
     Code generated by: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2015 v4.2.98
     Generated on: 07-Dec-15 2:22 PM
     Generated by:
        Script generated by PowerShell Studio 2015

         Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2015 v4.2.97
         Created on: 02-Dec-15 3:52 PM
         Created by: Marc Collins
         Filename: Power-XML.psm1
         Module Name: Power-XML
            Functions for XML Creation and data manipulation.
            #-New-XML Returns the Root Node, to be used throughout the Script
            $XMLRootNode = New-XML
            #-NewNode returns a Subnode of the parent node provided
            $XMLSubNode = New-XMLNode -Name "Test" -Parent $XMLRootNode
            #-Add-XMLAttribute adds a Name/Value Pair to the node specified
            Add-XMLAttribute -Name "Creation_Date" -Value ((Get-date).ToString()) -Node $XMLRootNode
            Add-XMLAttribute -Name "RNAttName" -Value "RNAttValue" -Node $XMLRootNode
            Add-XMLAttribute -Name "SNAttName" -Value "SNAttValue" -Node $XMLSubNode
            #-Export-XML saves the Provided Root Node to the Destination
            Export-XML $XMLRootNode -FileDestination C:\temp\ccc.xml

    # .ExternalHelp Power-XML.psm1-help.xml
    function New-XML
        param ()
        #---Creates a XML Object---
        $XMLObject = New-Object XML
        #---Sets XML Object Declarations---
        $xmldecl = $XMLObject.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "yes")
        #---Creates Root Element in XML---
        $XMLRootNode = $XMLObject.CreateElement("root")
        #---Appends the date to the header of the XML File
        $XMLRootNode.SetAttribute("Creation_Date", (Get-date).ToString("s"))
        #---Puts Declaration and Root Element into XML Object---
        $XMLObject.InsertBefore($xmldecl, $XMLObject.DocumentElement) | Out-Null
        return $XMLRootNode
    # .ExternalHelp Power-XML.psm1-help.xml
    function Export-XML
            [Parameter(Position = 0)]
            [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        Test-PathValidation -Path $FileDestination -Create
        $FileDestinationInfo = [system.io.directoryinfo]$FileDestination
        if ($FileDestinationInfo.Extension -ne ".xml")
            if (!$FileDestination.EndsWith('\')) { $FileDestination = $FileDestination + "\" }
            $XMLOutputfile = $FileDestination + $env:COMPUTERNAME + ".xml"
            $XMLOutputfile = $FileDestination
        $XMLObject.OwnerDocument.AppendChild($XMLObject) | Out-Null
        #--Save XMLOutput to file--
    # .ExternalHelp Power-XML.psm1-help.xml
    function Add-XMLNode
            [Parameter(Position = 0)]
            [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        $NewXMLNode = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement($Name)
        $Parent.AppendChild($NewXMLNode) | Out-Null
        Return $NewXMLNode
    # .ExternalHelp Power-XML.psm1-help.xml
    function Add-XMLAttribute
        param (
            [Parameter(Position = 0)]
            [Parameter(Position = 1)]
            [Parameter(Position = 2)]
        $Node.SetAttribute($Name, $Value)
    function Add-ComplexXML ($Object, $NodeName, $Depth, $XMLObject)
        if ($Depth -eq $null) { $Depth = 1 }
        $ConvertedXML = convertto-xml -as Document -inputObject ($Object) -depth $Depth -NoTypeInformation
        $NewNamedNode = Add-XMLNode -Name $NodeName -Parent $XMLObject
        $NewNamedNode.InnerXml = $ConvertedXML.Objects.object.InnerXml
    # .ExternalHelp Power-XML.psm1-help.xml
    function Test-PathValidation
            [Parameter(Position = 0)]
            [Parameter(Position = 1)]
            [Parameter(Position = 2)]
        #$info = Get-Item $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        [system.io.directoryinfo]$info = $path
        if ($info.Extension -eq "") { if (! $info.FullName.EndsWith('\')) { $Path = $Path + "\" } }
        else { if (! $info.Parent.FullName.EndsWith('\')) { $Path = $info.Parent.FullName + "\" } }
        #$folderinfo = Get-Item $Path
        $folderinfo = [system.io.directoryinfo]$Path
        if ($Create -and (!$folderinfo.Exists))
            New-Item -Type directory -Path $Path | Out-Null
            if (!$Return -and (!$folderinfo.Exists))
                write-host "Directory $path Does Not Exist Use Did you want to Create?"
        if ($Return) { return $path }
    function Export-ADObjectXML ($Objects, $FileDestination, $NodeName)
        $XMLDataObject = New-XML
        Add-ObjectProperties -Objects $Objects -NodeName $NodeName -XMLDataObject $XMLDataObject
        Export-XML -XMLObject $XMLDataObject -FileDestination $FileDestination
    function Export-ObjectXML ($Objects, $FileDestination, $NodeName)
        $XMLDataObject = New-XML
        Add-ObjectCIMProperties -Objects $Objects -NodeName $NodeName -XMLDataObject $XMLDataObject
        Export-XML -XMLObject $XMLDataObject -FileDestination $FileDestination
    function Add-ObjectCIMProperties ($Objects, $NodeName, $XMLDataObject)
        $i = 1
        $ObjCount = $Objects.count
        foreach ($Object in $Objects)
            $complete = [math]::Round($i/$ObjCount * 100, 2)
            Write-progress -activity "Processing $nodename" -status "$complete% Complete:" -percentcomplete $complete;
            $ObjectNode = Add-XMLNode -Name $NodeName -Parent $XMLDataObject
            foreach ($Property in $Object.CimInstanceProperties.name)
                $Prop = $Object.$($Property)
                $Value = ""
                if ($Prop -ne $null)
                    if ($Prop.GetType().name -eq "DateTime")
                        $Value = $Prop.ToString("s")
                if ($Value -eq "") { $Value = [string]$Object.$($Property) }
                Add-XMLAttribute -Node $ObjectNode -Name $Property -Value $Value
    function Add-ObjectProperties ($Objects, $NodeName, $XMLDataObject)
        $i = 1
        $ObjCount = $Objects.count
        foreach ($Object in $Objects)
            $complete = [math]::Round($i/$ObjCount * 100, 2)
            Write-progress -activity "Processing $nodename" -status "$complete% Complete:" -percentcomplete $complete;
            $ObjectNode = Add-XMLNode -Name $NodeName -Parent $XMLDataObject
            foreach ($Property in $Object.PropertyNames)
                $ObjectProp = $Object.$($Property)
                $Value = ""
                if ($ObjectProp -ne $null)
                    if ($ObjectProp.GetType().name -eq "DateTime") { $Value = $ObjectProp.ToString("s") }
                if ($Value -eq "") { $Value = [string]$ObjectProp }
                Add-XMLAttribute -Node $ObjectNode -Name $Property -Value $Value
    Export-ModuleMember New-XML,