function Set-AMTDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Change the name or tags of an AMT device. .DESCRIPTION Change the name or tags of an AMT device. If tags is set to $null, all tags will be removed. .PARAMETER GUID Specify a device GUID to as an identifier to which device should be changed. .PARAMETER Name Specify a new name for a device. .PARAMETER Tags Specify one or more tags to assign to the device. .INPUTS You can pipe one or more device names into Set-AMTDevice. .OUTPUTS System.Object .EXAMPLE PS> Set-AMTDevice -GUID 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18 -Name ClientLondon01 -Tags "London","Store01" guid : 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18 hostname : ClientLondon01 tags : {London, Store01} mpsInstance : mps connectionStatus : True mpsusername : admin tenantId : .EXAMPLE Remove all tags of a device PS> Set-AMTDevice -GUID 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18 -Tags $null TenantID : Tags : {} Hostname : Client-01 MPSInstance : mps ConnectionStatus : True MPSUsername : admin GUID : 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18 .EXAMPLE PS> Get-AMTDevice | Set-AMTDevice -Tags "NewYork","LAN_123","Register" TenantID : Tags : {NewYork,LAN_123,Register} Hostname : Client-01 MPSInstance : mps ConnectionStatus : True MPSUsername : admin GUID : 1ada9c84-780e-4ccc-831c-0edb26994b18 TenantID : Tags : {NewYork,LAN_123,Register} Hostname : Client-02 MPSInstance : mps ConnectionStatus : True MPSUsername : admin GUID : 93525960-b4b5-4148-81e3-48a3d214a637 ... .LINK Online version: #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string[]]$GUID, [string] $Name, [string[]] $Tags ) begin { if($null -eq $Global:AMTSession){ throw "No active AMT session. Create a session first with Connect-AMTManagement" } } process { foreach($device in $GUID){ $headers=@{} $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $($Global:AMTSession.Token)") $headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json") $body = @{ "guid"=$device } if($Name -ne "" -and $null -ne $Name){ $body | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "hostname" -NotePropertyValue $Name } if($Tags.Count -gt 0){ $body | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "tags" -NotePropertyValue $Tags } if($null -eq $Tags){ $body | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "tags" -NotePropertyValue @() } $body = $body | ConvertTo-Json if($null -ne $GUID -and $GUID -ne ""){ $uri = "https://"+ $Global:AMTSession.Address + "/mps/api/v1/devices" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5){ $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method PATCH -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -TimeoutSec 5 } else { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method PATCH -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -SkipCertificateCheck -TimeoutSec 5 } return $Response } } } } |