function Get-PaAddress { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve address objects from Palo Alto device. .DESCRIPTION Retrieve address objects from Palo Alto device. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER Name #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0)] [string]$Name ) BEGIN { $VerbosePrefix = "Get-PaAddress:" $XPathNode = 'address' $Xpath = $Global:PaDeviceObject.createXPath($XPathNode, $Name) } PROCESS { # Get the config info for the report # This is required for the call to run the report $Response = Invoke-PaApiConfig -Get -Xpath $XPath if ($Response.response.result.$XPathNode) { $Entries = $Response.response.result.$XPathNode.entry } else { $Entries = $Response.response.result.entry } $ReturnObject = @() foreach ($entry in $Entries) { # Initialize Report object, add to returned array $Object = [PaAddress]::new($ $ReturnObject += $Object # Type and Value if ($entry.'ip-netmask') { $Object.Type = 'ip-netmask' $Object.Value = $entry.'ip-netmask' } elseif ($entry.'ip-range') { $Object.Type = 'ip-range' $Object.Value = $entry.'ip-range' } elseif ($entry.fqdn) { $Object.Type = 'fqdn' $Object.Value = $entry.'fqdn' } # Add other properties to report $Object.Description = [HelperXml]::parseCandidateConfigXml($entry.description, $false) $Object.Tags = [HelperXml]::GetMembersFromXml($entry.tag) } $ReturnObject } } |