
# Get-InstanceConfig.psm1
Function Get-Instance {
                HelpMessage="A name to refer to this unique instance of carbon black - e.g. 'dev'")]
    begin {
        if (-not($Config)) {
            [System.Collections.Hashtable] $global:Config = @{}
        if (-not($Config.Instances)) {
            [System.Collections.Hashtable] $global:Config.Instances = @{}
    process {
        if ($Instance) { # Specific instance requested
            if ($Config.Instances.$Instance) { # Return it if it already exists
                $InstanceConfig = $Config.Instances.$Instance
                Set-CurrentInstance -Instance $InstanceConfig.Name
                return $InstanceConfig
            else { # Create it if it doesn't
                $InstanceConfig = New-Instance -Name $Instance
                Set-CurrentInstance -Instance $InstanceConfig.Name
                return $InstanceConfig
        elseif ($Config.CurrentInstance) { # Use "current"/"previous" instance
            $InstanceConfig = $Config.Instances.($Config.CurrentInstance)
            return $InstanceConfig
<# elseif ($global:Config.Instances) { # If instances are configured but somehow no current instance is set
            $Valid = $false
            while (-not $Valid) {
                Write-Output "No current/previous instance is set, but $($Config.Instances.Count) configurations are loaded:"
                Write-Output $Config.Instances.GetEnumerator()
                $Choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Which one would you like to use? Enter 'new' to create a new instance and use that."
                if ($Config.Instances.Keys -contains $Choice) {
                    Write-Output "You have chosen: $Choice"
                    Set-CurrentInstance -Instance $Choice
                    $InstanceConfig = $Config.Instances.$Choice
                    return $InstanceConfig
                elseif ($Choice -eq "new") {
                    $InstanceConfig = New-Instance
                    Set-CurrentInstance -Instance $Instance
                    return $InstanceConfig
        } #>

        else { # Create a new one if none specified and none exist
            Write-Output "No instance was specified, and no instances were configured."
            Write-Output "You must configure a new instance. Please enter the details:"
            $InstanceConfig = New-Instance
            Set-CurrentInstance -Instance $InstanceConfig.Name
            return $InstanceConfig
        Write-Error "Get-Instance: End of file - you shouldn't end up down here."