable.Platform) { Join-Path $env:TEMP "TempGame$(Get-Random)" } else { Join-Path '/tmp' "TempGame$(Get-Random)" } $newDir = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempDir -Force $psd1Path = Join-Path $newDir "$($newDir.Name).psd1" "@{ModuleVersion='0.1'}" | Set-Content $psd1Path $TestGame.GetEnumerator() | & $popDir -Root $newDir $global:TheTestGame = $null $global:GameInitialized = $false $Global:AllLevelsInitializedAt = $null $Global:FirstLevelInitializedAt = $null describe PSArcade { it 'Is a Game Engine Written in PowerShell' { Get-Module PSArcade | ForEach-Object { $_.ExportedCommands.Values } | Where-Object { $_.Noun -eq 'Game' } | should belike '*-Game*' } it "Lets you define games with a trio of directories: 'Game', 'Level(s)', and 'Sprites'" { $directoryNames = $newdir | Get-ChildItem -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name if ($directoryNames -notcontains 'Game') { throw "'Game' directory not found beneath '$newDir'" } if (-not ($directoryNames -match '^Level[s]?')) { throw "'Levels' directory not found beneath '$newdir'" } if (-not ($directoryNames -match '^Sprite[s]?')) { throw "'Sprites' directory not found beneath '$newDir'" } } context Game { it 'Can Initialize-Game' { $global:TheTestGame = Initialize-Game -GamePath $newDir -NoClear $global:TheTestGame.pstypenames | should be 'PSArcade.Game' } it 'Initializing a Game will call the Game.ps1 script in the Game directory' { $global:GameInitialized | should be $true } } context Levels { it 'Will default to the first level (alphabetically)' { $global:TheTestGame.currentlevelname | should be "1" } it 'Will run the Initialize method for all levels' { $Global:AllLevelsInitializedAt | should -BeLessOrEqual $Global:FirstLevelInitializedAt } it 'Will run the Initialize method for the currently selected level' { $Global:FirstLevelInitializedAt | should -BeGreaterOrEqual $Global:AllLevelsInitializedAt } } } describe Sprites { context Add-Sprite { it 'Can Add-Sprite to add content to the screen' { Add-Sprite -X ($dot.X + 3) -Y ($dot.Y + 3) -Content '!' } it 'Will not corrupt the spatial map to add a sprite right next to another one' { Add-Sprite -X ($LeftObstacle.X - 1) -Y ($dot.Y) -Type Dot $lo = $LeftObstacle $global:foundSomething = $LeftObstacle | Find-Sprite # # | should be $LeftObstacle if (-not $foundSomething) { throw "Found nothing" } } } context Find-Sprite { it 'Can Find-Sprite to see what is there' { Find-Sprite -X $dot.X -Y $dot.Y | should be $Global:Dot } it 'Can Find-Sprite within a -Radius' { $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($game.Width / 2) -Y ($game.Height / 2) Find-Sprite -X ($dot.x + 1) -Y ($DOT.y + 1) -Radius 2 | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count | should be 1 } } context Move-Sprite { it 'Can Move a Sprite' { $ox = $dot.x $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($dot.X - 1) -Y $dot.Y $dot.X | should be ($ox - 1) } it 'Can Move next to a Sprite, and still find it (and the adjacent sprite)' { $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($RightObstacle.X - 1) -Y ($dot.Y) $RightObstacle | Find-Sprite | should be $RightObstacle $dot | Find-Sprite | should be $dot } it 'Can Move next to a Sprite with -NoClear, and still find it (and the adjacent sprite)' { $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($RightObstacle.X + 1) -Y ($RightObstacle.Y + 1) -NoClear $RightObstacle | Find-Sprite | should be $RightObstacle $dot | Find-Sprite | should be $dot } } context Remove-Sprite { it 'Can Remove-Sprite when we are done with it' { $leftX, $leftY = $LeftObstacle.X, $LeftObstacle.Y $spatialHash = $LeftObstacle.SpatialHash $spriteId = $LeftObstacle.SpriteID $lo = $LeftObstacle $LeftObstacle | Remove-Sprite $LeftObstacle | should be $null Find-Sprite -X $leftX -Y $leftY | should be $null $game.CurrentLevel.SpatialMap[$spatialHash] | Where-Object { $_.SpriteID -eq $spriteId } | should be $null $game.CurrentLevel.SpritesByID.ContainsKey($spriteId) | should be $false if ($game.CurrentLevel.Sprites -contains $lo) { throw "Sprite still in CurrentLevel.Sprites" } } it 'Will not corrupt up the spatial map during a Remove' { $dot | Move-Sprite -X ($RightObstacle.X - 1) -Y ($RightObstacle.Y) $RightObstacle | Remove-Sprite $dot | Find-Sprite | should be $dot } } } rmdir $newdir -Recurse -Force |