
function Move-Sprite
        Moves sprites
        Moves sprites around the screen
        $dot | Move-Sprite -X 10 -Y 20

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "", Justification="Games Must Use the Host")]
    # The Sprite

    # The target X coordinate

    # The target Y coordinate

    # If set, will not clear the content at the old sprite position

    # If set, will force an overwrite in the case of a collision.

    process {
        # It's possible the sprite doesn't have an X/Y yet, so add it if they don't.
        if (-not $['X']) {
        if (-not $['Y']) {

        #region Where am I going, and who will I run into there?
        $newBounds = $Sprite.MeasureBounds($x, $y)

        $collision = $false
        $foundSprites = $newBounds |Find-Sprite
        if ($foundSprites) {
            $null = $null
            foreach ($ThingIHit in $foundSprites) {
                if ($ThingIHit -eq $Sprite) { continue }
                $collision = $true
                if ($sprite.'+'.Invoke) {
                if ($sprite."+$($ThingIHit.Type)".Invoke) {
        #region Where am I going, and who will I run into there?

        if ($collision -and -not $Force) {

        [Console]::CursorVisible = $false
        if (-not $NoClear -and -not $this.Hidden) {

        $oldBounds = $Sprite.MeasureBounds()

        $sprite.X, $sprite.Y = $X, $Y

        $newSpatialHashes = $newBounds | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SpatialHash -Unique
        $oldSpatialHashes = $oldBounds | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SpatialHash -Unique

        foreach ($nsh in $newSpatialHashes) {
            if ($oldSpatialHashes -notcontains $nsh) { # Moving into a new spatial hash
                if ($game.CurrentLevel.SpatialMap.ContainsKey($nsh)) {

                    $game.CurrentLevel.SpritesById[$sprite.SpriteID] = $sprite

        foreach ($osh in $oldSpatialHashes) {
            if ($newSpatialHashes -notcontains $osh) { # Moving out of an old spatial hash
                if ($game.CurrentLevel.SpatialMap.ContainsKey($osh)) {
                    $toRemove =
                        for ($in =0 ; $in -lt $game.CurrentLevel.SpatialMap[$osh].Count; $in++) {
                            if ($game.CurrentLevel.SpatialMap[$osh][$in].SpriteID -eq $Sprite.SpriteID) {

                    foreach ($tr in $toRemove) {
                        $null = $game.CurrentLevel.SpatialMap[$osh].Remove($tr)
        if (-not $this.Hidden -and
            $game.CurrentLevel.SpriteMap.ContainsKey) {


        if (-not $this.Hidden) {
            [Console]::CursorVisible = $false