
function Find-Game
        Finds games
        Finds games in the PowerShell Gallery

    # If provided, will only return games like this -Name.

    # If provided, will look for modules in a given -Repository.
    # If not provided, all registered repositories will be searched
    # Use Register-PSRepository to register a repository.

    process {
        #region Find Find-Module
        $findModuleCommand = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Find-Module','All')
        if (-not $findModuleCommand) {
            Write-Error "Find-Module must exist in order to Find-Game"
        #region Find Find-Module

        #region Splatting Find-Module
        $findModuleSplat = @{}
        if ($Repository) {
            $findModuleSplat.Repository = $Repository
        if ($name) {
            $findModuleSplat.Name = $name
        } else {
            $findModuleSplat.Tag = 'PowerArcade'

        $foundModules = & $findModuleCommand @findModuleSplat
        #region Splatting Find-Module

        #region Make a Game out of you
        foreach ($fm in $foundModules) {
                Version = $fm.Version
                Description = $fm.Description
                Category = @(
                    $fm.Tags -like 'GameCategory:*' | Foreach-Object { @($_ -split ':', 2)[-1] }
                    $fm.Tags -eq 'Screensaver'
                PSTypeName = 'PowerArcade.GameInfo'
        #endregion Make a Game out of you
